
Press conference to present the second session of the SynodPress conference to present the second session of the Synod  (Vatican Media)


 カメルーン・ヤウンデ 発– アフリカの神学者たちは、”ポストコロニアル国家”(第二次大戦後にアフリカの西欧の植民地から独立した国々)が「貪欲、部族主義、セクショナリズム、そして氏族主義の文化」を助長していると批判してきた。







 そして、「貪欲、汚職、部族主義は普遍的な傾向であり、アフリカに限ったものではありません。ですから、アフリカも、それらに苦しめられている他の人々がしてきたように、これらの悪徳に取り組むことができるのです… 欧州諸国は持続可能な成長のために、そうした取り組みができた。政治的意志と道徳的な勇気があれば、アフリカも同じことができるのです」と強調した。

 そのうえで、ロラプウ神父は、「アフリカの”シノドス教会”実現への障害は、植民地主義の遺産と結びついているだけでなく、文化的および言語的多様性、家父長制のイデオロギー、および社会経済的現実の働きでもあります」とし、「アフリカ人の豊かな文化遺産と言語の多様性は、アフリカのシノドス教会にとって依然として”脅威”であり、シノダリティ(共働性)ではなくコミュニケーションの障壁となっている… これはナイジェリアの教会に影響を及ぼし、一部の地域では”部族教会”に矮小化されています」と指摘した。



 「『家父長制の文化』と『聖職者主義」、そして特に『位階制主義』が、一般信徒の賜物を認識し、聖霊が彼らに語りかけることを妨げ、第二バチカン公会議が主張し、聖職者を一般信徒の奉仕者と見なすことを妨げています… 貪欲、部族主義、腐敗はアフリカの問題であり、ヒエラルキーの相対的な沈黙によって助けられるのではなく、公益のために働く代わりに一党の機嫌を取る一部のヒエラルキーの厚かましい党派心によって、一般信徒を裏切っている」と、CRUXに語った。






(2024.9.2  Crux Staff)

Italian priest’s exit for wife, unborn child renews celibacy debate

 ローマ発 – 過去20年間イタリアで過ごしてきたスロバキア人の司祭が、「狂おしいほど」愛し合っている女性と結婚するために司祭職を辞した。女性との間には、重度の心臓病と診断された子どもが生まれる予定だという。

 この司祭は、北イタリアのアルバ教区のトマス・フラバティ神父(44)。 教区長のマルコ・ブルネッティ司教が1日に発表し、司祭職を離れ一般信徒に戻ることになる同神父の「優れた透明性と責任感」を称えた。




 「司祭であることに喜びを感じ、周りの人々が大好きでした… 司祭職を退いても真の友情が続くことを確信しています」と語り、これまでの活動の中で女性と恋に落ち、女性は妊娠し、12月に出産の予定。胎児は出生前診断で重度の心臓欠陥があることが判明し、出産後に一連の複雑な手術が必要になるというが、彼と妻となる女性は「子供に『人生』という素晴らしい世界を発見する機会を与えること」を決意している、という。

 地元メディアによると、フラバティ氏は過去2か月間、教区を離れており、理由は不明の健康問題を抱えているが、現在、彼と女性は家族を支えるために仕事を探す予定だという。フラバティ氏は「(子育ての)経験が非常に限られていても、良い父親になりたい… 子供が生まれることは、男性にとって最も素晴らしいニュースです。全力を尽くします」と述べている。



・・Cruxは、カトリック専門のニュース、分析、評論を網羅する米国のインターネット・メディアです。 2014年9月に米国の主要日刊紙の一つである「ボストン・グローブ」 (欧米を中心にした聖職者による幼児性的虐待事件摘発のきっかけとなった世界的なスクープで有名。映画化され、日本でも全国上映された)の報道活動の一環として創刊されました。現在は、米国に本拠を置くカトリック団体とパートナーシップを組み、多くのカトリック関係団体、機関、個人の支援を受けて、バチカンを含め,どこからも干渉を受けない、独立系カトリック・メディアとして世界的に高い評価を受けています。「カトリック・あい」は、カトリック専門の非営利メディアとして、Cruxが発信するニュース、分析、評論の日本語への翻訳、転載について了解を得て、掲載しています。
 Crux is dedicated to smart, wired and independent reporting on the Vatican and worldwide Catholic Church. That kind of reporting doesn’t come cheap, and we need your support. You can help Crux by giving a small amount monthly, or with a onetime gift. Please remember, Crux is a for-profit organization, so contributions are not tax-deductible.


(2024.8.23 Crux  Contributor   Eduardo Campos Lima)

 サンパウロ発 –10月の世界代表司教会議(シノドス)総会の第二会期を前に、ブラジル司教協議会のアマゾン特別司教委員会(CEA)が主催し、汎アマゾン教会ネットワーク(REPAM)とアマゾン教会協議会(CEAMA)の代表が参加する会議が19日から22日にかけてブラジルのマナウスで開かれ、5年前に開かれたアマゾン地域シノドスを基にした今後の取り組みについて協議した。










・・Cruxは、カトリック専門のニュース、分析、評論を網羅する米国のインターネット・メディアです。 2014年9月に米国の主要日刊紙の一つである「ボストン・グローブ」 (欧米を中心にした聖職者による幼児性的虐待事件摘発のきっかけとなった世界的なスクープで有名。映画化され、日本でも全国上映された)の報道活動の一環として創刊されました。現在は、米国に本拠を置くカトリック団体とパートナーシップを組み、多くのカトリック関係団体、機関、個人の支援を受けて、バチカンを含め,どこからも干渉を受けない、独立系カトリック・メディアとして世界的に高い評価を受けています。「カトリック・あい」は、カトリック専門の非営利メディアとして、Cruxが発信するニュース、分析、評論の日本語への翻訳、転載について了解を得て、掲載しています。
 Crux is dedicated to smart, wired and independent reporting on the Vatican and worldwide Catholic Church. That kind of reporting doesn’t come cheap, and we need your support. You can help Crux by giving a small amount monthly, or with a onetime gift. Please remember, Crux is a for-profit organization, so contributions are not tax-deductible.





(2024.8.20 カトリック・あい)

 アジア司教協議会連盟(FABC)が20日までに明らかにしたところによると、FABCは10月の世界代表司教会議(シノドス)総会第2会期に向けて、シノドス専門のウエブサイトhttp://synodalityasia.net を開設した。

 FABCの Office of Social Communications(OSC)の声明によると、このサイトは、”シノドスの道”のアジアにおける歩みに関する情報をまとめ発信するのが狙い。バチカンの関連公式文書の現地語翻訳や解説、シノドスの道に関するアジアの信者たちの声を共有することに努める。

またFABC. OSCのメンバーであるトーマス・ドソウザ大司教は、「このウェブサイトはバチカンとアジアの教会を結びつけ、関係する聴衆と情報を共有するための架け橋です」と述べた。


  FABC OSC は、アジアにおけるシノドス関連のニュース、イベント、リソースの最新情報を入手するために、シノドス アジアの Web サイトにアクセスし、ソーシャル メディア チャネルをフォローするよう、すべての人に呼びかけている。


• Web サイト: https://synodalityasia.net/ • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/synod.asia/ • YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@SYNODASIA

• X: https://x.com/synodasia  • Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/synodasia

投稿用コンテンツの送信先: info@synodalityasia.net




(2024.8.19 カトリック・あい)
 カトリック系のインターネット・メディアCNA がこのほど バチカン発で報じたところによると、バチカンのシノドス事務局が公式のX(旧ツイッター)で、10月に第2会期を予定する世界代表司教会議(シノドス)総会をどう評価するかについての調査を7月26に実施、即日、その結果を掲載してわずか1日、27日にその内容を消去した。 第2会期の協議に悪影響を及ぼすオンライン投票を迅速に削除したことで、オンライン評論家から批判を受けている。(Vatican office deletes online poll showing negative response to Synod on Synodality | Catholic News Agency)





 Xユーザーで、伝統と改革ローマ典礼の典礼を比較するプロジェクトに取り組んでいる英国のカトリック教徒であるマシュー・ヘイゼル(@MPHazell)は、投稿の削除を批判し、「ああ、@Synod_va の #synodality に関する投票が削除された!あまり #synodal らしくないですね…」と嘆く。





(2024.8.2 Crux  Senior Correspondent   Elise Ann Allen)













・・Cruxは、カトリック専門のニュース、分析、評論を網羅する米国のインターネット・メディアです。 2014年9月に米国の主要日刊紙の一つである「ボストン・グローブ」 (欧米を中心にした聖職者による幼児性的虐待事件摘発のきっかけとなった世界的なスクープで有名。映画化され、日本でも全国上映された)の報道活動の一環として創刊されました。現在は、米国に本拠を置くカトリック団体とパートナーシップを組み、多くのカトリック関係団体、機関、個人の支援を受けて、バチカンを含め,どこからも干渉を受けない、独立系カトリック・メディアとして世界的に高い評価を受けています。「カトリック・あい」は、カトリック専門の非営利メディアとして、Cruxが発信するニュース、分析、評論の日本語への翻訳、転載について了解を得て、掲載しています。
 Crux is dedicated to smart, wired and independent reporting on the Vatican and worldwide Catholic Church. That kind of reporting doesn’t co


Deacon Willard Witherspoon distributes Communion during Mass at St. Peter Claver Church in Baltimore in this 2016 file photo. (Credit: Bob Roller/CNS.)

(2024.7.31 Crux  Africa Correspondent   Ngala Killian Chimtom)

African Church reflects on the possibility of ordaining women as deacons カメルーン、ヤウンデ発 – 世界のカトリック教会が今年 10 月の世界代表司教会議(シノドス)総会・第2会期に向けて準備を進める中、アフリカの教会は、アフリカにおける女性の助祭叙階の可能性について検討している。





 また既婚男性を助祭に叙階することの是非についての議論も行われ、 ナイジェリアのオグブエフィのトニー・ナチェッタ氏は、「既婚者を助祭職に任命することは、特に家父長制のナイジェリアでは”立ち入り禁止区域”です。ナイジェリアに最初のカトリック司祭は来たのは1885年頃。その後1世紀以上にわたるカトリック教会の特徴の1つは『独身男性が司祭になること』でした。ですから、既婚男性の助祭叙階について公けに議論し始めれば、”嵐”以上のものになるでしょう」と主張。 ナイジェリアは既婚男性の助祭を受け入れる準備ができていない、ましてや既婚男性の司祭など受け入れる準備ができていない」と述べた。

 だが、その一方、南アフリカのような国では、既婚男性の助祭がおり、ネイピア枢機卿は 「私には既婚の助祭になっている兄がいるので、非常に近い経験からお話できます。兄は今は引退していますが、彼は、司祭が司祭職でなければできない職務を行えるよう、結婚準備などの職務を代行していました」と説明した。


・・Cruxは、カトリック専門のニュース、分析、評論を網羅する米国のインターネット・メディアです。 2014年9月に米国の主要日刊紙の一つである「ボストン・グローブ」 (欧米を中心にした聖職者による幼児性的虐待事件摘発のきっかけとなった世界的なスクープで有名。映画化され、日本でも全国上映された)の報道活動の一環として創刊されました。現在は、米国に本拠を置くカトリック団体とパートナーシップを組み、多くのカトリック関係団体、機関、個人の支援を受けて、バチカンを含め,どこからも干渉を受けない、独立系カトリック・メディアとして世界的に高い評価を受けています。「カトリック・あい」は、カトリック専門の非営利メディアとして、Cruxが発信するニュース、分析、評論の日本語への翻訳、転載について了解を得て、掲載しています。
 Crux is dedicated to smart, wired and independent reporting on the Vatican and worldwide Catholic Church. That kind of reporting doesn’t come cheap, and we need your support. You can help Crux by giving a small amount monthly, or with a onetime gift. Please remember, Crux is a for-profit organization, so contributions are not tax-deductible.



世界代表司教会議第16回通常総会「宣教するシノダル(共働的)な教会はどうあるべきか」の第2会期(2024年10月)のための「討議要綱」 2024.7.9












第1部 – 関係






第2部 – 道筋




第3部 – 場所





【結びに 】 世界の中のシノダル(共働的)教会




 「万軍の主はこの山で すべての民のために祝宴を催される。それは脂の乗った肉の祝宴 熟成したぶどう酒の祝宴。 髄の多い脂身とよく濾されて熟成したぶどう酒。 主はこの山で すべての民の顔を覆うベールとすべての国民にかぶせられている覆いを破り 死を永遠に呑み込んでくださる。 主なる神はすべての顔から涙を拭い その民の恥をすべての地から消し去ってくださる。確かに、主は語られた」(イザヤ書25章6~8節=日本語訳は「聖書協会・共同訳」より)



 「神の民全体が福音の告知の担い手です。洗礼を受けたすべての人は宣教の主人公となるよう召されています。なぜなら、私たちは皆、宣教する弟子だからです」(国際神学委員会「教会の活動と使命におけるシノダリティ」=ITC、第53項)。この再生は、御言葉と聖礼典を通して聖霊によって集められた教会(第二バチカン公会議「教会における司教の司牧任務に関する教令」=CD 11項参照)において表現され、意味に飢え、交わりと連帯を渇望する世界に、教会が絶えず経験する救いを告げ知らせます。主はこの世のために、その山で宴会を準備しておられます。




 第2バチカン公会議は、「すべての人は、世の光であるキリストとの一致に招かれています。 私たちはキリストから出、キリストによって生き、キリストに向かって人生を歩んでいます」(「教会に関する教義憲章第3項)。シノドスの旅の中心にあるのは、教会の生きた伝統の中に保たれている主の約束と招きをすべての人に伝え、私たちの中にある復活した主の存在を認識し、聖霊の働きの多くの実りを歓迎するという、古くて常に新しい願いです。






 2021年10月9日~10日にバチカンで 会議(「カトリック・あい」注*世界の司教協議会代表、バチカンの幹部、修道会代表、信徒団体代表、青年評議会代表などが出席して、”Synodal Path(シノドスの道)”の始まりに当たっての祈り、共同祈願などによる全体集会と言語別グループに分かれた会議)が開かれた後、世界中の現地教会は、さまざまなペースとさまざまな方法で、最初の「耳を傾ける」段階に着手しました。



 第 16 回シノドス通常総会の第 1 会期 (2023 年 10 月) で、次の段階が開始されました。この段階では、聖霊が私たちに求めている歩みを「祈りと対話」で識別するために、この「耳を傾ける」ことによる成果を積極的に受け入れました。この段階はシノドス総会の第2会期 (2024 年 10 月) の終了まで続き、教皇は現地教会によるさらなる実施に備えてこれらの成果を生かされます。

 第 2 会期の準備は、必然的に第1会期の総括文書 で提示されたその結果に基づいて行われます。シノドスの道全体の歩みの特徴である循環性と一致し、第 2会期の作業に明確な視点を提供するために、「宣教におけるシノダル(共働的)な教会になるにはどうすればよいか」という問いに導かれて、現地教会とのさらなる協議が行われました。



 第 2 会期の会議のための討議要綱の起草は、大半の(各国、地域の)司教協議会とその大陸レベルの連合体、東方カトリック教会、司教協議会に属さない教区、ローマ教皇庁の部局、修道会の総長、その国際連盟から寄せられた問いに対する回答、世界中から寄せられた経験と優れた実践の証言、そして世界中の大学、信徒団体、共同体、個人など約 200 のグループの意見を踏まえて、なされました。この討議要綱は、世界中の神の民の活動に根ざしています。


 北米司教協議会は、「このシノドスの旅に対する感謝は深いものです。米国の教会の仲間として、“シノドスの道”を進むために多くのことがなされました。教皇フランシスコの『出会いの文化』という概念を念頭に置き、緊張は残っており、継続的な考察と対話が必要です。これらの緊張が教会の愛の交わりを乱す必要はありません」(EC USA)と述べています。彼らはまた、(注:シノドスの道の歩みには)まだ長い道のりがあることを私たちに思い起させます。



 ある欧州の司教協議会では、「(このことを踏まえて) 5 年間のシノドス試験段階を実施することを決定しました。世界代表司教会議(シノドス)の協議、対話、識別、意思決定、意思決定の形式は、国レベルで開発、評価、改良され、教区の経験と普遍教会におけるシノダリティ(共働性)の発展が考慮されることになります。私たちは、困難ではあるが重要な学習の旅の始まりにいます」と述べています。また、現地教会とその旅の価値、彼らが担う豊かさ、そして彼らの声を聞く必要性に対する深い認識が示されています。









 バチカンの法制省との合意をもとに、シノドスに奉仕する教会法委員会が設立されました。最後に、第 1会期の会議の要請 (総括文書 16q 参照) に従い、2024 年 4 月 25 日、アフリカおよびマダガスカル司教協議会は、「アフリカの教会にとっての一夫多妻制の神学的および牧会的影響を見極めるための特別委員会」の設置を発表しました。









 これまでの旅で浮かび上がったその他の問いは、現地教会レベルや 10 の研究グループで、他の方法で継続される作業の主題となっています。第1会期と第2会期の2つのセッションは、切り離すことも、対立することもできません。二つは連続しており、何よりも、使徒憲章「エピスコパリス・コムニオ」が述べているように、2024 年 10 月末に終わることのない、より広範なプロセスの一部なのです。





 これらのセクションのそれぞれが、第2 会期の作業を構成するモジュールで、祈り、交わり、識別の対象となります。参加者たちは、共に歩むよう求められている道において、「自分の貢献を、絶対的または確実なものとしてではなく、他者への贈り物として提供」するよう求められます (SR序文)。これを基に、プロセス全体に関する最終文書が起草され、教皇に講じられるべき措置に関する提案が提示されます。


 第2 会期の会議での、教会全体に求める回心と改革の道の途中で、他の提案も出てくるでしょう。これまでの”シノドスの道“の成果の中には、対話と識別を通じて、問題に共に取り組む方法を経験し、学んだことが含まれます。私たちはまだ宣教的なシノダルな教会になる方法を学んでいる最中ですが、それは私たちが喜びをもって取り組むことのできる仕事だということを学んでいます。






    討議要綱のこの部分では、宣教するシノダル(共働的)な教会のビジョンの基礎を概説し、教会の神秘に対する理解を深めていただこうと思います。教会論に関する論文ではなく、10 月のシノドス総会第2会期で行われる特定の識別作業に役立つようにすることが目的です。









1.父、子、聖霊の名による洗礼は、神の民の神秘的で躍動的で共同体的なアイデンティティを生み出します。それは、主イエスが私たちに先立っておられる人生の豊かさと、すべての男女が自由のうちに救いの賜物を受け入れるよう招く使命へと、私たちを導きます(マタイ福音書2818-19 参照)。洗礼において、イエスは私たちをご自身で覆い、ご自身のアイデンティティと使命を私たちと共有してくださいます(ガラテヤの信徒への手紙327 節参照)。







3.シノドスの道の歩みは、さまざまな状況と文化の中で神の国への旅を歩む「あらゆる部族、言語、民族、国民から教会が集まった」(202310月シノドス総会第一会期総括文書=SR5) 神の民であることの意味について、私たちの中に深い認識を育んできました。


信仰と洗礼を通してこの民に組み入れられた私たちは、「旅する神の民にとって確かな希望と慰めのしるし」(第二バチカン公会議「教会に関する教義憲章」=LG 68) である聖母マリア、使徒たち、命を捧げるほどに信仰を証しした人々、そして私たちの前を進んだ聖人たちに付き添われています。



4.「諸民族の光はキリストであり」(LG 1項)、この光は教会の顔を照らします。教会は「キリストにおけるいわば秘跡、すなわち神と親密な交わりと全人類一致のしるし、道具」(同)であり、教会は月のように、反射光で輝きます。


 そうすることで、教会は自分自身を宣べ伝えるのではなく、「主なるキリスト・イエス」を宣べ伝えるのです(「コリントの信徒への手紙」2・45節)。もしそうでなかったら、教会はキリストにおける「秘跡」としての(LG 1 参照)存在を失い、教会自身のアイデンティティと存在意義も失うでしょう。キリストにおける完全な一致への道(同)において、教会は、世界における神の国の秘跡なのです。










7.「シノダリティ」は、「教会の通常の生き方と働き方のなかに表れているべきです。この生き方と働き方の様式は、御言葉を聴き感謝の祭儀を祝う共同体の中で働き、また様々な奉仕職と役割にそれぞれの違いはあるとしてもすべての次元で、兄弟姉妹の一致や生活と派遣におけるすべての神の民の共同責任と参加に見られるべきものです」(ibid.)。 そしてこの「シノダリティ」という言葉は、教会のシノダルな性格がその制度の次元で表現されている教会の諸構造と諸過程を示しており、その結果、相応しい権威によって教会が招集される特別の出来事を差しています(cf.ibid)。





















13. 私たちが人間として直面する最初の違いは、男女間にあります。キリスト者としての私たちの召命は、この神から与えられた違いを敬い、世界のためのしるしとして、教会の中でダイナミックな関係的互恵性を生きることです。シノドスの観点からこのビジョンを考察する中で、あらゆる段階で寄せられた報告は、教会生活のすべての領域におけるこの相互関係をよりよく敬うために、女性のカリスマ、召命、役割をより十分に認識する必要性を強調しました。








15. いくつもの司教協議会からの報告では、女性が教会生活の多くの分野に参与できることを認めています。しかし、これらの参与の可能性は、しばしば未開拓のままであることも指摘されています。だからこそ、彼らは、10月のシノドス総会第2会期が、小教区、教区、及びその他の教会内の実態の中で、責任ある立場を含むこれらの可能性を十分に活用し、さらに発展させようとする意識を促し、また、奨励することを提案しています。また、私たちの時代の司牧的ニーズに応え、聖霊が女性に注がれるカリスマと賜物をよりよく表現する聖職的と司牧的様式のさらなる探求も求めています。




(ロ)教会の識別及び意思決定の過程のすべての段階 (起草及び意思決定) への、女性のより広範な参与。







18.  上に述べた要求の多くは、教会生活への参与の欠如がしばしば嘆かれる信徒たちにも当てはまります。一般的に、女性の役割に関する考察は、男女信徒  によって行使されるすべての奉仕活動を強化したい、という願いが強調されることが多くなります。また、十分な訓練を受けた男女の信徒が、ミサ聖祭の際を含め、神の御言葉の説教に貢献することを求める声もあります



19. イエスは回心への呼びかけをもって公の宣教活動を始められました(「マルコ福音書」1章15節参照)。この呼びかけは、個人と共同体の生き方を再考し、聖霊によって自分自身を変容させるようにという招きを表しています。いかなる改革も構造的なものだけに留まることはできず、「キリストの心」(「フィリピの信徒への手紙」2章5節)に従った内面の変革に根ざしたものでなければなりません。


20.  教会のシノダル(共働的)様式は、人類に多くの重要な洞察を提供します。不平等の拡大、伝統的な統制仕組みに対する幻滅の高まり、民主主義に対する不満、人間の相互作用における市場モデル(*金融用語:収益・利益分析)的な支配力、そして対話ではなく力によって紛争を解決しようとする誘惑が顕著な現代において、シノダリティは私たちの社会の未来に激励を与えることができます。その魅力は、それが経営戦略ではなく、感謝の精神をもって生き、祝うべき実践であるという事実に由来します。



21. ”シノドスの道”の歩みのあらゆる段階で、教会と社会における癒し、和解、信頼回復の必要性が強く主張されました。この癒しと回復の道を歩むことは、私たちの世界における神の民の宣教の使命的献身であり、私たちが天から呼び起こさなければならない賜物です。この道をさらに歩むという願いは、シノダルの刷新の実りです。







第1部 – 関係







キリストと聖霊において: キリスト教の入信





23. 宣教におけるシノダル(共働的)教会の本質を理解するには、この三位一体の基盤、特に「人類の歴史と教会におけるキリストの働きと聖霊の働きの切っても切れないつながり」を理解することが不可欠です。「信じる者のうちに住み、教会全体を満たし、支配する聖霊こそが、信者のすばらしい交わりをもたらすのです。





24. 聖職のシノダリティ(共働性)は、一方ではキリスト教の入信儀式に根ざしていますが、他方では、神の民が入信の儀式の旅をどのように生き、それを真の意味で自分たちのものにするかを明らかにしなければなりません。このためには、キリストに従うことや聖霊の生活と十分に結びついていない、静的で個人主義的な入信の儀式のビジョンを克服し、ダイナミックで変革的な価値を取り戻すことが含まれます。

 初期教会では、キリスト教徒たちは、創世記の「(第六日目に)神は言われた。『我々のかたちに、我々の姿に人を造ろう』(創世記 1章26節)という言葉を読み、関係のダイナミズムが創造の人類学に刻み込まれていることを理解しました。受肉した御子のかたちに、そして似姿のかたちに、順応の漸進的な可能性、キリストと共にありキリストに似た者となることを選ぶ自由、という価値ある“胸躍る体験”の現れを見ました。















30. 近年、教会生活に長く存在してきた特定の奉仕形態は、朗読者奉仕職や侍者奉仕職を含む「制定奉仕職」として新たな形態をとっています(2021年1月10日の自発教令「Spiritus Domini」参照)。カテキスタの制定奉仕職も発展しました(2021年5月10日の自発教令「Antiquum ministerium」参照)。

 制定奉仕職は、適切な識別と十分な教育の後、特別な儀式を通じて生涯に一度、司教によって男女に授与されます。その遂行の時期と方法は、正当な権威からの命令によって定められなければなりません。教会奉仕の特定の形態に関する神学的および教会法上の問題、特に教会の生活と指導における女性の必要な参加の問題は、教理省に委ねられ、シノドス事務局(研究グループ 5)との対話の中で検討されました。


31. すべてのカリスマが奉仕の形態をとるわけではありませんが、すべての奉仕は、神の民の特定のメンバーに与えられたカリスマに基づいています。これらのメンバーは、共同体の各人がキリストの体を造り上げる(「エフェソの信徒への手紙」 4章12節 参照)相互奉仕に参加できるように、さまざまな方法で行動するよう求められています。


 第二バチカン公会議は、司牧者の任務は「信者の奉仕職とカリスマを認め、全員が一致して、各自のやり方で、共通の任務に協力できるようにする」ことであると教えています (「教会に関する教義憲章」30項)。カリスマと奉仕職の識別は、本来、教会の行為です。カリスマと奉仕職を認識し、促進するために、司教は、個々の信者、コミュニティ、参加団体など、関係者全員の声に耳を傾ける義務があります。

 この目的のために、さまざまな状況に適した手順を特定する必要がありますが、識別の基準と結果について真の合意が得られるように常に注意する必要があります。 (今年春開かれた)「シノドス総会第二期に向けた教区司祭による国際会議」は、これらの必要性を強く強調しています。

32. また、「聖霊の働きに対する信頼を深め、受け取って歓迎した賜物を、さまざまな地域の状況にふさわしい方法で教会の使命に役立てる方法を見極める勇気と創造性を高めるよう呼びかけること」も強調されています。

 まさにさまざまな状況、したがってコミュニティのニーズがあるからこそ、現地教会は、司牧者の指導のもと、また「それぞれの広範な社会的、文化的地域」(第二バチカン公会議「教会の宣教活動に関する教令」22項) のグループのもと、謙虚さと自信をもって、司牧と社会のニーズに応えるためにどの奉仕職を認識し、委ね、または設立したらいいのか、という「創造的な識別」に取り組む必要があります。


33. これまでの(”シノドスの道“の)歩みは、シノドス教会とは耳を傾け、歓迎し、寄り添うことができ、家や家族として認識される教会であるという認識につながりました。さまざまな理由で教会共同体から排除されたり、疎外されたり、疎外されたと感じたり、教会共同体の中で自分の尊厳や才能を十分に認めてもらえずに苦労している人々に関するニーズが、すべての大陸で生じています。歓迎されないことで、彼らは拒絶されたと感じ、信仰の旅や主との出会いが妨げられ、教会は宣教への貢献を奪われます。

34. 傾聴と随伴の奉仕を公認し、適切な制度を設けることが適切と思われます。そうすれば、シノダル(共働的)教会のこの特徴が、永続的で具体的な現実になります。教会共同体には「開かれた扉」が必要であり、人々が脅威を感じたり、批判されたりすることなく入ることができるようにすることです。





35. 神の民の中での叙階された聖職者の活動に関して、”シノドスの道“のこれまでの歩みから対照的なデータが出てきました。



36. 「シノドス総会第2会期に向けた教区司祭の国際会議」では、この疲労を、司教と司祭が共通の奉仕において真に共に歩むことの難しさと関連付けられました。したがって、宣教的なシノダル教会での聖職者の職務の再構想は、一貫性をもつ要請であるだけでなく、これらの重荷から解放される機会でもあります。ただ、その場合、効果的な実践の転換を伴い、それによって聖職者と他の信徒に変化とそこから生じる利益が明らかにされる必要があります。



37. 第二バチカン公会議文書では、聖職は教会の存在そのもののために教会内で奉仕することを第一に考えられています。公会議はその権威によって、初期教会の聖職の形態を復活させました。この聖職は「種々の聖職位階において、古代から司教、司祭、助祭と呼ばれる人々によって行使されている」(「教会憲章」=LG 28項)ものです。この表現では、司教職と司祭職は、教会共同体の牧者であり、頭であるキリストの司祭職への特別な参加に相当し、助祭職は「司祭職のためではなく、奉仕職のため」(LG 29)です。


38. 司教は、教会を司祭する任務を負っており、教会内の目に見える一致の原理であり、すべての教会との交わりの絆です。司教の奉仕職の独自性には、固有で、通常で、直接的な権力が伴い、各司教はキリストの名において個人的に、御言葉の告知、聖体およびその他の秘跡の執行の司祭、司牧指導という権力を行使します(LG 27項参照)。これは、司教が神の民から委ねられた部分(第二バチカン公会議「教会における司教の司牧任務に関する教令」=CD 11項 参照)から離れることを意味するものではなく、司教は善き羊飼いであるキリストの名において奉仕するよう召されているのです。

 「聖職の秘跡の完全性は、司教の奉献によって授けられる」(LG 21項)という事実は、他のすべてのカリスマと奉仕の源泉である特権の集積として考えられている「君主制」の司教職を正当化するものではありません。それは聖霊が洗礼を受けた男女とさまざまな共同体に注ぐすべての賜物を、一致して集め、構成する能力と義務を肯定するものです。司教職候補者の選考基準を含む司教職の特定の側面は、研究グループ 7 によって取り上げられています。

39. 司祭の奉仕職もまた、シノドスの意味で考えられ、実践されるべきである。特に司祭は、神の民の一部である地方教会(CD 11 項参照)に奉仕するために、「司教とともに一つの司祭団を構成する」(LG 28)。これは、司教を司祭団の外部の者とみなすのではなく、まず第一に、司祭団を司祭団の長として、司祭団に特別な配慮をするよう召されている者としてみなすことを求めています。

40. 司教と司祭は、使徒的奉仕の実施のために、2 種類の奉仕職の相互依存の絆の中で助祭によって支援されます。司教と司祭は助祭に関して自立しているわけではなく、助祭も司教と司祭に関して自立しているわけではありません。伝統、典礼の祈り、第二バチカン公会議後の実践が示すように、助祭の機能は多岐にわたるため、現地教会それぞれの特殊性と特異性に関係する必要があります。いずれにせよ、各助祭の奉仕は、助祭の奉仕の性質に従い、またシノダル(共働的)教会の宣教の枠組みの中で、他のすべての助祭の奉仕と調和し、交わりをもって考えられなければなりません。

41. 現地教会の一致を促進することに加え、教区司教あるいは東方教会の司教管区司教は、司祭と助祭の助けを得て、他の現地教会およびローマ司教を中心とする全教会との関係において、相互の賜物の交換に責任を負っている。司教であることと現地教会の司祭であることとの伝統的なつながりを再構築し、司教の交わり(communio episcoporum)と教会の交わり(communio Ecclesiarum)との対応を回復することは重要です。



42. シノダリティ(共働性)は、人々、共同体、団体のネットワーク、そして教会間の効果的な賜物の交換と世界との福音宣教の対話を可能にする一連のプロセスを通して実行されます。洗礼を受けた者として、カリスマ、召命、奉仕の多様性の中で、また教会間の賜物の交換の中で共に歩むことは、一方ではますます強固な相互関係を経験し、他方では無償のものを軽視する商業文化に浸っている今日の世界にとって重要な秘跡のしるしです。

43. 公会議によれば、教会はその普遍性のゆえに「個々の部分は、自分に固有な賜物を他の部分と全教会に提供」(LG 13項)します。そして「教会の種々異なる部分の間には、霊的な富、使徒的働き手、物質的援助に関して、親密な交わりの絆が存在する。神の民の成員は、善を分かち合うよう招かれており、使徒の次の言葉は個々の教会にも当てはまる。『あなたがたは、それぞれが賜物を授かっているのですから、神のさまざまな恵みの善い管理者として、その賜物を用いて互いに仕えなさい』(新約聖書「ペトロの手紙1・4章10節)」(同)。

44. 司教協議会は、支配欲や優位性を主張することなく、唯一無二のカトリック教会を構成する教会間で連帯の精神で財産が共有されることを望んでいます。豊かな教会がある一方で大きな苦難に見舞われる教会があるのは問題です。教会のグループ化を含め、互いのつながりを促進し、支援ネットワークを形成するための取り決めを行うことが提案されます。

45. すべての現地教会は、一つの教会の交わりの中で受け取り、与え合います。財政的および物質的資源の支援を必要とする教会もあれば、生きた信仰の証しと最も貧しい人々への愛ある奉仕によって豊かになる教会もあります。他の民族に福音を伝えることに生涯を捧げる福音宣教者の助けを、何よりも必要とする教会もあります。特に、mission ad gentesに携わる司祭、助祭、修道者、信徒の寛大さが認識され、求められています。

46. 現地教会は、霊的、典礼的、神学的な賜物の交換、そして共通の家の保護や移民の動きなど、世界的に重要な社会問題についてのより大きな共通の証しの希望を表明しています。


47. 特に、シノダル教会は、賜物の交換の観点から人間の移動の現実に取り組むよう求められています。これは、都市や近隣、小教区、司教区、または教区の日常生活の具体的な状況において、教会間の出会いの機会となり得ます。そのように、“シノドスの道”はコミュニティの経験に根ざします。分かれた状態にあるラテン伝統の教会と東方教会の出会いと賜物の交換の可能性に特に注意を払う必要があります。研究グループ 1 はこのテーマに取り組んでいます。

48. 教会間の賜物の交換は、暴力、迫害、信教の自由の欠如が特徴的な状況で行われます。実際、一部の教会は生き残りをかけて奮闘し、他の教会との連帯を求めながら、福音に反する事象との絶え間ない遭遇と、歴史を通じて主の弟子たちが直面した迫害の成果である富を共有し続けています。


49. 「賜物の交換」という概念は、他の教会や教会共同体との関係において特に重要な意味を持っています。聖ヨハネ・パウロ2世は、この概念をエキュメニカルな対話に適用しました。「対話は単なる考えの交換ではありません。ある意味では常に『賜物の交換』なのです」(1995年5月の回勅「Ut unum sint(すべての人をひとつに)=UUS 28項)。


50. 宗教間および文化間の対話は、シノドスの旅の外にあるものではなく、「どの時代、どの民族においても、神を畏れ、正義を行う人はすべて、神に受け入れられる」(「教会憲章」9項、使徒言行録10章35節参照)という教えをもとに、「より緊密な関係を築こう」という呼びかけの一部です。したがって賜物の交換は、キリスト教会に限定されません。なぜなら、真のカトリック(の普遍性)は視野を広げ、他の文化や宗教的伝統に存在する命、平和、正義、そして総合的な人間の発展を促進する要素を受け入れる意欲を、求めるからです。

第2部 道筋








51 .  「洗礼を受けたそれぞれの人は、主の賜物に応えて自分自身の養成に努め、受けた才能を実り、それをすべての人に奉仕するために活用するよう求められている」(「2023年10月世界代表司教会議(シノドス)第16回通常総会・第1会期総括文書)=SR14項a)。


52 .  多くの人にとって、シノダルな集りに参加することは、シノドスの理解と実践において養われる機会となっています。これは、洗礼の尊厳の意味、または聖霊が神の民に賜物として授ける「超自然的な信仰の感覚」(「教会憲章」=LG 12項)をよりよく理解したい、という強い願望を引き出しました。ですから、まず必要なのは、聖霊が教会の中でどのように働き、歴史を通じて教会を導いているか、についての知識をより深く養うことです。

53.  文脈のない宣教がないように、「特定の文化と独自の歴史を持つ特定の場所に根ざさない教会」はありません。それが、抽象的な養成の取り組みを思い描くことが不可能な理由です。これらは、現地教会とその集団、司教協議会、および同等の東方教会の階層構造によって定義されるべきです。したがって、この文書は、シノダリティ(共働性)に関する養成のいくつかのガイドラインと基本的な特徴を示すことに限定され、特定の場所の特定の状況、文化、伝統を考慮して、実践する必要があります。

54. 福音宣教におけるシノダル(共働的)教会は、聴く能力に基礎を置いています。そのために求められるのは、「教会の使命において誰もが”自給自足“でない」「誰もが貢献するものを持っており、他の人から学ぶことがある」と認識する必要があります。したがって、


 教会には、多様な文化と精神的伝統から生まれた、傾聴、対話、識別のための多様な方法があります。この多様な方法の育成と、それぞれの地域の状況の中でそれらの方法間の対話を促進することが必要です。この点で重要なのは、さまざまなタイプの貧困や疎外を経験する人々の声に耳を傾けることです。多くの現地教会は、「この課題に対する準備ができていない」と感じており、「特別な育成が必要だ」と報告しています。これは、研究グループ 2 の作業に委ねられたポイントの 1 つです。

55.  福音宣教におけるシノダリティ(共働性)の観点から見た養成の目的は、証人、すなわち「聖霊の力と共同責任と協力において教会の使命を引き受けることのできる男女」を養成することです (使徒言行録 1章8節参照)。養成はキリスト教入信のダイナミズムに基づいており、私たちの態度、関係、精神、構造を継続的に変革するプロセスを伴う、主との出会いの個人的な経験を促進することを目的としています。

 福音宣教の主体は常に教会であり、教会のメンバーはそれぞれ洗礼の効力により救いの証人であり、先駆者です。聖体は「キリスト教的生活全体の源泉であり頂点」であり (「教会憲章」=LG 11項)、シノダリティ(共働性)における養成の基本的な文脈の中にあります。


56. シノダル(共働的)教会では、養成が不可欠である、とされねばなりません。養成はさまざまな考え、信念、スキルを習得することだけでなく、共通の出会い、共有、協力、識別の能力を促進することも目的としています。ですから、養成は人間のすべての側面、つまり知性、感情、精神に関わるものである必要があります。純粋に理論的な養成にとどまらず、具体的な経験と意味のある寄り添いを伴わねばなりません。特に若者の間で広まっている“デジタル・カルチャー”を含む、現地のの教会が生き、活動している文化に関する知識を育むことも同様に重要です。研究グループ 3 の作業は、デジタル。カルチャーと、この分野における適切な養成の促進に焦点が置かれています。





58.   多種多様なカリスマを生み出す唯一の聖霊は、教会に命と神の真理をことごとく悟らせます(ヨハネ福音書10章10節、 16章13節 参照)。聖霊の継続的な臨在と働きによって、「使徒たちから伝わる伝統が、教会内で進歩する」(第二バチカン公会議「神の啓示に関する教義憲章」=DV 8)項)のです。

 聖霊の導きのおかげで、神の民はキリストの預言的役割を共有する者(同「教会に関する教義憲章=教会憲章」=LG 12項 参照)として、「神の臨在と目的の真のしるしを、現代の人々と共有する出来事、必要、願望の中に識別(同「現代世界における教会に関する司牧憲章=現代世界憲章」=GS 11項)します。

  この識別という教会の任務のために、聖霊はsensus fidei(信仰の感覚)」を授けてくれます。これは、「主が教会にお示しくださる新しい方法を識別する本能的な能力」(2015年10月17日の「世界代表司教会議(シノドス)創設50周年」における教皇フランシスコの講話)です。

59. 識別力は、個人レベルでそれに参加する人々、そして共同体レベルで一緒に参加する人々全員が、内なる自由の気質を培い、新しさに進取的で、「霊が諸教会に告げること」(新約聖書「ヨハネの黙示録 」2章7節)を聞くため、互いの声に耳を傾けるために、神の意志に信頼して、身を委ねることを約束します。


60. 私たちが共有する使命について、自分自身の視点を共有することが求められる限り、識別のプロセスは、交わり、使命、そして参加という具体的な方法で明示されます。つまり、「共に歩む」ということです。その際、共同体や社会の片隅にいる人々の関与に特別な注意を払いながら、識別のプロセスへの幅広い参加を促進することが重要です。

61. あらゆる教会の識別の出発点は「神の言葉を聞くこと」です。聖書は、神の、人への卓越したコミュニケーションの証言で構成されています。神がご自分の民に語りかけ、今も語り続けていることを証言し、人とのコミュニケーションのさまざまな経路を示しています。



  最後に、神はそれぞれの人の良心の中で語られますが、それは良心が「人間の最も秘められた中心であり、聖所であった、そこで人間は独り、神と共にあり、神の声が人間の内奥で響く」(「現代世界憲章」=GS 16項)からです。


62. 共同体の識別は単なる組織的な技術ではなく、キリストと聖霊のうちに生きる教会の生活と使命を位置づける厳しい実践なのです。このために、常に聖霊の声を聞きつつ、主イエスの名のもとに集められる、という意識と意志をもって行われなければなりません(マタイ福音書18章20節参照)。





65.  教会には、識別への多種多様なアプローチと、十分に確立した様々な手法があります。この多様性は豊富です。様々な状況に適切に合わせることができれば、この多様な取り組みを活用することは実り多いものになります。共通の利益のために、それぞれの特性やアイデンティティの堅固さを弱めることなく、実りある対話を行う必要があります。”シノドスの道“の歩みのすべて段階で明白になった「霊における対話」の実り多さは、この特定の教会識別の形態をシノダリティ(共働性)の実践に特に適していると考えるよう、私たちを促します。

66 .現地教会では、特に責任ある立場の人々の間で、識別の文化を広げ、育てる、養成の機会を提供することが不可欠です。同じくらい重要なのが、同伴者あるいは進行役の養成です。識別の取り組みを実行するうえで、彼らの貢献がしばしば決定的な役割を果たします。議論の的になっている教義、司牧、倫理に関する問題を共有して識別するための神学的基準およびシノダル(共働的)な手法の作成に取り組む研究グループ9の作業は、この方向で進められます。





68. こういった構想を実行に移すためには、このような意思決定プロセスがどのように形成されるかについて、じっくり考えることが役立ちます。後者には通常、関与と推敲(英語の用語によれば、decision-making=意思決定)の段階を伴い、「識別、協議、協力を合わせ用いることを通して」(ITC69項)、その後に下される決定に情報を提供し、支援しますが、その決定は最終的には、管轄当局(例えば、司教区または東方教会の司教管区における司教)の責任になります。


69. 多くの場合、現行法では、決定の前に当局は協議を行う義務がある、と規定されています。この教会協議は省くことはできず、「聞くこと」よりもはるかに重要です。協議が行われなかったかのように進めない義務が当局にはあるからです。

 協議に関する意見には拘束力がないので、当局は法律上の観点からは自由ですが、もし一般的な合意が成立した場合、納得のいく理由がない限り、合意した意見から逸脱することはありません(sine praevalent iratione=一般的理論的根拠: 1983年改訂の教会法典、教会法127条2項2)。もし管轄当局がそうした場合、協議対象者から孤立し、彼らを結びつけていた絆が損なわれることになります。教会において、権限の行使は専制的な意思の押しつけるものではなく、神の人々の一致に奉仕する役務として、聖霊が求めるものを共同で探求する緩和力となります。

70. シノダル(共働的)な教会において、司教、司教団、教皇の決定する責任は、奪うことのできないものです。それはキリストが設立した教会の位階構造に根差しているからです。しかし、それは無条件ではありません。適切な識別の成果として協議過程において生まれる方向性は、特に現地教会の参加団体が実行したのであれば、無視できません。


 ですから、協議と識別の間のいかなる対立も不適切で、教会においては、識別は全員の助けを借りて行われ、その職権により決定を下す司牧権なしに行われることは決してありません。この理由から、教会法典に繰り返し登場する「協議投票のみ」(tantum consultivum)という表現は、協議の価値を傷つけるものであり、修正される必要があります。

71. 状況の特殊性に合う、真にシノダル(共働的)な意思決定過程に命を吹き込むすべての可能性を広げられるかどうかは、現地教会にかかっています。これは重要かつ緊急の課題です。シノドスの成功は、これに大きくかかっているのです。具体的な変化がなければ、シノダル(共働的)な教会の構想は成功が見込めません。それでは”シノドスの道“の旅から、力と希望を得た神の民を疎外することになってしまうでしょう。世界の司教協議会の多くの報告が指摘しているように、特にそのことが当てはまるのは、起草および意思決定・決断過程における女性の効果的な参加です。

72. 協議、共同体の識別、シノダル(共働的)な意思決定のプロセスにおいて、参加者がすべての関連情報に効果的にアクセスし、理にかなった自分の意見を系統立てて説明できるようにすることが必要だ、ということを忘れてはなりません。








75. 現代では、教会内における教会による「透明性と説明責任」の要求は、財政上のスキャンダル、とどまることのない性的虐待、その他の未成年者や弱者への虐待などによる信頼性の喪失の結果として起きています。(注:このような問題に対する教会の聖職者たちの)「透明性と説明責任」の欠如は、(注;教会にいまだに存在する)「聖職者主義」を際立たせることになりました。それは、「聖職者は自分たちに与えられている権威の行使に対して、誰にも説明責任を負わない」という暗黙の思い込みがあるからです。

76. もしシノダル(共働的な)教会が「快適な場でありたい」と願うなら、説明責任と透明性は権威をもつ聖職者のレベルだけでなく、あらゆるレベルの活動の基本とならねばなりません。しかし、権威ある地位にいる人々は、この点に関してより大きな責任があります。「透明性と説明責任」は、性的虐待や経済的虐待に限ったものではありません。司牧方針、福音宣教のあり方、どのように教会が人々の尊厳を大切にするか、例えば、さまざまな組織や教会内での労働環境についても同様に配慮せねばなりません。

77. 「教会の上位の者に対する説明責任」は、何世紀にもわたって守られてきましたが、「共同体に対して権威を持つ者の説明責任」も、取り戻す必要があります。「透明性」は教会の権威の行使の特徴であらねばなりません。


78. 管理(規制)基準と仕組みに関する教会法の規範ですでに定められているものを順守するのに加えて、「透明性と説明責任」の果たし方の有効な形と手続きの構築は、現地教会、特にその集まり(教会管区、司教協議会、東方教会の位階制度)の状況に適した形で行なわれます。そして、それは民間の規制の枠組み、社会の期待、そしてその分野で専門性を実際に確保できることが条件になります。


79. 特にそれぞれのもつ状況に適切な形で、少なくとも次のことを保証する必要があると思われます。

a) 経済問題評議会が有効に機能すること。

b) 神の民を有効に機能させ、特に司牧や経済計画に関して最も有能なメンバーを受け入れること。

c) 可能な限り、外部の監査人が証明した年次財政報告書の(実際に入手可能な形での)準備と発行、それによって教会とその施設の資産と財源の管理を透明にすること。


e) 教会において果たされるすべての形の聖職の遂行、すべの役割の保持に関する定期的な評価の実行。




第3部 – 場所



 第3部では、ピラミッド型モデル (つまり、教区、教区長、主教区または教区、教会管区、司教協議会、あるいは東方教会の階層構造、普遍教会) に従って、「連続するレベル、または程度で順序付ける動きのない場所の見方」を克服するよう求めています。このような見方は、私たちの持つべきものではありませんでした。教会間の関係のネットワークと賜物の交換は、「線」ではなく、常に関係の「網」として織り合わされてきました。それらは、ローマ教皇が永続的で目に見える原理と基盤である統一の絆で結ばれています。





80. 「コリントにある神の教会・・・へ」(「コリントの信徒への手紙」1・1章2節)。福音の宣言は、人々の心に信仰を呼び覚ますことによって、ある「場所」に教会を設けるようにします。教会は、場所と文化に根ざし、場所と文化の間に確立された関係がなければ理解できません。



81. 文化の多元性とそれらの間の出会いと対話の実り多さは、教会の活動の条件であり、教会の普遍性の表現です。教会の普遍性に対する脅威ではありません。救いのメッセージは、一つであり、同じです。「体は一つ、霊が一つです。それは、あなたがたが、一つの希望にあずかるように、と招かれたのと同じです。主は一人、信仰は一つ、洗礼は一つです。すべてのものの父なる神は唯一であって、すべてのものの上にあり、すべてのものを貫き、すべてのものの内におられます」(「エフェソの信徒への手紙」4章4-6節)。


82. 今日、具体的な文脈に根ざした教会というビジョンは、現代の社会・文化的条件に直面しています。この条件は、特定の地域に根ざす、という私たちの経験を根本的に変化させました。「場所」はもはや純粋に地理的、空間的な観点から理解できません。むしろ、過去よりも、動的で流動的な関係の網と文化に私たちが属していることを示しています。


83. 都市化は、この変化の第一の要因です。今日、人類史上初めて、地球上の人々の大半が農村部ではなく、都市部に住んでいます。


84. 第二の要因は、グローバル化した世界的な人間の移動の増加です。難民や移民は活気のあるコミュニティを形成することが多く、信仰の実践を拡大し、定住する場所をより多様なものにします。同時に、彼らはデジタル・メディアのおかげで、出身国とのつながりや関係を維持しています。そして、しばしば、複数の地域、文化、言語のグループに同時に所属します。出身コミュニティのメンバーが減り、時にはその存続に苦労する一方で、彼らの関係と文化の構造は世界的に拡大しています。

 (2023年10月のシノドス総会の)第1会期で指摘されたように、この点で象徴的なのは、一部の東方カトリック教会の状況です。現在の移住率が高くなれば、東方カトリック教会の信者のうち移住者の数が、教会法上の領土に住む人々の数よりも多くなる可能性があります(第1会期総括文書=SR 6項c参照)。

 いずれにせよ、「場所」を純粋に地理的な観点から定義することは、ますます時代遅れになっています。研究グループ 1 は、これが東方カトリック教会とラテン教会の関係にもたらす課題について考えるよう求められています。

85. 最後に申し上げたいのは、特に若者の間でのデジタル文化の広がりを見過ごせない、ということです。デジタル文化は、空間と時間の経験と概念に根本的な影響を与え、コミュニケーション、人間関係、信仰など、あらゆる種類の人間の活動を再形成します。第1会期の総括文書で「デジタル文化は、宣教の明確な領域というよりも、現代社会における教会の証言の重要な側面である」と述べられているのは偶然ではありません (SR 17項b)。研究グループ 3 は、この課題の研究に専念しています。



87. この改革は、教会の交わり(communio Ecclesiarum)に表現された、神の聖なる民としての教会の理解に基づいて行われなければなりません。経験が示しているのは、現地教会でシノダル(共働的)な歩みを始めることは、教会全体の一致を損なうものではなく、むしろ「神の民の多様性と普遍性を表現するもの」なのです(LG 22参照)。ローマ司教(教皇)の一致の奉仕の遂行を危険にさらすものではなく、むしろ強化するものです。


88.  「ローマ教皇の奉仕職が全教会の統一の目に見える根源であり、基礎であり、世界の各司教が現地教会の統一の目に見える根源であり基礎である(「教会憲章」=LG23項参照)ことを踏まえ、第二バチカン公会議は、「キリストの神秘体である教会は、教会の集合体でもあり、その中に、またそこから唯一のカトリック教会が存在する」(同)と言うことができました。この集合体は、

(a) 神の民の一部であり、それぞれが司教に委ねられている個々の教会

(b) 教会の集合体。ここでは、交わりの実例は、何よりも位階制の団体によって表される

(c) 教会全体(Ecclesia tota)―教会は、教会の交わりとして、司教制(cum Petro)と位階制(sub Petro)の絆でローマ司教の周りに集まった司教団。



89. 現地教会は、まさにその特質により、全教会の司牧的でシノダル(共働的)な生活を最も即座に体験できる場です。司教協議会から出された報告は、教区を底部にある小さなキリスト者共同体の集まりであり、宣教における交わりと参加という文脈として語っています。




90. 同じように、今日の現地教会は、古くからの信徒と新しい信徒が混在する集団や共同体で構成されています。そして特に、聖職者の組織や使徒的生活を送る修道会は、現地教会の生活と活発な宣教活動に大いに貢献しています。

同じことが一般信徒の集団、小教区の活動、新らたに出来た共同体にも当てはまります。今日、教会の所属は、正式に決められた地理的な場所に固執せず、集団の繋がりに関係する形で増加しています。宣教の方向性に照らしあわせて、それぞれの文脈の中で「主が何を求めておられるのか」について、教会的な識別の中で、所属の多様性を促進せねばなりません。多様性を活発にし、一致の絆を大切にすることは、教区司教や(東方教会の)管区司教の具体的な能力と関係します。研究グループ 6はこれらの観点を反映させることについて、一任されています。


91. この「討議要綱」の草案に先行する審議でも、これまでの“シノドスの道”の歩みと同じようなことがありました。(注*世界の司教協議会などから)受け取った報告の多くに共通しているのが、小教区、管区、教区、東方教会の菅区といった様々なレベルの“評議会”を、司牧活動の計画、組織、遂行、評価の重要な手段として、強化する必要性を指摘していることです。




92. (注:世界の司教協議会からの)多くの報告は、その方向に進むために、組織とその運営方法に関する枠組みを再構築する必要がある、と指摘しています。



93. 同様に、これらの組織の中に女性、若者、貧困や社会的に疎外された環境の中で生きる人々たちが、もっと積極的に受け入れられるように、メンバー構成に配慮せねばなりません。

さらに、(注:202310月のシノドス総会の)第1会期で強調されているように、共同体の生活と奉仕の組織に関わるだけでなく、日常の実生活や社会という文脈の中で、社会で認められている使徒的宣教の使命感(第1会期総括文書= SR 18d参照)を持って、信仰の証人として全力を挙げている男女がこれらの組織のメンバーとなるが基本です。




94. 世界のいくつかの司教協議会では、すでに改革の体験を共有し、優れた実践を確認しています。小規模で基盤をなすキリスト教共同体から、小教区、教区長、教区の司牧評議会に至る司牧評議会のネットワークの構築も、その中に含まれます。協議と傾聴のモデルとして、あらゆるレベルの教会の集会を開き、他の教会や教区、現地の他宗教の共同体が共に歩む社会貢献に協議の輪を広げることが、提案されています。そうすることで、キリスト者共同体は、彼らとともに旅をすることができるのです。

(以上、89 項から94項まで、田中典子試訳)


95 .  第一部で概説した「賜物の交換」という共同体の地平は、教会間の関係を鼓舞させます。それは、教会の一致を形づくる絆を強調することと、各地域の教会がその歴史と伝統をもって生きている状況に関連した特殊性を理解することを結びつけるものです。



96.  東方教会の階層構造と司教協議会は、教会間の繋がりを作り、経験を共有し、管理と司牧計画を分権化するための基本的な手段です。「第二バチカン公会議は、古代の総主教制教会のように、司教協議会は 『合議的精神の具体的な実現に向けて、多くの実りある形で貢献する 』立場にあると述べています(第二バチカン公会議「教会に関する教義憲章」=LG 23項)。

  しかし、この願いは完全には実現されていません。なぜなら、司教協議会を、真の教義上の権威を含む特定の帰属の主体と見なすような法的地位がまだ十分に確立されていないからです」(教皇フランシスコの使徒的勧告「福音の喜び(“Evangelii Gaudium”)」= EG 32項)。いかにして宣教の使命におけるシノダル(共働的)教会となるか、を模索するために、この問題に取り組む必要があります。

97 .   この”シノドスの道”の歩みの中で、これまでに集められたすべてのものから、次のような提案が出てきました。


(b)司教協議会及び東方教会の階層構造の機能並びに、教区司教座と教皇庁との間の関係についての実際の経験を評価し、実施されるべき具体的な改革を特定すること。研究グループ 7に属するアド・リミナ訪問*は、この評価のための適切な機会となり得る。(*ラテン語で「使徒たちの墓所の訪問」。世界の教区司教が5年に1度、聖ペトロと聖パウロの墓を巡礼し、教皇に謁見し、担当する教区の状況について教皇に報告書を提出し、教皇庁各省庁との情報交換などを行う)。

(c)すべての教区または東方教区 ”Eparchy”)が、教会管区と司教協議会または東方教会の階層構造に割り当てられるようにすること(第二バチカン公会議「教会における司教の司牧任務に関する教令」=CD 40項 参照)。

98. すべての地域にわたる大陸レベルの集まりをしたことは、今の”シノドスの道”の歩みにおける革新であり、「キリスト信者の生活の全領域にわたって、より深い適応」(第二バチカン公会議「教会の宣教活動に関する教令」= AG22項)を進めていくために、「各々の広範な社会的・文化的地域」(同)の特殊性を尊重する、という第二バチカン公会議の指針をより首尾一貫して実行する方法でした。



99.  現地のシノダル(共働的)対話が終わりを迎えることなく継続されるべきであるという願いと、特定の地域における信仰の効果的な「インカルチュレーション(文化内開花)」(訳者注:教会の教えが非キリスト教文化からの影響に対しての適応と展開)の必要性は、教会の歴史の大部分において周期的な召集が義務とされてきた、それが管区会議であれ本会議であれ、特定の評議会の制度に対する新たな認識へと、私たちを動かします。

 シノダルの道を歩んできた経験に基づいて、司教会議と、関係する教区や東方教区(”Eparchy” の司牧評議会から委任された、あるいはその地域の教会の多様性を反映する他の方法で指定された信者(司祭、助祭、奉献生活を送る男女、男女信徒)から構成される教会会議を一緒にする形態を考えることができます。これを支援するために、特定の評議会の結論の承認手続きは、それらの時宜を得た公表に有利になるように改革されるべきです。







100. 「どのようにして派遣するシノダル(共働的)な教会になるのか?」という問いに答えて、シノダリティ(共働性)、団体性、首位性を統一するダイナミズムを再考する必要もあります。そうすることで具体的な表現でもある諸制度間の関係を刺激できるからです。

101 .  目下の”シノドスの道“の歩みは「教会という共同体の中にも、独自の伝統を保つ諸部分教会が合法的に存在し、しかもペトロの座の首位権は変わることなく存続する。このペトロの座は愛の全集団を主宰し、合法的な多様性を保護し、また同時に部分的なものが統一を傷つけることなく、むしろそれに役立つように配慮する」(「教会憲章」=LG13項)という第二バチカン公会議の言葉の真実を示しました。


102.  ペトロの奉仕職が行使される諸形式を熟考することは、教皇フランシスコ教皇に促され、多くの司教協議会によって求められているように、「健全な脱中央集権を進める」(使徒的勧告『福音の喜び』16項)観点からもなされるべきです。

    使徒憲章『Praedicate Evangelium(福音の宣教)』(2022年3月19日)によると、このことは、常に、教会に他ならない特別な交わりの神秘の実りと表現である共同責任の精神でなされるものであり、司教たちの“教師としての司教固有の職務”の行使において、彼らが熟知しており、教え・規律・交わりにおける教会の一致に影響しない事柄を解決する権威は、司教たちの権限に委ねること(『Praedicate Evangelium』2章2項)を意味します。

103.  先に進むために、私たちは最近の自発教令『Competentias quasdam decernere』(2022年2月15日)の記述、すなわち普遍教会における規律の一致を守るための教会法典の規定に関して権限のある領域と、そして地方教会における執行権と交わりの教会的ダイナミズムを元にした教会の諸慣行は、司教たちに委ねる、という線で進むことができます(同序文)。

104.  さらに、教会法的な規則を起草することは、シノダル(共働的)な様式を実践する場ともなります。規則を生み出すことは、権威によって付与された力の行使であるとみなされるだけでなく、真の教会的識別であるとみなされるべきです。それが、法制化に携わる全権を用いるだけだとしても、そうすることで、権威は、聖霊において正しく必要なことを聴いたことの実りである規則をシノダルな方法で公布することができるし、そうする必要があります。

105.  すでに述べた使徒憲章『Praedicate Evangelium』は、シノダル(共働的)で派遣的な方法で、ローマ司教と司教団に対するバチカン聖庁の奉仕を表明しました。透明性と説明責任を堅持するために、その働きの定期的な評価がなされるべきであり、また独立した団体(枢機卿会議、あるいはシノドスで選ばれた司教会議など)にその評価は委ねられるべきです。


106.  世界代表司教会議(シノドス)の第16回総会第1会期の参加者たちは、その成果を評価する必要を指示しています(第1会期の総括文書20項j)。この評価は、シノドスを「一過性のイベント」から「教会の空間的時間的に広がるプロセス」へと変えた使徒憲章『Episcopalis Communio』がもたらした展開を無視することはできません。



107.  2021年から2024年にかけての”シノドスの道“の歩みの最も重要な実りの中に、教会一致(エキュメニズム)のはずみとそれを印す約束があります。ペトロの奉仕職の行使の問題も教会一致の観点から考えることで、その奉仕職に“新しい状況”(聖ヨハネ・パウロ2世の回勅『キリスト者の一致』95項)が開けてくるかもしれません。


108.  シノドス総会第1会期に他の諸教会と教会的共同体の兄弟的な使節が参加したことで豊かになった私たちは、東方においても西方においても、エキュメニカルなパートナーによって、どのようにシノダリティ(協働性)が実践されているのか、その理解と評価を深めるよう促されています。








【結びに – 世界の中のシノダル(共働的)教会】





110. 復活の宣言によって変容した教会は、預言者イザヤのビジョンが息づき、生き生きと息づく場所、「弱い者の砦、苦難の中にある貧しい者の砦、豪雨を避ける逃れ場、暑さを避ける日陰」(旧約聖書・イザヤ書 25章4節)となることを目指しています。



111. 回勅「Fratelli Tutti(兄弟の皆さん)」は、復活したキリストにおいて兄弟姉妹として私たち自身を認識するよう呼びかけ、これを地位としてではなく生き方として提案しています。回勅は、私たちが生きている時代と神が用意した共生のビジョンとの対比を強調しています。




112. 預言者イザヤは、賛美の歌で(「主の山における祝宴の」預言を締めくくります。「この方こそ私たちの神。私たちはこの方を待ち望んでいた。この方は私たちを救ってくださる。この方こそ私たちの待ち望んでいた主。その救いに喜び踊ろう」(イザヤ書25章9節)。












(2024.7.13 Crux  Contributor  Nirmala Carvalho)

ムンバイ発 – アジアのカトリック教会で最高位の指導者の一人であり、教皇フランシスコの顧問団の一員でもあるインド・ムンバイの大司教、オスワルド・グラシアス枢機卿が13日、Cruxとの会見に応じ、10月に開かれる世界代表司教会議(シノドス)通常総会・第2会期では、先にシノドス事務局が発表した討議要綱で「女性助祭」がテーマから外されたにもかかわらず、「女性の役割」に討議の重点が置かれる、との見通しを示した。

 会見でグラシアス枢機卿は、10月の会議について、「女性について多くの議論が行われるでしょう」としたうえで、「教会において、女性に正当な地位を与えなければならないのは、非常に明白です… そのことに疑問の余地はありません」と言明した。











(評論)シノドスの討議要綱に書かれなかった課題ー女性助祭、既婚の司祭、LGBTQ+… (Crux)

(2024.7.10 Crux  Senior Correspondent   Elise Ann Allen) 

 ローマ 発– バチカンでの9日の記者会見で発表された世界代表司教会議(シノドス)第16回通常総会の第2会期のための討議要綱は、それが「何を言っているか」よりも「何を言わなかったか」の方が注目に値すると、ほとんどの”バチカン・オブザーバー”が評価するかもしれない。




















 シノドスの通常評議会のメンバーは、ジャン・クロード・オロリッシュ枢機卿(ルクセンブルク)、シノドス事務局長 のマリオ・グレック枢機卿(マルタ)。同事務局次長のルイス・マリン・デ・サン・マルティン司教(スペイン)とシスター・ナタリー・ベクカート(フランス)だ。




 また、情報ノートが「神学的助成」と呼ぶものを提供し、instrumentum laborisで提示されたさまざまなテーマの正典的および神学的参照を提供します。これらの言及は、シノドスの参加者が作業文書の内容の根源を理解するのを助けることを目的としており、聖書、教会の伝統、第二バチカン公会議、教皇フランシスコの教導文書からの参照を指し示しています。




・・Cruxは、カトリック専門のニュース、分析、評論を網羅する米国のインターネット・メディアです。 2014年9月に米国の主要日刊紙の一つである「ボストン・グローブ」 (欧米を中心にした聖職者による幼児性的虐待事件摘発のきっかけとなった世界的なスクープで有名。映画化され、日本でも全国上映された)の報道活動の一環として創刊されました。現在は、米国に本拠を置くカトリック団体とパートナーシップを組み、多くのカトリック関係団体、機関、個人の支援を受けて、バチカンを含め,どこからも干渉を受けない、独立系カトリック・メディアとして世界的に高い評価を受けています。「カトリック・あい」は、カトリック専門の非営利メディアとして、Cruxが発信するニュース、分析、評論の日本語への翻訳、転載について了解を得て、掲載しています。
 Crux is dedicated to smart, wired and independent reporting on the Vatican and worldwide Catholic Church. That kind of reporting doesn’t co

(評論)シノドス討議要綱でバチカンは教会の四つの統治改革を提示している(La Croix)

(2024.7.10 La Croix   Loup Besmond de Senneville In Rome)

   The mountain that labors bring forth a mouse?(大山鳴動して鼠一匹、となってしまうのだろうか?)という一部の懸念をよそに、 バチカンが9日、10月の世界表司教会議(シノドス)総会の第二会期に向けた「Instrumentum Laboris(作業用具=バチカン放送日本語訳は「討議要綱」)」を発表した。約30ページ、111項目からなる文書は、「カトリック教会の内部意思決定プロセスにおける重大な変化」を明らかにし、4つの改革を提案している。



*提案された 4 つの改革

第 1 のポイント: 教会活動への女性の参加

  バチカンのシノドス事務局長は、時として「マッチョ」な文化を非難し、「教会の識別プロセスへの女性の幅広い参加」を推奨。また、女性が教区、神学校、トレーニング センターで「責任ある地位」に就き、「教会法のプロセスにおける裁判官」としての役割を担うことを提案している。

第 2 のポイント: 「信徒奉仕」の拡大

 信徒による奉仕の拡大は、第 2 バチカン公会議によってすでに開かれており、近年ではカテキスタ、朗読者、侍者奉仕の創設によって実証されている、これは必ずしも「典礼の領域」に結び付けられてはいない。「傾聴と伴走の奉仕」の創設は、「さまざまな理由で教会共同体から排除されている、または排除されていると感じている」人々を考慮するために推奨されている。討議要綱は、教会の包括的な側面を繰り返し強調し、信徒が「ミサ聖祭の儀式中を含め、神の言葉の説教に貢献できる」と考えている。信徒奉仕の拡大は、多くの司祭が感じている”作業負荷”を軽減するのに役立つだろう。ローマは「司牧活動の考え方と組織化の新しい方法」を推進し、司祭と信徒の間で「仕事の再配分」につながる。









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“Instrumentum laboris” for the Second Session of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (October 2024), 09.07.2024



How tobe a missionary synodal Church

Instrumentum laboris for the Second Session (October 2024)

Table of Contents

Introduction. I

Three years on the road.

A working tool for the Second Session.


The Church, People of God, sacrament of unity.

The shared meaning of synodality.

Unity as harmony in diversity.

Sisters and brothers in Christ: a renewed reciprocity.

Call to conversion and reform.

Part I – Relations

In Christ and in the Spirit: Christian initiation.

For the People of God: charisms and ministries.

With ordained ministers: at the service of harmony.

Between the Churches and in the world: the concreteness of communion.

Part II – Pathways

An integral and shared formation.

Ecclesial discernment for mission.

Decision-making processes.

Part III – Places

Areas of shared journeying.

Local Churches in the one and unique Catholic Church.

The bonds that shape the unity of the Church.

The service to unity of the Bishop of Rome.

Conclusion – The Synodal Church in the World


AG VATICAN COUNCIL II, Decr. Ad Gentes (7 December 1965)

CD VATICAN COUNCIL II, Decr. Christus Dominus (28 October 1965)

CIC Codex iuris canonici (25 January 1983)

ITC INTERNATIONAL THEOLOGICAL COMMISSION, Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church (2 March 2018)

DCS GENERAL SECRETARIAT OF THE SYNOD, Document for the Continental Stage (27 October 2022)

DV VATICAN COUNCIL II, Const. Dogm. Dei Verbum (18 November 1965)

EG FRANCIS, Ap. Exhort. Evangelii Gaudium (24 November 2013)

GS VATICAN COUNCIL II, Past. Const. Gaudium et spes (7 December 1965)

LG VATICAN COUNCIL II, Dogm. Const. Lumen Gentium (21 November 1964)

LS FRANCIS, Enc. Lett. Laudato si’ (24 May 2015)

PE FRANCIS, Ap. Const. Praedicate Evangelium (19 March 2022)


SC VATICAN COUNCIL II, Const. Sacrosanctum Concilium (4 December 1963)

UR VATICAN COUNCIL II, Decr. Unitatis redintegratio (21 November 1964)

UUS JOHN PAUL II, Encyclical Letter Ut unum sint (25 May 1995)


On this mountain the Lord of the universe will make for all peoples a feast of rich food, a feast of well-aged wines,of rich food filled with marrow, of well-aged wines strained clear. And he will destroy on this mountain the shroud that is cast over all peoples, the sheet that is spread over all nations; he will swallow up death forever. Then the Lord God will wipe away the tears from all faces, and the disgrace of his people he will take away from all the earth, for the Lord has spoken Is 25:6-8

The prophet Isaiah presents the image of a superabundant and sumptuous banquet prepared by the Lord on the mountaintop, a symbol of conviviality and communion intended for all peoples. At the moment of returning to the Father, the Lord Jesus entrusts his disciples with the task of reaching out to all peoples to serve them a banquet of food that gives them the fullness of life and joy. Through his Church, guided by his Spirit, the Lord wants to rekindle hope in the hearts of humanity, restore joy and save all, especially those whose faces are stained with tears and who cry out to Him in anguish. Their cries reach the ears of all Christ’s disciples, men and women who walk in the depths of human affairs. Their cries are amplified at a time when the Synod’s journey has been accompanied by the outbreak of new wars, adding to the too many that continue to stain the world with blood.

At the heart of Synod 2021-2024, “For a Synodal Church. Communion, participation, mission” is a call to joy and to the renewal of the People of God in following the Lord and in their commitment to serving His mission. The call to be missionary disciples is based on our common baptismal identity and is rooted in the diversity of the contexts in which the Church[1] is present and finds its unity in the one Father, the one Lord, and the one Spirit. It is a call to all the baptised, without exception: “The whole People of God is an agent of the proclamation of the Gospel. Every baptised person is called to be a protagonist of mission since we are all missionary disciples” (ITC, no. 53). This renewal is expressed in a Church that, gathered by the Spirit through Word and Sacrament (cf. CD 11), proclaims the salvation it continually experiences to a world hungry for meaning and thirsting for communion and solidarity. For this world, the Lord prepares a banquet on his mountain.

We renew our commitment to this mission today bypractising synodality, which is an expression of the Church’s nature. Growing as missionary disciples means answering Jesus’ call to follow Him, responding to the gift we received when we were baptised in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. It means learning to accompany each other as a pilgrim people journeying through history towards a common destination, the heavenly city. By walking this path, nourished by the Word of God and the Eucharist, we are transformed into what we receive. Thus, we understand that our identity as a people saved and made holy has an inescapably communal dimension, fashioning us into a community that embraces the generations of believers who have preceded us and those who will follow us. The salvation to be received and borne witness to is relational since no one is saved alone. Or rather, using the words offered by an Asian Episcopal Conference, we grow gradually in our awareness that “Synodality is not simply a goal, but a journey of all the faithful, to be accomplished together hand in hand. This is why understanding its full meaning takes time” (CE Bangladesh).[2] St Augustine speaks of the Christian life as a pilgrimage in solidarity, a walking together “towards God not in steps, but with the affections” (Augustine, Discourse 306 B, 1), sharing a life of prayer, proclamation and love of neighbour.

The Second Vatican Council teaches that “All people are called to this union with Christ, who is the light of the world; from him we come, through him we live, and towards him we direct our lives” (LG, no. 3). At the heart of the synodal journey lies the desire, ancient and ever new, to communicate to all the promise and the invitation of the Lord kept in the living tradition of the Church, to recognise the Risen Lord’s presence in our midst and to welcome the many fruits of the Spirit’s action. This vision of the Church – a pilgrim people in every part of the world seeking synodal conversion for the sake of mission – guides us as we move forward on this path with joy and hope. It is a vision that contrasts starkly with the reality of a world in crisis, whose wounds and scandalous inequalities resonate deeply in the hearts of all Christ’s disciples. It prompts us to pray for all victims of violence and injustice and to renew our commitment to work alongside the women and men who are artisans of justice and peace in every part of the world.



Three years on the road

After the opening of the synodal process on 9-10 October 2021, the local Churches worldwide, at different paces and in diverse ways, embarked on an initial listening phase. Belonging to the Church means being part of the one People of God, composed of people and communities living in concrete times and places. Synodal listening started from these communities, moving through diocesan, national and continental stages as part of a continuous dialogue the General Secretariat of the Synod helped foster by publishing synthesis and working documents. The circularity of the synodal process recognises and enhances the Church’s rootedness in various contexts, serving the bonds that unite them.

An innovation of the first stage was theconvening of Continental Assemblies. These brought together the local Churches of the same region, inviting them to learn to listen to each other, to accompany each other on the journey, and to discern together the main challenges to fulfilling the mission present in their contexts.

The First Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (October 2023) opened the second phase, which welcomes the fruits of this listening in order to discern in prayer and dialogue the steps that the Spirit is asking us to take. This phase will continue until the end of the Second Session (October 2024), when the Holy Father will be offered these fruits in preparation for further implementation by the local Churches.

The preparation of the Second Session is necessarily based on the results of the First Session presented in the Synthesis Report (SR). Consistent with the circularity characterising the whole synodal process and in order to provide a clear focus for the work of the Second Session, a further consultation of the local Churches was launched, guided by the question: “How tobe a synodal Church in mission?” As the document Towards October 2024[3] explains, the objective of the consultation was ” to identify the paths we can follow and the tools we might adopt in our different contexts and circumstances in order to enhance the unique contribution of each baptised person and of each Church in the one mission of proclaiming the Risen Lord and his Gospel to the world today. This is not, therefore, a request that limits you to a plan of technical or procedural improvements to make the Church’s structures more efficient, but rather an invitation for reflection on the concrete forms of the missionary commitment to which we are called, that express the dynamism between unity and diversity proper to a synodal Church.”

The drafting of this Instrumentum laboris for the Second Session has been done in the light of the answers to the guiding question sent in by most of the Episcopal Conferences (EC) and their continental groupings, the Eastern Catholic Churches, the Dioceses that are not part of an Episcopal Conference, the Dicasteries of the Roman Curia, the Union of Superiors General and the International Union of Superiors General representing consecrated life, as well as the testimonies of experiences and good practices received from all over the world and the observations of almost two hundred groups: university faculties, associations of the faithful, communities and individuals from all over the world. In this way, it is rooted in the life of the People of God present throughout the world.

These voices expressed gratitude for the journey made and witnessed to the hardships it sometimes requires, but above all, they spoke of the desire to move forward. As a North American Episcopal Conference says, “gratitude for this synodal journey is profound. Much has been done to move along the synodal path as companions in the U.S. Church. Mindful of Pope Francis’ notion of a culture of encounter, tensions remain that will require continued reflection and dialogue. These tensions need not disrupt the communion of charity in the Church.” (EC USA). They also remind us that there is still a long way to go.

As in previous phases, the benefits of adopting the method of conversation in the Spirit have once again been reaffirmed. Note, for example, the words of one federation of Episcopal Conferences: “Many of the reports across Asia show tremendous enthusiasm for the synod methodology, which uses conversation in the Spirit as the starting point for the synodal journey. Many dioceses and conferences have introduced this method into their existing structures with great success.” This enthusiasm has already translated into steps taken to experiment with a more synodal way of proceeding. In one European Episcopal Conference: “it was decided [in the light of this] to implement a five-year synodal trial phase. The forms of synodal consultation, dialogue, discernment, decision-making and decision-making are to be developed, evaluated and refined at the national level. Diocesan experience and synodal developments in the universal Church will be taken into account. We are at the beginning of a challenging but important learning journey”. There is great awareness in the reports of the value of the local Churches and their journeys, of the richness of which they are bearers and of the need for their voices to be heard. According to one report received from an African Episcopal Conference: “Local Churches are not to be viewed and treated any more simply as recipients of the Gospel with nothing or very little to contribute”.

To these contributions were added the fruits of the International Meeting “Parish Priests for the Synod” (Sacrofano [Rome], 28 April – 2 May 2024), which enabled priests engaged in Parish ministry to be heard. The syntheses of the working groups express, above all, “their joy for the opportunity to truly listen to one another. It was an enriching experience in fostering a deep sense of understanding and appreciation for one another’s unique backgrounds.” They also express “a need to understand the role of Parish priest in the context of synodality acknowledging the various traditions in the Church” and the concern about not being able to reach the peripheries and those who live on the margins: “If the Church wants to be synodal, it must listen to these people”.

Similarly, this Instrumentum laboris has drawn from material produced by the five Working Groups set up by the General Secretariat of the Synod. These groups were composed of experts from different parts of the world, women and men, and those with different ecclesial roles.Using a synodal method, they have deepened theological and canonical reflection onthe meaning of synodality and its implications for the life of the Church.[4]

A group of experts, comprised of bishops, priests, consecrated and lay men and women, theologians, canonists and biblical scholars from all continents and with different ecclesial roles, was entrusted with reading and interpreting the contributions and materials received and compiling answers to the guiding question. Their work contributed to the drafting of this Instrumentum laboris. Their reflections, as well as those of the five Working Groups, mentioned above, will also feed into further material that will accompany this Instrumentum laboris, providing the theological foundations for some of its contents.

Alongside the preparatory work for the Second Session, the work of the ten Study Groups[5] has begun. They are entrusted with the task of delving into ten themes[6] emerging from the SR and identified by the Pope at the end of an international consultation. These Study Groups, made up of pastors and experts from all continents, use a synodal working method and are “constituted by common agreement between the Dicasteries of the Roman Curia responsible for the various themes and the General Secretariat of the Synod, which is entrusted with the coordination”, according to the Chirograph signed by Pope Francis on 16 February 2024 and in the spirit of the Apostolic Constitution Praedicate evangelium (art. 33). They will complete their in-depth study by June 2025, if possible, but will offer a progress report to the Synod Assembly in October 2024. Ahead of the conclusion of the Second Session, Pope Francis has already accepted some of the requests of the First Session and begun the work of implementation in the form envisaged by the Apostolic Constitution Episcopalis Communio: “Together with the competent dicastery of the Roman Curia, as well as other dicasteries interested in various ways according to the theme and the circumstances, the General Secretariat of the Synod for its part promotes the implementation of the synodal recommendations approved by the Roman Pontiff.” (art. 20, c. 1). In agreement with the Dicastery for Legislative Texts, a Canon Law Commission has been set up to serve the Synod. Finally, following the request of the First Session (cf. SR 16q), on 25 April 2024, SECAM (Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar) announced the establishment of a special Commission to discern the theological and pastoral implications of polygamy for the Church in Africa.

A working tool for the Second Session

Our journey has been characterised by silence, prayer, listening to the Word of God, dialogue and joyful encounters. It has not been without difficulties. Yet through this, as the People of God, we have matured into a deeper awareness of our relationship with each other as brothers and sisters in Christ, with a common responsibility to be a community of the redeemed that proclaims the beauty of the Kingdom of God to the whole world in word and life. This identity is not an abstraction but a lived experience imprinted with names and faces. In preparation for the Second Session, and during its work, we continue to address this question: how can the identity of the synodal People of God in mission take concrete form in the relationships, paths and places where the everyday life of the Church takes place?

This Instrumentum laboris serves that purpose, cohering also with what was said about the Instrumentum laboris prepared for the First Session: “it is not a document of the Magisterium of the Church, nor the report of a sociological survey; it does not offer the formulation of operative indications, of goals and objectives, nor the complete elaboration of a theological vision” (n. 10, cf. DCS n. 8). To understand this document, it is essential to place it within the synodal process as a whole. It is shaped by the circularity of dialogue between the Churches, supported by the work of the General Secretariat of the Synod. The First Session of the Assembly (2023) gathered the fruits of the local and continental consultations in search of the “characteristic signs of a synodal Church and the dynamics of communion, mission and participation that inhabit it” (SR, Introduction). Through prayer, dialogue and discernment, the First Assembly drew forth and expressed in the Synthesis Report the convergences, the matters that require consideration and the proposals. What emerged can be understood as an initial response to the question, “How does a Synodal Church describe itself?”. The Second Session does not retrace these steps but is called to go further, focusing on its guiding question: “How to be a synodal Church in mission?”. Other questions that emerged during the journey are the subject of work that continues in other ways, at the level of the local Churches as well as in the ten Study Groups. The two Sessions cannot be separated, nor can they be opposed. They are in continuity, and above all, they are part of a broader process which, as the Apostolic Constitution Episcopalis communio states, will not cease at the end of October 2024.

In practical terms, this Instrumentum laboris opens with a section dedicated to foundational understandings of synodality, presenting the awareness of synodality that has matured along the way and was approved by the First Session. This is followed by three closely interwoven sections, which illuminate the missionary synodal life of the Church from different perspectives: I) from the perspective of the Relationships – with the Lord, between brothers and sisters and between Churches – which sustain the vitality of the Church in ways more profound than the merely structural; II) from the perspective of the pathways that support the dynamism of our ecclesial relationships; III) from the perspective of the places that are the tangible contexts for our embodied relationships, marked by their variety, plurality and interconnection, and rooted in the foundation of the profession of faith, resisting human temptations to abstract universalism. Each of these Sections will be the object of prayer, exchange and discernment in one of the modules that will structure the work of the Second Session. Each participant will be invited to “offer one’s contribution as a gift for others and not as something absolute or certain” (SR, Introduction) on a path that the members of the Assembly are called to walk together. On this basis, a final document relating to the whole process will be drafted and will offer the Pope proposals on steps that could be taken.

We can expect a further deepening of the shared understanding of synodality, a better focus on the practices of a synodal Church, and the proposal of some changes in canon law (there may be yet more significant and profound developments as the basic proposal is further assimilated and lived.). Nonetheless, we cannot expect the answer to every question. In addition, other proposals will emerge along the way, on the path of conversion and reform that the Second Session will invite the whole Church to undertake. Among the gains of the process so far, we can include having experienced and learned a method for addressing questions together, in dialogue and discernment. We are still learning how to be a missionary synodal Church, but it is a task we have learned that we can undertake with joy.




This section of the Instrumentum laboris seeks to outline the foundations of the vision of a missionary synodal Church, inviting us to deepen our understanding of the mystery of the Church. It does not offer a complete treatise on ecclesiology but is placed at the service of the particular work of discernment to be undertaken by the Synodal Assembly of October 2024. Responding to the question “How to be a synodal Church in mission?” requires a horizon within which to place pastoral and theological reflections and proposals, helping to orient us on a path of conversion and reform. In turn, the concrete measures implemented by the Church will allow the horizon to be brought into sharper focus and a deeper understanding of foundations to be gained in generative reciprocity between theological reflection and pastoral practice that marks the entire history of the Church.

In Christ, light of all the nations, we are one People of God, called to be a sign and instrument of union with God and of the unity of all humanity. We do this by walking together in history, living the communion that is a partaking in the life of the Trinity, and promoting the participation of all in view of our common mission. This vision has deep and strong roots in the Church’s living tradition. The synodal process has simply allowed a renewed awareness of this vision to mature. This renewal is expressed in the convergences that have emerged during the journey since 2021 and have been collated by the First Session of the Synodal Assembly (October 2023). Its Synthesis Report presented them to the whole Church to aid the discernment that will complete the Second Session.

The Church, People of God, sacrament of unity

1. Baptism in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit gives rise to the mystical, dynamic and communitarian identity of the People of God. It orients us to the fullness of life in which the Lord Jesus precedes us and to the mission of inviting every man and woman to accept the gift of salvation in freedom (cf. Mt 28:18-19). In Baptism, Jesus clothes us with Himself and shares His identity and mission with us (cf. Gal 3:27).

2. It has pleased God “to sanctify and save men and women not individually and without regard for what binds them together, but to set them up as a people who would acknowledge him in truth and serve him in holiness” (LG 9), sharing in the communion of the Trinity. In and through His people, God realises and manifests the salvation He gives us in Christ. Synodality is rooted in this dynamic vision of the People of God with a universal vocation to holiness and mission while being on a pilgrimage to the Father in the footsteps of Jesus Christ and animated by the Holy Spirit. This synodal and missionary People of God proclaims and bears witness to the Good News of salvation in the different contexts in which it lives and walks. Walking together with all the peoples of the earth, shaped by their cultures and religions, it dialogues with them and accompanies them.

3. The synodal process has developed a deeper awareness in us of what it means to be the People of God gathered as “the Church from every tribe, tongue, people and nation” (SR 5), living its journey towards the Kingdom in different contexts and cultures. The People of God is the communal subject that goes through the stages of salvation history on its way to fulfilment. The People of God is never simply the sum of the baptised; rather, it is the ‘we’ of the Church, the communitarian and historical subject of synodality and mission, so that all may receive the salvation prepared by God. Incorporated into this people through faith and Baptism, we are accompanied by the Virgin Mary, “a sign of sure hope and comfort for the pilgrim people of God ” (LG 68), by the apostles, by those who have borne witness to their faith to the point of giving their lives, and with the saints who have gone before us.

4. “Christ is the light of the nations” (LG 1), and this light shines on the face of the Church, which “is in Christ as a sacrament or instrumental sign of intimate union with God and of the unity of all humanity” (ibid.). Like the moon, the Church shines with reflected light: it cannot, therefore, understand its mission self-referentially but receives the responsibility of being the sacrament of bonds, relationships and communion in service to the unity of all humanity. We bear this responsibility in times now dominated by the crisis of participation, the absence of a sense that we have a common destiny, and a too-often individualistic conception of happiness and, therefore, of salvation. In living out this mission, the Church communicates God’s plan to unite all humanity to Himself in salvation. In doing so, it does not proclaim itself “but Christ Jesus the Lord” (2 Cor 4:5). If this were not so, it would lose its being in Christ “as a sacrament” (cf. LG 1) and therefore, its own identity and raison d’être. On the way to fullness, the Church is the sacrament of the Kingdom of God in the world.

The shared meaning of synodality

5. The terms synodality and synodal, derived from the ancient and constant ecclesial practice of gathering in synod[7], have been better understood and, above all, lived thanks to the experience of recent years. They have been increasingly associated with the “desire for the Church as God’s home and family, a Church that is closer to the lives of Her people, less bureaucratic and more relational” (SR 1b), the home and family of God. During its First Session, the Assembly converged in understanding the meaning of ‘synodality’, an understanding that underlies this Instrumentum laboris. The in-depth study groups now underway aim to better focus the Catholic perspective on this constitutive dimension of the Church in a dialogue with other Christian traditions that respect the differences and particularities of each one. In its broadest sense, “synodality can be understood as Christians walking in communion with Christ toward the Kingdom along with the whole of humanity. Its orientation is towards mission, and its practice involves gathering in assembly at each level of ecclesial life. It involves reciprocal listening, dialogue, community discernment, and creation of consensus as an expression that renders Christ present in the Holy Spirit, each taking decisions in accordance with their responsibilities. ” (SR 1h).

6. Synodality, therefore, designates “the particular style that qualifies the life and mission of the Church” (ITC, n. 70a), a style that starts from listening as the first act of the Church. Faith, which is born from listening to the proclamation of the Good News (cf. Rom 10:17), lives from listening: listening to the Word of God, listening to the Holy Spirit, listening to one another, listening to the living tradition of the Church and its Magisterium. In the stages of the synodal process, the Church once again has experienced what the Scriptures teach: it is only possible to proclaim what one has heard.

7. Synodality “ought to be expressed in the Church’s ordinary way of living and working. This modus vivendi et operandi works through the community listening to the Word and celebrating the Eucharist, the brotherhood [and sisterhood] of communion and the co-responsibility and participation of the whole People of God in its life and mission, on all levels and distinguishing between various ministries and roles” (ibid.). The term then indicates the ecclesial structures and processes in which the synodal nature of the Church is expressed at the institutional level, and finally designates those particular events in which the Church is convoked by the competent authority (cf. ibid). In describing the Church, the notion of synodality is not an alternative to that of communion. In fact, in the context of the ecclesiology of the People of God illustrated by the Second Vatican Council, the concept of communionexpresses the profound substance of the mystery and mission of the Church, which has its source and culmination in the celebration of the Eucharist, that is, in communion with the Triune God and the unity among human persons that is realised in Christ through the Holy Spirit. In that same context, Synodality “is the specific modus vivendi et operandi of the Church, the People of God, which reveals and gives substance to her being as communion when all her members journey together, gather in assembly and take an active part in her evangelising mission.” (ITC, n.6)

8. Synodality in no way entails the devaluation of the particular authority and specific task that Christ entrusts to the pastors: the bishops with the presbyters, their collaborators, and the Roman Pontiff as ” the perpetual and visible principle and foundation of unity both of the bishops and of the multitude of the faithful” (LG 23). Rather, it offers “the most appropriate interpretative framework for understanding the hierarchical ministry itself” (Francis, Address in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the institution of the Synod of Bishops, 17 October 2015), inviting the whole Church, including those who exercise authority, to true conversion and reform.

9. Synodality is not an end in itself. Insofar as it offers the possibility of expressing the nature of the Church and insofar as it allows all the charisms, vocations and ministries in the Church to be valued, it enables the community of those who “look to Jesus in faith” (LG 9) to proclaim the Gospel in the most appropriate way to women and men of every place and time, and to be a “visible sacrament” (ibid.) of the salvific unity willed by God. Synodality and mission are thus intimately linked. If the Second Session is to focus on certain aspects of synodal life, it does so with a view to greater effectiveness in mission. At the same time, synodality is the condition for continuing the ecumenical journey towards the visible unity of all Christians. The reception of the fruits of the ecumenical journey in ecclesial practices is the title and theme of Study Group 10.

Unity as harmony in diversity

10. The dynamism of ecclesial communion and, therefore, of the synodal life of the Church finds its own model and fulfilment in the Eucharistic liturgy. In it, the communion of the faithful (communio fidelium) is at the same time the communion of the Churches (communio Ecclesiarum), which is manifested in the communion of the bishops (communio episcoporum)because of the very ancient principle that “the Church is in the Bishop and the Bishop is in the Church” (St Cyprian, Ep. 66.8). At the service of communion, the Lord placed the Apostle Peter (cf. Mt 16:18) and his successors. By virtue of the Petrine ministry, the Bishop of Rome is “the perpetual and visible principle and foundation” (LG, n. 23) of the unity of the Church, expressed in the communion of all the faithful, of all the Churches, of all the bishops. Thus, is manifested the harmony that the Spirit works in the Church, the Spirit who is harmony in person (cf. S. Basil, In Ps 29:1).

11. Throughout the synod process, the Church’s desire for unity has grown hand in hand with an awareness of its diversity. It was precisely the sharing among the Churches that reminded us that there is no mission without context, that is, without a clear awareness that the gift of the Gospel is offered to people and communities living in particular times and places, not closed in on themselves but bearers of stories that must be recognised, respected, and opened to broader horizons. One of the greatest gifts received along the way has been the opportunity to encounter and celebrate the beauty of the “pluriform face of the Church” (John Paul II, Novo Millennio Ineunte, 40). Synodal renewal favours the appreciation of contexts as a place where God’s universal call to be part of his people, of that Kingdom of God, which is “justice, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit” (Rom 14:17), is made present and realised. In this way, different cultures can grasp the unity that underlies and completes their vibrant plurality. Appreciating contexts, cultures, and diversity is key to growing as a missionary synodal Church.

12. Similarly, awareness has grown of the variety of charisms and vocations that the Holy Spirit constantly awakens in the People of God. This gives rise to the desire to grow in the ability to discern them, understand their relationships within the concrete life of each Church and the Church as a whole, and articulate them for the good of mission. This also means reflecting more deeply on the question of participation in relation to communion and mission. At every stage of the process, the desire emerged to broaden the possibilities of participation and the exercise of co-responsibility by all the baptised, men and women, in the variety of their charisms, vocations and ministries. This desire points in three directions. The first is the need to renew the proclamation and transmission of the faith in ways and means appropriate to the current context. The second is the renewal of liturgical and sacramental life, starting with liturgical celebrations that are beautiful, dignified, accessible, fully participative, well-inculturated and capable of nourishing the impulse towards mission. The third is to recognise and transform the sorrow evoked by the non-participation of so many members of the People of God in this journey of ecclesial renewal and the Church’s struggle to live well the relationships between men and women, between the generations, and between people and groups of different cultural identities and social conditions, especially those made poor and the excluded. This weakness in reciprocity, participation and communion remains an obstacle to a full renewal of the Church in a missionary synodal sense.

Sisters and brothers in Christ: a renewed reciprocity

13. The first difference we encounter as human persons is between men and women. Our vocation as Christians is to honour this God-given difference by living within the Church a dynamic relational reciprocity as a sign for the world. In reflecting on this vision from a synodal perspective, the contributions received at all stages highlighted the need to give fuller recognition to the charisms, vocation and role of women, to better honour this reciprocity of relations in all spheres of the Church’s life. The synodal perspective highlights three theological reference points as a guide for discernment: a) participation is rooted in the ecclesiological implications of Baptism; b) we are a communion of baptized persons, called not to bury talents but to discern and call forth the gifts that the Spirit pours out on each for the good of the community and the world; c) while respecting and acknowledging the diverse vocations and gifts of each, the gifts that the Spirit bestows on the faithful are ordered to each other in a complementary manner and the collaboration of all the baptised is to be practised as an act of co-responsibility. Guiding us in our reflection is the testimony of the Holy Scriptures: God chose women as the first witnesses and heralds of the Resurrection. By virtue of Baptism, they enjoy full equality, receive the same outpouring of gifts from the Spirit, and are called to the service of Christ’s mission.

14. In this sense, the first change to be made is one of mentality: a conversion to a vision of relationality, interdependence and reciprocity between women and men, who are sisters and brothers in Christ, oriented to a common mission. The communion, participation and mission of the Church suffer the consequences of a failure to transform relationships and structures. As a contribution of a Latin American Episcopal Conference notes: “a Church in which all members can feel co-responsible is also an attractive and credible place”.

15. The contributions of the Episcopal Conferences recognise that women can participate in many areas of Church life. However, they also note that these possibilities for participation often remain untapped. That is why they suggest that the Second Session promote awareness of and encourage the full use and further development of these possibilities within Parishes, Dioceses and other ecclesial realities, including positions of responsibility. They also call for further exploration of ministerial and pastoral modalities that better express the charisms and gifts the Spirit pours out on women in response to the pastoral needs of our time. As a Latin American Episcopal Conference says: “In our culture the presence of machismo remains strong, while a more active participation of women in all ecclesial spheres is needed. As Pope Francis states, their perspective is indispensable in decision-making processes and in the assumption of roles in the different forms of pastoral care and mission”.

16. Concrete requests emerge from the contributions of the Episcopal Conferences for consideration at the Second Session, including: (a) the promotion of domains for dialogue in the Church so that women can share their experiences, charisms, skills, and spiritual, theological and pastoral insights for the good of the whole Church; (b) a wider participation of women in the processes of ecclesial discernment and all stages of decision-making processes (drafting and decision-making); c) wider access to positions of responsibility in Dioceses and ecclesiastical institutions, in line with existing provisions; d) greater recognition and support for the life and charisms of consecrated women and their employment in positions of responsibility; e) access for women to positions of responsibility in seminaries, institutes and theological faculties; f) an increase in the number of women judges in all canonical processes. The reports received also continue to call for greater attention to be paid to the use of language that is more inclusive and to a range of images from Scripture and Tradition in preaching, teaching, catechesis and the drafting of official Church documents.

17. While some local Churches call for women to be admitted to the diaconal ministry, others reiterate their opposition. On this issue, which will not be the subject of the work of the Second Session, it is good that theological reflection should continue, on an appropriate timescale and in the appropriate ways. The fruits of Study Group 5, which will take into consideration the results of the two Commissions that have dealt with the question in the past, will contribute to its maturation.

18. Many of the demands expressed above also apply to laymen, whose lack of participation in the life of the Church is often lamented. In general, reflection on the role of women often highlights the desire to strengthen all the ministries exercised by the laity (men and women). There is also a call for adequately trained lay men and women to contribute to preaching the Word of God, including during the celebration of the Eucharist.

Call to conversion and reform

19. Jesus began his public ministry with a call to conversion (cf. Mk 1:15). This call represents an invitation to rethink personal and communal ways of living and to let oneself be transformed by the Spirit. No reform could be limited to structures alone but must be rooted in an inner transformation according to the “mind of Christ” (Phil 2:5). For a synodal Church, the first conversion is to listening, the rediscovery of which has been one of the greatest fruits of the journey to date. This is, first of all, listening to the Holy Spirit, the real protagonist of the Synod, and then listening to each other as a fundamental disposition for mission.

20. The Church’s synodal style offers humanity many important insights. In an age marked by increasing inequalities, growing disillusionment with traditional models of governance, democratic disenchantment and the dominance of the market model in human interactions, and the temptation to resolve conflicts by force rather than dialogue, synodality could offer inspiration for the future of our societies. Its attractiveness stems from the fact that it is not a managementstrategy but a practice to be lived and celebrated in a spirit of gratitude.

The synodal way of living relationships is a social witness responding to the deep human need to be welcomed and recognised within a concrete community. Synodal practice challenges the growing isolation of people and cultural individualism, which even the Church has often absorbed, and calls us to mutual care, interdependence and co-responsibility for the common good. Equally, it is also a challenge to an exaggerated social communitarianism that suffocates people and does not allow them to be free subjects of their own development.

The willingness to listen to all, especially those made poor, a willingness that the synodal way of life promotes, stands in stark contrast to a world in which the concentration of power shuts out the voices of the poorest, the marginalised and minorities. The concreteness of the synodal process has shown how much the Church itself needs to grow in this dimension. Study Group 2 is also working on this issue.

21. At every stage of the synodal process, the need for healing, reconciliation, and restoration of trust within the Church and society resonated strongly. Walking this path of healing and restoration is a missionary commitment of the People of God in our world and a gift we must invoke from above. The desire to walk further on this path is a fruit of synodal renewal.



Part I – Relations

Throughout the synodal process and from all regions of the globe, the request emerged for a Church less focused on bureaucracy and more capable of nurturing relationships with the Lord, between men and women, in the family, in the community, and between social groups. Only a web of relationships that weaves together the multiplicity of belongings can sustain individuals and communities, offering them points of reference and orientation and showing them the beauty of life according to the Gospel. It is in relationships – with Christ, with others, in the community – that faith is transmitted.

As it exists in service to mission, synodality should not be thought of as an organisational expedient but lived and cultivated as the way the disciples of Jesus weave relationships in solidarity, capable of corresponding to the divine love that continually reaches them and that they are called to bear witness to in the concrete contexts in which they live. Understanding how to be a synodal Church in mission thus passes through a relational conversion, which reorients the priorities and the action of each person, especially of those whose task it is to animate relationships in the service of unity, in the concreteness of an exchange of gifts that liberates and enriches all.


In Christ and in the Spirit: Christian initiation

22. “The pilgrim Church is missionary by her very nature, since it is from the mission of the Son and the mission of the Holy Spirit that she draws her origin, in accordance with the decree of God the Father” (AG 2). The encounter with Jesus, the adherence in faith to his person, and the celebration of the sacraments of Christian initiation lead us into the very life of the Trinity. Through the gift of the Holy Spirit, the Lord Jesus enables those who receive Baptism to participate in his relationship with the Father. The Spirit with whom Jesus was filled and who led him (Lk 4:1), who anointed him and sent him out to proclaim the Gospel (Lk 4:18), who raised him from the dead (Rom 8:11) is the same Spirit who now anoints the members of the People of God. This Spirit makes us children and heirs of God, and it is through the Spirit that we cry out to God, calling him “Abbà! Father!”.

23. To understand the nature of a synodal Church in mission, it is indispensable to grasp this Trinitarian foundation, and in particular, the inextricable link between the work of Christ and the work of the Holy Spirit in human history and the Church: “It is the Holy Spirit, dwelling in those who believe and filling and ruling over the Church as a whole, who brings about that wonderful communion of the faithful. He brings them all into intimate union with Christ, so that he is the principle of the Church’s unity” (UR 2). This is why the process of Christian initiation of adults is a privileged context for understanding the synodal life of the Church. It highlights its origin and foundation: the relationships that unite and distinguish the three divine Persons. With the baptismal gifts, the Holy Spirit conforms us to Christ, priest, prophet, and king, makes us members of His Body, which is the Church, and makes us children of the one Father. Thus, we receive the call to mission and co-responsibility for what unites us in the one Church. Those gifts have a threefold and inseparable orientation: personal, communal and missionary. They empower and commit every baptised man or woman to building cordial relationships, as sisters and brothers, in their own ecclesial community, to the search for an ever more visible and profound communion with all those with whom they share the same Baptism, and to the proclamation and witness of the Gospel.

24. If, on the one hand, missionary synodality is rooted in Christian initiation, on the other hand, it must illuminate how the People of God lives the journey of initiation, making it its own for what it really means. This includes overcoming a static and individualistic vision of initiation that is insufficiently linked to the following of Christ and life in the Spirit and so recovering the dynamic and transformative value of Christian initiation. In the early Church, Christians reading the words of the Book of Genesis “on the sixth day”, God said: “Let us make humankind in our image, according to our likeness” (Gen 1:26), saw how relational dynamism was inscribed in the anthropology of creation. They saw in the image that of the incarnate Son and in the likeness the gradual possibility of conformation, the manifestation of the beneficial adventure of the freedom to choose to be with and like Christ. This adventure begins with listening to the Word of God, through which the catechumen gradually enters into the following of Christ Jesus. Baptism is at the service of the dynamism of the likeness, and for this reason, it is not a punctual act closed at the moment of its celebration but a gift that must be confirmed, nourished and put to good use through the commitment to conversion, service to mission and participation in the life of the community. Christian initiation culminates, in fact, in the Sunday Eucharist, which is celebrated every week, a sign of the unceasing gift of grace that conforms us to Christ and makes us members of his Body and nourishment that sustains us on the path of conversion and mission.

25. In this sense, the Eucharistic assembly manifests and nourishes the missionary synodal life of the Church. In the participation of all Christians, in the presence of different ministries and the presidency of the bishop or priest, the Christian community is made visible, in which a differentiated co-responsibility of all for the mission is realised. The liturgy, as “the high point towards which the activity of the Church is directed, and, simultaneously, the source from which all its power flows out” (SC 10) is at the same time the source of the synodal life of the Church and the prototype of every synodal event, making the mystery of the Trinity appear “as in a mirror” (1 Cor 13:12; cf. DV 7).

26. It is necessary that the pastoral proposals and liturgical practices preserve and make ever more evident the link between the journey of Christian initiation and the synodal and missionary life of the Church. In this way, we avoid reducing this journey to a solely pedagogical instrument or an indicator of a mere social belonging and promote instead the acceptance of this personal gift oriented towards mission and community building. The appropriate pastoral and liturgical arrangements must be developed in the plurality of situations and cultures in which the local Churches are immersed, also attentive to the difference between those in which Christian initiation involves mainly young people or adults and those in which it concerns mainly, if not exclusively, children.

For the People of God: charisms and ministries

27. “Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are varieties of services, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of activities, but it is the same God who activates all of them in everyone. To each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good” (1 Cor 12:4, 7). The freedom of the Holy Spirit is at the origin of the variety of charisms (gifts of grace) and ministries (forms of service in the Church in view of her mission). The Spirit grants them and works unceasingly so that they manifest the unity of the faith and belonging to the one and unique Catholic Church in the variety of persons, cultures and places. Charisms, even the simplest and most widespread, are bestowed in response to the needs of the Church and for its mission (cf. LG 12). At the same time, they contribute effectively to the life of society, in its different aspects. Charisms are often shared, giving rise to the different forms of consecrated life and the pluralism of ecclesial associations, groups and movements.

28. The primary sphere in which the charisms borne by each baptised person are called to manifest themselves is not the organisation of ecclesial activities or structures but in daily life, family and social relationships. In the most diverse situations, Christians – individually and communally – are called to make the gifts of grace they have received flourish for the good of all. Like that of ministries, the fruitfulness of charisms depends on God’s action, the vocation God addresses to each one, the generous and wise acceptance of the baptised, and recognition and accompaniment by authority. Therefore, they cannot be interpreted as the property of those who receive and exercise them, nor as intended for their exclusive benefit.

29. As an expression of the Spirit’s freedom in bestowing gifts and as a response to the needs of individual communities, there is in the Church a variety of ministries that can be exercised by any baptised man or woman. These take the form of a regular service offered to and recognised by the community and those who guide it. They can be called baptismal ministries to indicate their common root (baptism) and to distinguish them from ordained ministries rooted in the sacrament of Order.

There are, for example, men and women who exercise the ministry of coordinating a small church community, the ministry of leading moments of prayer (at funerals or otherwise), the extraordinary ministry of communion, or other services not necessarily liturgical. The Latin and Eastern canonical norms already provide that, in some cases, lay faithful, men or women, may also be extraordinary ministers of baptism. According to the Latin norms, the bishop may delegate to lay faithful, men or women, to assist at weddings. It is useful to continue reflecting on how to entrust these ministries to the laity in a more stable form. This reflection should be accompanied by further consideration of how we can promote more forms of lay ministry, including outside the liturgical sphere.

30. In recent times, certain modes of service that have long been present in the life of the Church have received a new configuration as instituted ministries, including the ministry of lectors and that of acolytes (cf. Apostolic Letter in the form of motu proprio Spiritus Domini, 10 January 2021). The instituted ministry of catechists has also developed (cf. Apostolic Letter in the form of motu proprio Antiquum ministerium, 10 May 2021). Instituted ministries are conferred by the bishop on men and women once in a lifetime via a special rite after appropriate discernment and adequate formation. The time and manner of their exercise must be defined by a mandate from the legitimate authority. Some theological and canonical questions concerning specific forms of ecclesial ministry – in particular, the question of the necessary participation of women in the life and leadership of the Church – have been entrusted to the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, in dialogue with the General Secretariat of the Synod (Study Group No. 5).

31. While not all charisms take on properly ministerial forms, all ministries are founded on charisms given to certain members of the People of God, who are called to act in different ways so that each one in the community can participate in the building up of the body of Christ (cf. Eph 4:12), in mutual service. Like charisms, ministries must also be recognised, promoted and valued. The synodal process has repeatedly highlighted how the discernment and promotion of charisms and ministries, as well as the identification of the needs of communities and society to which they are intended to respond, is an aspect in which the local Churches need to grow, giving themselves adequate criteria, tools and procedures. The Second Vatican Council teaches that it is the task of pastors “to acknowledge their [the faithful’s] ministries and their charisms, so that all may cooperate unanimously, each in her or his own way, in the common task” (LG 30). The discernment of charisms and ministries is a properly ecclesial act: in order to recognise and promote them, the bishop is obliged to listen to the voice of all those involved: individual faithful, communities, and participative bodies. To this end, procedures suitable to the different contexts must be identified, always taking care to make possible a real consensus on the criteria and outcomes of discernment. The results of the “Parish Priests for the Synod” meeting strongly emphasise these needs.

32. Also emphasised is the call to grow in a deeper trust in the action of the Spirit and greater courage and creativity in discerning how to put the gifts received and welcomed at the service of the Church’s mission in a way that is appropriate to different local contexts. It is precisely the variety of contexts, and therefore of the needs of communities, that suggests that the local Churches, under the guidance of their pastors, and their groupings “in every great socio-cultural region” (AG 22), undertake with humility and confidence a creative discernment on which ministries that they must recognise, entrust or institute to respond to pastoral and societal needs. Therefore, criteria and ways to carry out this discernment must be defined. Reflection must also consider how to entrust baptismal ministries (non-instituted and instituted) at a time when people move from one place to another with increasing ease, specifying the times and areas of their exercise.

33. The journey so far has led to the recognition that a synodal Church is a Church that listens, is capable of welcoming and accompanying, and is perceived as home and family. A need emerges in all continents concerning people who, for different reasons, are or feel excluded or on the margins of the ecclesial community or who struggle to find full recognition of their dignity and gifts within it. This lack of welcome leaves them feeling rejected, hinders their journey of faith and encounter with the Lord, and deprives the Church of their contribution to mission.

34. It seems appropriate to create a recognised and properly instituted ministry of listening and accompaniment, which would make this characteristic feature of a synodal Church an enduring and tangible reality. An ‘open door’ of the community is needed, allowing people to enter without feeling threatened or judged. The forms of exercising this ministry will need to adapt to local circumstances according to the diversity of experiences, structures, social contexts and available resources. This opens up a space for discernment to take place at the local level, with the involvement of national or continental Episcopal Conferences. However, the presence of a specific ministry does not mean reserving the commitment to listening to these ministers alone. On the contrary, it has a prophetic character. On the one hand, it emphasises that listening and accompaniment are an ordinary dimension of the life of a synodal Church, which in different ways engages all the baptised and in which all communities are invited to grow; on the other hand, it reminds us that listening and accompaniment is an ecclesial service, not a personal initiative, the value of which is thus recognised. This awareness is a mature fruit of the synodal process.

With ordained ministers: at the service of harmony

35. Contrasting data emerged from the synodal process concerning the exercise of the ordained ministry within the People of God. On the one hand, the joy, commitment and dedication of bishops, priests and deacons in carrying out their service were emphasised; on the other hand, they have spoken of a certain fatigue, linked above all to a sense of isolation, loneliness, being cut off from healthy and sustainable relationships, and of being overwhelmed by the demand to provide answers to every need. This can be one of the toxic effects of clericalism. In particular, the figure of the bishop is frequently overloaded with unrealistic expectations of what a single person can reasonably achieve.

36. The meeting “Parish Priests for the Synod” linked this fatigue to the difficulty of bishops and priests in truly walking together in their shared ministry. A reimagining of the ordained ministry within the horizon of the missionary synodal Church is thus not only a demand for coherence but also an opportunity for release from these burdens, provided it is accompanied by an effective conversion of practices, which makes the change and the benefits deriving from it evident to ordained ministers and the other faithful.

In addition to the journey of conversion of ordained ministers, this path will entail a new way of thinking about and organising pastoral action, which takes into account the participation of all baptised men and women in the mission of the Church, aiming, in particular, to bring out, recognise and animate the different baptismal charisms and ministries. The question “How tobe a synodal Church in mission?” prompts us to reflect concretely on the relationships, structures and processes that can foster a renewed vision of ordained ministry, moving from a pyramidal way of exercising authority to a synodal way. Within the framework of promoting baptismal charisms and ministries, a reallocation of tasks whose performance does not require the sacrament of Orders can be initiated. A more detailed distribution of responsibilities will favour decision-making and taking processes marked by a more clearly synodal style.

37. In the conciliar texts, the ordained ministry is conceived primarily as service in the Church for the very existence of the Church. By its authority, the Council has restored the form of the ordained ministry of the early Church, a ministry which “is exercised in different orders by those who right from ancient times are called bishops, priests and deacons” (LG 28). In this articulation, episcopate and presbyterate correspond to a special participation in the priesthood of Christ the shepherd and head of the ecclesial community, while the diaconate is “not for the priesthood, but for the ministry ” (LG 29). The different orders are organically related one to the other, in mutual interdependence, in the specificity of each. The ordained cannot think of themselves as isolated individuals on whom powers have been conferred but as sharers in the gifts (munera) conferred by ordination, which are Christ’s, in collegiality with other ordained ministers and in an organic bond with the People of God of which he is a part and which, albeit in a different way, shares in those same gifts of Christ in the common priesthood founded on Baptism.

38. The bishop has the task of presiding over a Church, being a visible principle of unity within it and a bond of communion with all the Churches. The singularity of his ministry entails a power that is proper, ordinary and immediate, powers that each bishop exercises personally in the name of Christ (cf. LG 27) of the proclamation of the Word, presiding over the celebration of the Eucharist and the other sacraments, and pastoral guidance. This does not imply his separation from the portion of the People of God entrusted to him (cf. CD 11), and which he is called to serve in the name of Christ the Good Shepherd.

The fact that “the fullness of the sacrament of order is conferred by episcopal consecration” (LG 21) is not the justification for an episcopal ministry that is ‘monarchical’, conceived as an accumulation of prerogatives from which every other charism and ministry derives. Instead, it affirms the capacity and duty to gather and compose in unity every gift that the Spirit pours out on baptised men and women and on the various communities. Certain aspects of episcopal ministry, including the criteria for selecting candidates for the episcopate, are being addressed by Study Group 7.

39. The ministry of priests should also be conceived and lived in a synodal sense. In particular, priests “constitute along with their bishop one presbyterium” (LG 28) at the service of that portion of the People of God, which is the local Church (cf. CD 11). This requires that we do not consider the bishop as external to the presbyterate but as the one who presides over a local Church, first of all presiding over its presbyterate, of which he is a part with a particular singularity, being called to exercise special care towards priests.

40. Bishops and priests are assisted by deacons in a bond of mutual interdependence of the two types of ministry for the implementation of the apostolic service. Bishops and presbyters are not self-sufficient with respect to deacons and vice versa. Since the functions of deacons are many – as tradition, liturgical prayer and post-Vatican II praxis show – they must be related to the particularity and specificity of each individual local Church. The service of each deacon must, in any case, be conceived in harmony and communion with that of all other deacons, in accordance with the nature of the diaconal ministry and within the framework of mission in a synodal Church.

41. Besides promoting unity in the local Church, the Diocesan or Eparchial bishop, assisted by priests and deacons, is also responsible for relations with the other local Churches and the whole Church around the Bishop of Rome in a mutual exchange of gifts. Re-establishing the traditional link between being a bishop and presiding over a local Church is important, restoring the correspondence between the communion of bishops (communio episcoporum) and the communion of Churches (communio Ecclesiarum).

Between the Churches and in the world: the concreteness of communion

42. Synodality is implemented through networks of people, communities, bodies and a set of processes that enable an effective exchange of gifts between the Churches and an evangelising dialogue with the world. Walking together as baptised persons in the diversity of charisms, vocations and ministries, as well as in the exchange of gifts between Churches, is an important sacramental sign for today’s world, which, on the one hand, experiences increasingly intense forms of interconnectedness, and on the other is immersed in a mercantile culture that marginalises gratuitousness.

43. According to the Council, it is by virtue of the catholicity of the Church that “the individual parts bring their own gifts to the other parts and to the whole” (LG 13). “Between the different parts of the Church there are bonds of intimate communion with regard to spiritual riches, apostolic workers and temporal resources. For the members of the people of God are called to share their goods, and the words of the apostle are applicable also to the individual churches: ‘As each has received a gift, employ it for one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace’ (1 Pet 4: 10)” (ibid.).

44. The Episcopal Conferences hope that goods will be shared in a spirit of solidarity between the Churches that make up the one and unique Catholic Church, without any desire for domination or claim to superiority. The existence of rich Churches and Churches that live in great hardship is a scandal. It is therefore suggested that arrangements be made to promote mutual ties and form support networks, including in the context of groupings of Churches.

45. All the local Churches receive and give in the communion of the one Church. There are Churches that need the support of financial and material resources; others that are enriched by the witness of living faith and loving service to the poorest; still others need, above all, the help of evangelisers who devote their lives to communicating the Gospel to other peoples. In particular, the generosity of priests, deacons, consecrated men and women, lay men and women engaged in the mission ad gentes is recognised and solicited.

46. The local Churches express a desire for an exchange of spiritual, liturgical and theological gifts and also for a greater shared witness on social issues of global importance, such as the care of the common home and migratory movements. In this regard, a synodal Church will be able to testify to the importance of solutions to common problems being worked out based on listening to the voices of all, especially those groups, communities and countries that usually remain on the margins of major global processes. Today, large supranational geographical areas, such as the Amazon, the Congo Basin, the Mediterranean, or similar regions, are particularly promising areas in which to implement forms of exchange of gifts and coordinate efforts.

47. In particular, a synodal Church is invited to approach the reality of human mobility from the perspective of the exchange of gifts. This can be an opportunity for encounters between the Churches in the concreteness of the daily life of cities and neighbourhoods, of Parishes and Dioceses or Eparchies. In this way, the synodal path is rooted in the experience of the communities. Particular attention should be paid to the possibility of encounter and exchange of gifts between the Churches of Latin tradition and the Eastern Catholic Churches in the diaspora. Study Group 1 is working on this theme.

48. The exchange of gifts between Churches takes place in contexts marked by violence, persecution and lack of religious freedom; indeed, some Churches struggle for their very survival and invoke the solidarity of other Churches while they continue to share their riches, the fruit of the constant encounter with opposition to the Gospel and the persecution faced by Lord’s disciples throughout history. Moreover, the exchange of gifts takes place in a context still overshadowed by continuing forms of colonialism and neo-colonialism. A Church growing in the practice of synodality is invited to understand the impact of these social dynamics on the exchange of gifts and to seek their transformation. Also, part of this commitment is the recognition that many Churches carry a wounded memory and that there is a need to promote paths of reconciliation.

49. The concept of the ‘exchange of gifts’ has particular significance in relations with other Churches and ecclesial Communities. St John Paul II applied this idea to ecumenical dialogue: “Dialogue is not only an exchange of ideas. In some way it is always an ‘exchange of gifts'” (UUS 28). Besides theological dialogue, the exchange of gifts takes place in the sharing of prayer, whereby we open ourselves to receive the gifts of spiritual traditions other than our own. For example, the lives and spiritual insights of holy women and men from other Churches and ecclesial Communities are also gifts we can receive, inserting their memories in our liturgical calendar, especially the martyrs. In this spirit, we must also be generous, offering other Christians the opportunity to come on pilgrimage and pray at the shrines and holy places of which the Catholic Church is a custodian.

50. Dialogue between religions and with cultures is not external to the synodal journey but is part of its call to live closer relations, given that “At all times and in every nation whoever fears God and does what is right is acceptable to God” (LG 9). Therefore, the exchange of gifts is not limited to the Christian Churches because an authentic Catholicity broadens the horizon and calls for the willingness to embrace those factors that promote life, peace, justice, and integral human development present in other cultures and religious traditions.



Part II – Pathways

A synodal Church is a relational Church in which interpersonal dynamics form the fabric of the life of a mission-oriented community, whose life unfolds within increasingly complex contexts. The approach proposed here does not separate but grasps the links between experiences, allowing us to learn from reality, which is reread in the light of the Word of God, from Tradition, from prophetic witnesses, and also reflects on mistakes made.

Part II highlights the processes that ensure the care and development of relationships, especially union with Christ, oriented towards mission and the harmony of community life through the ability to face conflicts and difficulties together. This part focuses on four distinct but profoundly intertwined areas in the life of the missionary synodal Church: formation, especially to listening (to the Word of God, to the brothers and sisters, and the voice of the Holy Spirit) and discernment, which leads to the development of participatory decision-making and taking that respects the different roles involved, in a mutual relationship that promotes transparency, accountability, and opens the space again to enable discernment for mission.

The source and culmination of this dynamism is the Eucharist, which places at the heart of all relationships the gratuitousness of the Father’s love through the Son in the Spirit. This daily bread that nourishes a missionary synodal Church is also the content of its proclamation to the world.

An integral and shared formation

51. “Each baptised person is called to take care of their own formation as a response to the gifts of the Lord, making use of the talents they have received in order that they bear fruit and put them at the service of all” (SR 14a). These words from the Synthesis Report of the First Session explain why the need for formation was one of the themes that emerged universally and most strongly throughout the Synodal Process. Therefore, responding to the question of “How to be a synodal Church in mission?” requires prioritising effective formation pathways, with particular attention to ongoing formation for everyone.

52. For many, participating in synodal gatherings has been an opportunity for being formed in the understanding and practice of synodality. This has drawn forth the strong desire for a better understanding of the meaning of baptismal dignity or that “supernatural sense of faith” (LG 12) that the Spirit bestows as a gift to the People of God. The first need is, therefore, for a deeper formation in the knowledge of how the Spirit acts in the Church and guides it through history.

53. Just as there is no mission without context, there is no Church which is not rooted in a given place, with its particular culture and unique history. This is why it is impossible to envisage abstract formation initiatives. These should be defined by local Churches, and their groupings, Episcopal Conferences, and equivalent Eastern hierarchical structures. This document, therefore, will limit itself to indicating some guidelines and fundamental characteristics of formation with regard to synodality, which should then be put into practice, taking into consideration the specific contexts, cultures, and traditions of a given place.

54. A synodal Church in mission is grounded in the ability to listen, which requires recognising that no one is self-sufficient in the Church’s mission and that everyone has a contribution to offer and something to learn from others. Formation in listening is, therefore, an essential initial requirement. The practice of conversation in the Spirit has made it possible to experience how listening to the Word of God and our brothers and sisters can be woven together and how this dynamic gradually opens one up to listening to the voice of the Spirit. Many contributions have been received that insist on the importance of formation in this method. The Church has a diverse range of methods for listening, dialogue, and discernment, arising from diverse cultures and spiritual traditions. It is important to promote formation in this plurality of methods as well as dialogue between them in local contexts. A key point in this regard is listening to people who experience various types of poverty and marginalisation. Many local Churches report that they feel unprepared for this task and express the need for specific formation. This is one of the points entrusted to the work of Study Group 2.

55. The purpose of formation in the perspective of missionary synodality is to form witnesses, that is: men and women capable of assuming the mission of the Church in co-responsibility and cooperation with the power of the Spirit (Acts 1:8). Formation is therefore based on the dynamism of Christian initiation, aiming to promote the personal experience of encounter with the Lord that entails a process of continuously converting our attitudes, relationships, mentality, and structures. The subject of mission is always the Church, and each of its members is a witness and herald of salvation by virtue of Baptism. The Eucharist, “the source and culmination of all Christian life” (LG 11), is the fundamental context of our formation in synodality. As a community of life and love, the family is a privileged place of education for faith and Christian practice. In the interweaving of generations, it is a school of synodality, inviting everyone to care for others and making visible that everyone – the weak and the strong, children, young and old – have much to receive and much to give.

56. In a synodal Church, formation must be integral. Indeed, it not only aims at acquiring various ideas, beliefs or skills but also at promoting the capacity for encounter, sharing, cooperation, and discernment in common. Formation must, therefore, engage all the dimensions of the human person: intellectual, affective, and spiritual. It cannot remain a purely theoretical formation but must include concrete experiences and meaningful accompaniment. It is equally important to foster knowledge of the cultures in which local Churches live and work, including the digital culture, which has become widespread, especially among young people. The work of Study Group 3 is devoted to the digital culture and the promotion of relevant formation in this field.

57. Finally, there has been a clear insistence on the need for a formation that is communal and shared, in which lay men and women, consecrated men and women, ordained ministers and candidates for ordained ministry participate together, thus enabling them to grow in their mutual knowledge and esteem for one another, and in their ability to co-operate. To this end, special attention is required to promote the participation of women in formation programmes alongside seminarians, priests, religious, and lay people. It is crucially important that women have access to teaching and formation roles in theological faculties, institutes, and seminaries. It is also suggested that priests, bishops, and the laity be offered formation to make them aware of the roles and tasks women can already perform in the Church and that an evaluation of the effective use of these opportunities be promoted in all areas of Church life: Parishes, Dioceses, lay associations, ecclesial movements, new communities, consecrated life, ecclesiastical institutions, and the Roman Curia. The work of Study Group 4 is dedicated to revising the formation of candidates for ordained ministry (Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis) from a missionary synodal perspective. A request coming from all continents is to improve formation for preaching. Finally, there is a need for a shared formation that is both theoretical and practical in communal discernment within and appropriate to various local contexts.

Ecclesial discernment for mission

58. The one Spirit, who gives rise to a great variety of charisms, guides the Church towards the fullness of life and divine truth (cf. Jn 10:10; 16:13). By the continuous presence and action of Spirit, the “tradition which comes from the apostles progresses in the Church” (DV 8). Thanks to the guidance of the Spirit, the People of God, as sharers in the prophetic function of Christ (cf. LG 12), “discern the true signs of God’s presence and purpose in the events, needs and desires which it shares with the rest of modern humanity” (GS 11). For this ecclesial task of discernment, the Holy Spirit bestows the sensus fidei, which can be described as “the instinctive capacity to discern the new ways that the Lord is revealing to the Church” (Francis, Address for the 50th Anniversary of the Institution of the Synod of Bishops, 17 October 2015).

59. Discernment commits those who participate in it at a personal level and all participating together at a community level to cultivate dispositions of inner freedom, being open to newness and trusting surrender to God’s will in order to listen to one another so as to hear “what the Spirit is saying to the Churches” (Rev. 2:7). Mary, with her prayerful presence at the heart of the apostolic community in the cenacle (cf. Acts 1:14), is for all a living model and generative guide for an authentic synodal spirituality: in persevering and responsible listening to the Word and in meditative discernment of events (cf. Lk 1:26-38; 2:19. 51), in generous openness to the action of the Holy Spirit (cf. Lk 1:35), in sharing thanksgiving for the Lord’s work (cf. Lk 1:39-56), and in concrete and timely service to each and every person (cf. Jn 2:1-12) whom Jesus entrusted to her maternal care (cf. Jn 19:25-27).

60. Precisely insofar as it requires each person to share his or her point of view on the common mission we share, a process of discernment articulates in a concrete way communion, mission, and participation. In other words, it is a way of walking together. This is why it is crucial to promote broad participation in processes of discernment, taking special care to involve those on the margins of the community and society.

61. The starting point of all ecclesial discernment is listening to the Word of God. Sacred Scripture constitutes the witness par excellence of God’s communication with humanity. They testify that God has spoken to his People and continues to do so, and they present the different channels through which this communication occurs. God speaks through personal meditation on Scripture, which resonates in the hearts of those who pray with it. God speaks to the community in the liturgy, the pre-eminent place of interpreting what the Lord says to his Church. God speaks through the Church, both Mother and Teacher, through its living Tradition and practices, including those of popular piety. God continues to speak through the events in space and time, provided we know how to discern their meaning. Moreover, God communicates with his People through the natural world, whose very existence points us to the Creator’s handiwork, filled with the presence of the Holy Spirit, who gives life. Finally, God speaks in each person’s own conscience, which “is the most intimate centre and sanctuary of a person, in which he or she is alone with God whose voice echoes within them” (GS 16). An authentic discernment cannot neglect any of these channels of divine communication.

62. Communal discernment is not a mere organisational technique but a demanding practice that qualifies the life and mission of the Church lived out in Christ and the Holy Spirit. For this reason, it must always be carried out with the awareness and the will to be gathered in the name of the Lord Jesus (cf. Mt 18:20), listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit. As Jesus promised, only the Holy Spirit can lead the Church towards the fullness of life and truth (cf. Jn 16:13), that these may be made available to a world thirsting for meaning. The means by which the People of God lives out its mission of proclaiming and bearing witness to the Gospel is rooted here. It is, therefore, a priority to learn to practise at all levels that evangelical art that enabled the community of the apostles in Jerusalem to characterise the first synodal event in the history of the Church with these words: “For it has seemed good to the Holy Spirit and to us” (Acts 15:28). It is in this spirit that the practice of the Church’s missionary synodal life taking place in specific places, structures, and events must be understood and oriented.

63. Concrete procedural options, in their variety, must be consistent with the requirements of an underlying synodal theological methodology. Based on the experience of the synodal process, it is possible to identify some key elements, including the need for (a) a personal and communal prayer life, including participation in the Eucharist; (b) an adequate personal and communal preparation, based on listening to the Word of God and reality; (c) respectful and profound listening to the word of each person; (d) the search for the widest possible consensus not by finding the lowest common denominator, but by overflow, aiming at what most “makes hearts burn” (cf. Lk 24:32); and (e) while the consensus is to be formulated by those conducting the process, it must be given back to all those who participated, so that they can verify their representation in that formulation.

64. Discernment always takes place ‘with one’s feet on the ground,’ meaning within a concrete context, aware of its particularities and complexities. Discernment, therefore, can only benefit from the analytical contribution of the various human, social, and administrative sciences relevant to the issue at hand. This does not mean that technical and scientific expertise has the last word – such an approach would constitute a technocratic drift. Rather, the aim is to “provide a concrete foundation for the ethical and spiritual itinerary that follows” (LS 15). Therefore, these forms of expertise must be given a chance to offer their important contribution without dominating other perspectives.

65. In the Church, there is a great variety of approaches to discernment and various well-established methodologies. This diversity is a richness. With appropriate adaptations to different contexts, utilising these diverse approaches can prove fruitful. With a view to the common good, they should enter into a fruitful dialogue without diluting their respective traits or identitarian entrenchments. The fruitfulness of Conversation in the Spirit, evident at all stages of the synodal process, invites us to consider this particular form of ecclesial discernment as particularly well suited to the exercise of synodality.

66. In the local Churches, it is essential to offer formation opportunities that spread and nurture a culture of discernment, particularly among those in positions of responsibility. Equally important is the formation of accompaniers or facilitators, whose contribution often proves crucial in carrying out discernment processes. The work of Study Group 9, dedicated to the preparation of theological criteria and synodal methodologies for a shared discernment of controversial doctrinal, pastoral, and ethical issues, unfolds along these lines.

Decision-making processes

67. “In the synodal Church the whole community, in the free and rich diversity of its members, is called together to pray, listen, analyse, dialogue, discern and offer advice on taking pastoral decisions which correspond as closely as possible to God’s will” (ITC 68). This statement needs to be decisively implemented. It is difficult to imagine a more effective way to promote a synodal Church than the participation of all in decision-making and taking processes. This participation takes place based on a differentiated responsibility that respects each community member and values their respective skills and gifts in view of a shared decision.

68. To facilitate the implementation of such a vision, it is helpful to reflect on how such decision-making processes take form. The latter usually involves a phase of engagement and elaboration (decision-making, according to English terminology that is also used in other languages) “through a joint exercise of discernment, consultation and co-operation” (ITC 69), which informs and supports the decision that is subsequently made, which isultimately the responsibility of the competent authority (for example, in a Diocese or Eparchy, the bishop). There is no competition or conflict between the two phases, but by their combination, they contribute to ensuring that the decisions made are in conformity with God’s will as much as possible: “Working things out is a synodal task; the decision is a ministerial responsibility” (ibid.).

69. In many cases, existing law already prescribes that, before deciding, the authority is obliged to conduct a consultation. This ecclesial consultation cannot be omitted and goes far beyond listening because it obliges the authority not to proceed as if it had not taken place. The authority remains free from a juridical point of view since the consultative opinion is not binding, but if a general agreement emerges, the authority will not depart from it without a convincing reason (sine praevalenti ratione; CIC, Canon 127, §2, 2°). If the competent authority were to do so, it would isolate itself from those consulted, injuring the bond that unites them. In the Church, the exercise of authority does not consist in the imposition of an arbitrary will but rather constitutes a moderating force in the common search for what the Spirit requires, as a ministry at the service of the unity of the People of God.

70. In a synodal Church, the responsibility of the bishop, the College of bishops and the Roman Pontiff to make decisions is inalienable since it is rooted in the hierarchical structure of the Church established by Christ. However, it is not unconditional. An orientation that emerges in the consultative process as the outcome of proper discernment, especially if carried out by the participatory bodies of the local Church, cannot be ignored. The aim of synodal ecclesial discernment is not to make the bishops obey the voice of the people, subordinating the former to the latter, nor to offer the bishops an expedient to make decisions that have already been taken seem more acceptable, but rather to lead to a shared decision in obedience to the Holy Spirit. Any opposition between consultation and deliberation is therefore inadequate: in the Church, deliberation takes place with the help of all, never without the pastoral authority that takes decisions by virtue of its office. For this reason, the recurring formula in the Code of Canon Law, which speaks of a ‘consultative vote only’ (tantum consultivum), diminishes the value of consultation and should be corrected.

71. It is up to the local Churches to increasingly implement all the possibilities of giving life to authentically synodal decision-making processes that suit the context’s specificities. This is a task of great importance and urgency since the successful implementation of the Synod largely depends on it. Without tangible changes, the vision of a synodal Church will not be credible. This will alienate those members of the People of God who have drawn strength and hope from the synodal journey. This applies most especially to the effective participation of women in drafting and decision-making and taking processes, as called for in many of the contributions received from the Episcopal Conferences.

72. Finally, it should not be forgotten that processes of consultation, communal discernment and synodal decision-making require those who take part in them to have effective access to all relevant information so that they can formulate their own reasoned opinion. The authority initiating the process is responsible for ensuring that this happens. Sound synodal decision-making processes require an appropriate level of transparency. Likewise, it is important to recognise the delicacy of the task and the special responsibility borne by those who express their opinion in a consultation.

Transparency, accountability, and evaluation

73. A synodal Church requires both a culture and practice of transparency and accountability, which are essential to fostering the mutual trust necessary for walking together and exercising co-responsibility for the sake of the common mission. In the Church, the exercise of accountability does not primarily respond to social and organisational needs. Rather, its foundation is found in the very nature of the Church as a mystery of communion.

74. In the New Testament, we find accountability practices in the early Church’s life that are significantly related to protecting the communion of the Church. Chapter11 of the Acts of the Apostlesoffers us an example of this. When Peter returns to Jerusalem after having baptised Cornelius, a pagan, the circumcised believers rebuked him, saying, “Why did you go to uncircumcised men and eat with them?” (Acts 11:2-3). Peter responds by expressing the reasons behind his actions. Thus, accountability of one’s ministry before the community belongs to the oldest of the Church’s traditions, dating back to the time of the apostles. The Christian theology of stewardshipoffers a framework within which to understand the exercise of authority and situate reflection on transparency and accountability.

75. In our time, the demand for transparency and accountability in and by the Church has come about as a result of the loss of credibility due to financial scandals and, even more so, sexual abuse and other abuses of minors and vulnerable persons. The lack of transparency and accountability fuels clericalism, which is based on the implicit assumption that ordained ministers are accountable to no one for the exercise of the authority vested in them.

76. If the synodal Church wants to be welcoming, then accountability and transparency must be at the core of its action at all levels, not only at the level of authority. However, those in positions of authority have a greater responsibility in this regard. Transparency and accountability are not limited to sexual and financial abuse. They must also be concerned with pastoral plans, methods of evangelisation, and how the Church respects the dignity of the human person, for example, regarding the working conditions within its institutions.

77. While the practice of accountability to superiors has been preserved over the centuries, the dimension of accountability of authority to the community must be recovered. Transparency must be a feature of the exercise of authority in the Church. Today, structures and forms of regular evaluation of how ministerial responsibilities of all kinds are exercised emerge as necessary. Evaluation, understood in a non-moralistic sense, enables ministers to adjust quickly and fosters their growth and ability to perform their service better.

78. In addition to observing what is already provided for in the canonical norms regarding control criteria and mechanisms, it is up to the local Churches and, above all, their groupings (i.e. ecclesiastical provinces, Episcopal Conferences, and Eastern hierarchical structures) to construct effective forms and procedures of transparency and accountability, appropriate to the variety of contexts, based on the civil regulatory framework, the expectations of society, and the actual availability of expertise in the field. However, even where resources are scarce, the Church will work for an evolution of its work, ethos, and mentality in the direction of transparency and a culture of accountability.

79. In particular, in forms appropriate to each context, it seems necessary to guarantee at least a) an effective functioning of the Councils for Economic Affairs; b) the effective involvement of the People of God, especially the most competent members, in pastoral and economic planning; c) the preparation and publication (with real accessibility) of an annual financial statement, as much as possible certified by external auditors, which makes transparent the management of the goods and financial resources of the Church and its institutions; d) an annual statement on the performance of the mission, including an illustration of the initiatives undertaken in the area of safeguarding(protection of minors and vulnerable persons) and promoting women’s access to positions of authority and their participation in decision-making and taking processes; and e) periodic evaluation procedures on the performance of those exercising any form of ministry and holding any position within the Church. These are points of great importance and urgency for the credibility of the synodal process and its implementation.

Part III  – Places

The missionary synodal life of the Church, the vital relationships of which it is composed, and the pathways that enable its development should not overlook the concreteness and specificity of “place”, that is, the Church placed within a given context and culture. Part III invites us to overcome a static vision of places that orders them by successive levels or degrees according to a pyramidal model (i.e. Parish, deanery, Diocese or Eparchy, ecclesiastical province, Episcopal Conference or Eastern hierarchical structure, and universal Church). This has never been our vision. The network of relationships and the exchange of gifts between the Churches have always been interwoven as a web of relations rather than conceived as linear in form. They are gathered in the bond of unity of which the Roman Pontiff is the perpetual and visible principle and foundation. In this sense, the catholicity of the Church has never coincided with an abstract universalism. Moreover, in the context of a rapidly changing conception of space, constricting the Church’s action within purely spatial boundaries would imprison it in a fatal immobilism and produce a worrying pastoral redundancy, rendering it incapable of reaching the most dynamic parts of the population, especially the young. Instead, places must be understood from a perspective of mutual interdependency, which becomes concrete in the relationships between Churches and the groupings they form, endowed with a unity of meaning. The service of unity, which is incumbent upon the Bishop of Rome and the College of bishops in communion with him, must take this perspective into account and find the appropriate institutional forms necessary for its exercise.

Areas of shared journeying

80. “To the Church of God that is in Corinth…” (1 Cor 1:2). The proclamation of the Gospel, by awakening faith in the hearts of men and women, causes a Church to be established in a place. The Church cannot be understood without being rooted in a place and a culture and without the relationships established between places and cultures. Emphasising the importance of place does not mean giving in to particularism or relativism but enhancing the concreteness in which, in space and time, a shared experience of adherence to the manifestation of the Triune God who saves takes shape. The dimension of place preserves the generative plurality of the forms of this experience and their rootedness in specific cultural and historical contexts. The variety of liturgical, theological, spiritual, and disciplinary traditions demonstrate how much this plurality enriches the Church and makes it beautiful. The communion of the Churches, each with its local concreteness, manifests the communion of the faithful in the one and unique Church, avoiding its evaporation into an abstract and homogenising universalism.

81. The pluralism of cultures and the fruitfulness of the encounter and dialogue between them are a condition of the Church’s life, an expression of and not a threat to its catholicity. The salvific message remains one and the same: “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to the one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is above all and through all and in all” (Eph. 4:4-6). This message is pluriform and expressed in diverse peoples, cultures, traditions, and languages. Taking this plurality of forms seriously avoids hegemonic tendencies and mitigates the risk of reducing the message of salvation to a single understanding of ecclesial life and its liturgical, pastoral, or moral expression. The web of relations within a synodal Church, made visible in the exchange of gifts between the Churches and guaranteed by the unity of the College of bishops headed by the bishop of Rome, is a dynamic guardian of a unity that can never become uniformity.

82. Today, this vision of a Church rooted in concrete contexts encounters the socio-cultural conditions of our times, which have profoundly altered our experience of being rooted in a given territory. A place can no longer be understood in purely geographical and spatial terms; rather, it points to our belonging to a web of relations and a culture that is more dynamic and mobile than in the past. This reality challenges the Church’s organisational forms, which are structured based on a different concept of place. This also requires adopting differentiated criteria appropriate to different contexts, which do not contradict each other, in order to incarnate the one truth in people’s lives.

83. Urbanisation is one factor in this shift. Today, for the first time in human history, most of humanity lives in urban rather than rural areas. The sense of belonging to a place takes different forms in an urban context, where the boundaries that structure a locality are forged in a different way. In large megacities, it takes only a few underground or subway stops to cross the boundaries not only of the Parish but of the Diocese: a journey many people make several times a day. Many lives routinely take place moving between different church localities.

84. A second factor is increased human mobility within a globalised world. Refugees and migrants often form vibrant communities, enlarging the practice of faith and thus making the place where they settle more diverse. At the same time, they maintain connections and relationships with their country of origin, often thanks to digital media. They frequently experience simultaneous belonging to multiple local, cultural, and linguistic groups. Communities of origin experience, on the one hand, a reduction in their membership, sometimes to the point of struggling for survival. On the other hand, their relational and cultural fabric is expanded globally. As the First Session noted, emblematic in this respect is the situation of some Eastern Catholic Churches: with current migration rates, their diaspora members could become more numerous than those living in their canonical territories (cf. SR 6c). In any case, defining place in purely geographical terms will become increasingly anachronistic. Study Group 1 is called to reflect upon the challenges this poses for relations between the Eastern Catholic Churches and the Latin Church.

85. Finally, we cannot overlook the spread of digital culture, especially among young people. It radically impacts the experience and conception of space and time and reshapes all kinds of human activities, including communication, relationships, and faith. It is no coincidence that the First Session states that “digital culture, then, is not so much a distinct area of mission as a crucial dimension of the Church’s witness in contemporary society” (SR 17b). Study Group 3 is dedicated to studying this challenge.

86. These dynamics of society and culture invite the Church to think anew about the meaning of its own local dimension for the sake of mission. Without forgetting that life always takes place in physical contexts and concrete cultures, it is necessary to move away from a purely spatial interpretation of place: places, even and especially those of the Church, are not just spaces but environments and networks in which relationships can develop, offering people rootedness and a basis for mission, which they will carry out wherever their lives unfold. The synodal conversion of minds and hearts must be accompanied by a synodal reform of ecclesial realities, called to be roads on which to journey together. However, this does not mean consigning pastoral action to elective affiliations. The aim is to encounter every man and woman.

87. This reform must be conducted based on an understanding of the Church as the holy People of God, articulated in the communion of Churches (communio Ecclesiarum)Experience has shown us that launching the synodal process in the local Churches does not compromise the unity of the whole Church but rather expresses the variety and universality of the People of God (cf. LG 22). Nor does it jeopardise but instead enhances the exercise of the Bishop of Rome’s ministry of unity. We do not start thinking about the Church from its institutions. Indeed, these must be rethought in the logic of missionary service, including those at the highest level.

88. Given the ministry of the Bishop of Rome as the visible principle of unity of the whole Church and of each Bishop as visible principle of unity in his local Church, the Council was able to say that the Church, the mystical Body of Christ, is also a body of Churches, in and from which exists the one unique Catholic Church (cf. LG 23). This body comprises: (a) the individual Churches as portions of the People of God, each entrusted to a bishop; (b) the groupings of Churches, where the instances of communion are represented above all by the hierarchical bodies; and (c) the whole Church (Ecclesia tota), where the Church as a communion of Churches is expressed by the College of bishops gathered around the Bishop of Rome in the bond of episcopal (cum Petro) and hierarchical (sub Petro) communionThe reform of ecclesial institutions cannot but follow this ordered articulation of the Church.

Local Churches in the one and unique Catholic Church

89. By its very nature, the local Church is where we most immediately experience the missionary synodal life of the whole Church. The contributions submitted by the Episcopal Conferences speak of Parishes, base and small Christian communities as contexts of communion and participation in mission. As the parish priests gathered in Sacrofano stated: “The members of parishes are and become missionary disciples of Jesus gathered in his name for prayer and worship, service and witness in times of joy and sorrow, hope and struggle.” God is at work in these ecclesial realities. At the same time, we are aware that we must do more to harness the great flexibility of the Parish, which is understood as a community of communities in the service of missionary creativity.

90. Today, the local Churches are also made up of associations and communities that are old and new expressions of Christian life. In particular, Institutes of consecrated life and Societies of apostolic life contribute much to the life of the local Churches and the vitality of missionary action. The same applies to lay associations, ecclesial movements and new communities. Today, belonging to the Church is expressed in an increasing number of forms not formally attached to a geographically defined base but related to bonds of association. This variety of forms must be promoted in the light of the missionary orientation and the ecclesial discernment of what the Lord asks in each context. Animating this manifold variety and caring for the bonds of unity are the specific competencies of the diocesan or eparchial bishop. Study Group 6 has been entrusted with reflecting upon these aspects.

91. As in the previous phases of the synodal process, so too in the consultation that preceded the drafting of this Instrumentum Laboris: many of the contributions received consider the different types of Councils Parish, deanery, Diocesan, or Eparchial as essential instruments for the planning, organisation, execution, and evaluation of pastoral activities, and point to the need to enhance them. These structures are envisaged by existing canon law already in force. With the appropriate adaptations, they could prove to be even more suitable for giving a synodal approach a concrete form. These Councils can become subjects of ecclesial discernment and synodal decision-making and places for the practice of accountability and the evaluation of those in positions of authority, without forgetting that they, in turn, will have to account for how they perform their duties. Therefore, this is one of the most promising areas on which to act for a swift implementation of the synodal proposals and orientations, leading to changes with an effective and rapid impact.

92. Many contributions point to the need to reshape the profile of these bodies and their modus operandi in order to move in this direction. Significantly, this will require attention to how members are appointed, aiming to ensure that their composition reflects that of the community they serve (Parish or Diocese/Eparchy) in order to promote a culture of transparency and accountability credibly. It is, therefore, necessary that the majority of members are not chosen by the authority (parish priest or bishop) but designated in another way, effectively expressing the reality of the community or local Church.

93. In a similar vein, attention must be paid to the composition of these bodies to encourage greater involvement of women, young people, and those living in conditions of poverty or marginalisation in the composition of these bodies. Moreover, as the First Session emphasised, it is fundamental that these bodies include men and women committed to witnessing to the faith in the ordinary realities of life and in their social contexts, with a recognised apostolic and missionary disposition (cf. SR 18d), and not only those involved in organising the life and services of the community. In this way, the ecclesial discernment carried out by these bodies will benefit from greater openness and ability to analyse reality and a diversity of perspectives. Finally, many contributions point to the desire to make mandatory those Councils whose establishment is discretionary under current law.

94. Some Episcopal Conferences have shared experiences of reform and have identified good practices already in place. These include creating networks of pastoral Councils at the level of small and base Christian communities, Parishes and deaneries, right up to the Diocesan pastoral Council. As a model of consultation and listening, it is proposed that Church assemblies be held at all levels, trying to widen consultation to include the contribution of other Churches and ecclesial Communities, of other religions present in the local context and of society, with which the Christian community journeys.

The bonds that shape the unity of the Church

95. The communal horizon of the exchange of gifts, outlined in Part I, inspires the relationship between the Churches. It combines an emphasis on the bonds that shape the unity of the Church with an appreciation of the particularities linked to the context in which each local Church lives, with its history and tradition. Adopting a synodal style enables us to overcome the idea that all Churches must necessarily move at the same pace on every issue. On the contrary, differences in pace can be valued as an expression of legitimate diversity and an opportunity for the exchange of gifts and for mutual enrichment. In order to be realised, this horizon needs to be embodied in concrete structures and practices. Answering the question “How tobe a synodal Church in mission?” requires identifying and promoting such structures and practices.

96. Eastern hierarchical structures and Episcopal Conferences are fundamental instruments for creating links and sharing experiences between the Churches and for decentralising governance and pastoral planning. “The Second Vatican Council stated that, like the ancient patriarchal Churches, episcopal conferences are in a position ‘to contribute in many and fruitful ways to the concrete realization of the collegial spirit’ (LG 23). Yet this desire has not been fully realized, since a juridical status of Episcopal Conferences which would see them as subjects of specific attributions, including genuine doctrinal authority, has not yet been sufficiently elaborated” (EG 32). Seeking how to be a synodal Church in mission requires addressing this question.

97. From all that has been gathered so far, during this synodal process, the following proposals emerge: (a) recognition of Episcopal Conferences as ecclesial subjects endowed with doctrinal authority, assuming socio-cultural diversity within the framework of a multifaceted Church, and favouring the appreciation of liturgical, disciplinary, theological, and spiritual expressions appropriate to different socio-cultural contexts; (b) evaluating the real experience of the functioning of the Episcopal Conferences and the Eastern hierarchical structures, and of the relations between Episcopates and the Holy See, to identify the concrete reforms to be implemented; the ad limina visits, which fall under Study Group 7, could be a fitting context for this evaluation; and (c) ensuring that all Dioceses or Eparchies are assigned to an ecclesiastical Province and an Episcopal Conference or Eastern hierarchical Structure (cf. CD 40).

98. Convening Continental Assemblies across all regions was an innovation of the current synodal process and a way of more coherently implementing the conciliar instruction to honour the particularity “of every great socio-cultural area” in search of “a more profound adaptation in the entire area of Christian life” (AG 22). This experience, as well as the journey of the Churches in some regions, raises the question of how we might give synodal and collegial dynamism more appropriate institutional expression, for example, through ecclesial assemblies and Episcopal Conferences. These bodies can be entrusted with the coordinated tasks of continental or regional consultation and decision-making. Discernment methods can also be developed to include diverse ecclesial actors in drafting documents and conducting decision-making and taking processes. Furthermore, it is proposed that discernment should also include spaces for listening and dialogue with civil institutions, representatives of other religions, non-Catholic organisations and society at large, in forms adapted to the diversity of contexts.

99. The desire that local synodal dialogue should continue and not come to an end and the need for effective inculturation of the faith in specific regions drives us towards a new appreciation of the institution of particular Councils, be they provincial or plenary, whose periodic celebration has been an obligation for a large part of the Church’s history. Based on the experience of walking the synodal path, one can think of forms that bring together an assembly of bishops and an ecclesial assembly composed of members of the faithful (priests, deacons, consecrated men and women, laymen and laywomen), delegated by the pastoral Councils of the Dioceses or Eparchies involved, or designated in some other way to reflect the variety of the Church in the region. To aid this, the procedure of recognitio of theconclusions of particular Councils should be reformed to favour their timely publication.

The service to unity of the Bishop of Rome

100. Answering the question “How tobe a synodal Church in mission?” also requires revisiting the dynamic that unites synodality, collegiality, and primacy, so that it can innervate the relationships between the institutions through which it finds concrete expression.

101. The current Synodal Process has shown the truth of the conciliar affirmation that “within the ecclesiastical communion, there are lawfully particular churches which enjoy their own proper traditions, while the primacy of the see of Peter remains intact, which presides over the universal communion of charity and safeguards legitimate differences while taking care that what is particular not only does no harm to unity but rather is conducive to it” (cf. LG 13). By virtue of this function, the Bishop of Rome, as visible principle of the unity of the whole Church (cf. LG 23), is the guarantor of synodality. He calls the whole Church to synodal action by convoking, presiding over and confirming the results of the Synods of Bishops; it should be his care to ensure that the Church grows in a synodal style and form.

102. Reflection on the forms of exercise of the Petrine ministry should also be conducted from the perspective of “sound decentralisation” (EG 16), as urged by Pope Francis and requested by many Episcopal Conferences. According to the formulation provided by the Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium (19 March 2022), this entails leaving “to the competence of Bishops the authority to resolve, in the exercise of “their proper task as teachers” and pastors, those issues with which they are familiar and that do not affect the Church’s unity of doctrine, discipline and communion, always acting with that spirit of co-responsibility which is the fruit and expression of the specific mysterium communionis that is the Church.” (PE II, 2).

103. To proceed, we could follow the line of the recent Motu Proprio Competentias quasdam decernere (15 February 2022), which assigns “certain areas of competence with regard to the provisions of the Codes intended to safeguard unity of discipline in the universal Church, and executive power in the local Churches and ecclesial institutions on the basis of “the ecclesial dynamic of communion” (Prologue).

104. Moreover, the drafting of canonical norms can also be a place to exercise a synodal style. The generation of rules does not imply merely the exercise of a power endowed by authority but should be considered true ecclesial discernment. Even if it alone enjoys all the prerogatives to legislate, in doing so, the authority could and should act with a synodal method to promulgate a norm that is the fruit of listening in the Spirit to a need for justice.

105. The already mentioned Apostolic Constitution Praedicate Evangelium has shaped the Roman Curia’s service to the Bishop of Rome and the College of Bishops in a synodal and missionary way. To support transparency and accountability, periodic evaluation of its work should be undertaken and entrusted to an independent body (such as the Council of Cardinals and/or a council of bishops elected by the Synod). Study Group 8 is dedicated to examining the role of the Pontifical Representatives from a synodal missionary perspective and exploring ways of evaluating their work.

106. The synodal Assembly of October 2023 indicated the need to proceed to an evaluation of the fruits of the First Session (cf. SR 20j). This evaluation cannot ignore the development enacted by the Apostolic Constitution Episcopalis Communio, which transforms the Synod from an occasional event to an ecclesial process that extends in space and time. Among the places to practise synodality and collegiality at the level of the whole Church, the Synod of Bishops certainly stands out.

Instituted by Paul VI as an Assembly of Bishops convoked to participate, in a conciliar manner, in the care of the Roman Pontiff for the whole Church, it is now, in the form of the process by stages, the sphere where the dynamic relationship between synodality, collegiality, and primacy is realised and can be fostered. The entire holy People of God, the bishops who have been entrusted with its individual portions, and the Bishop of Rome as the principle of unity of the Church participate fully in the Synodal Process, each according to their own function. This participation is made manifest by the synodal Assembly gathered around the Bishop of Rome, which, in its composition, shows forth the variety and universality of the Church as “the sacrament of unity, the holy people drawn into an ordered whole under the bishops” (SC 26).

107. Among the most significant fruits of the 2021-2024 Synod is the intensity of the ecumenical impulse and the promise that marks it. It may also be useful to address the question of the exercise of the Petrine ministry in this light, opening it up “to a new situation” (UUS 95). The recent document The Bishop of Rome: Primacy and Synodality in Ecumenical Dialogues and Responses to the Encyclical Ut Unum Sint, issued by the Dicastery for the Promotion of Christian Unity, offers insights for further study. This theme is part of the work of Study Group 10, which is dedicated to the reception of the fruits of the ecumenical journey in ecclesial practices.

108. The richness offered by the participation of fraternal delegates from other Churches and Ecclesial Communities in the First Session invites us to deepen our understanding and appreciation of how synodality is practised by our ecumenical partners, both in the East and the West. Ecumenical dialogue is fundamental to fostering an understanding of synodality and the unity of the Church. Above all, it drives us to imagine authentically ecumenical synodal practices, including forms of consultation and discernment on shared and urgent concerns. At the root of this possibility is the fact that we are united in the one Baptism, from which flow the identity of the People of God and the dynamism of communion, participation, and mission.


Conclusion – The Synodal Church in the World

109. Everything in this world is connected and is marked by a restless longing for the other. Everything is a call to a relationship and a witness to the fact that, ultimately, no-one and no thing is self-sufficient. The whole world, when contemplated in the light of Christian Revelation, is a sacramental sign of a presence that both transcends and animates it, leading to encounter with God, which will ultimately be fulfilled in the convivial sociality of differences, fully realized at the eschatological banquet prepared by God on his holy mountain.

110. Transformed by the proclamation of the Resurrection, the Church seeks to become a place where Isaiah’s vision is breathed and lived so as to be “refuge to the poor, a refuge to the needy in their distress, a shelter from the rainstorm and a shade from the heat” (Is. 25:4). In this way, the Church opens its heart to the Kingdom. When the members of the Church allow themselves to be led by the Spirit of the Lord to horizons that they had not previously glimpsed, they experience immeasurable joy. In its beauty, humility, and simplicity, this is the ongoing conversion of the way of being the Church that the synodal process invites us to undertake.

111. The Encyclical Fratelli Tutti presents us with the call to recognise ourselves as sisters and brothers in the Risen Christ, proposing this less as a status and more as a way of life. The Encyclical emphasises the contrast between the time in which we live and the vision of conviviality prepared by God. The veil of mourning, the shroud and tears named by Isaiah are present, too, in our own times. They are often the result of our increasing isolation from one another, the growing violence and polarisation of our world, and our uprootedness from the sources of life. The questions that the Instrumentum Laboris asksare: how to be a synodal Church in mission; how to engage in deep listening and dialogue; how to be co-responsible in the light of the dynamism of our personal and communal baptismal vocation; how to transform structures and processes so that all may participate and share the charisms that the Spirit pours out on each for the common good; how to exercise power and authority as service. Each of these questions is a service to the Church and, through its action, to the possibility of healing the deepest wounds of our time.

112. The prophet Isaiah ends his oracle with a hymn of praise to be taken up in chorus: “this is our God; we have waited for him, so that he might save us. This is the Lord for whom we have waited; let us be glad and rejoice in his salvation” (Is. 25:9). As the People of God let us join in this praise, as pilgrims of hope let us continue to advance along the synodal path towards those who still await the proclamation of the Good News of salvation!


[1] Unless otherwise indicated, or where it is clear from the context that this is not the case, in the text of the Instrumentum laboris the term “Church” indicates “the one and unique Catholic Church” (LG 23), while the plural “Churches” indicates the local Churches in which and from which it exists.

[2] Here, as below, the quotations from the Episcopal Conferences and their continental groupings come from the summaries sent to the General Secretariat of the Synod after the consultation of the local Churches that took place between the end of 2023 and mid-2024.

[3] Circulated by the General Secretariat of the Synod on 11 December 2023 and available at www.synod.va .

[4] In this regard, please refer to the document How to be Synodal Church in Mission? Five Perspectives to Deepen Theologically in view of the Second Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, released by the General Secretariat of the Synod on 14 March 2024 and available at www.synod.va .

[5] In this regard, please refer to the document Study Groups on issues that emerged in the First Session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops to be studied in depth in collaboration with the Dicasteries of the Roman Curia. Outline of Work, also circulated on 14 March 2024 and available at www.synod.va .

[6] The themes emerging in the Summary Report of the First Session and assigned to the ten Study Groups are:

1. Some aspects of relations between the Eastern Catholic Churches and the Latin Church (SR 6).

2. Listening to the cry of the poor (SR 4 and 16).

3. Mission in the digital environment (SR 17).

4. The revision of the Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis in a missionary synodal perspective (SR 11).

5. Some theological and canonical matters regarding specific ministerial forms (SR 8 and 9).

6. The revision, in a synodal and missionary perspective, of the documents governing the relations between Bishops, Religious and Groupings of Churches (SR 10).

7. Some aspects of the figure and ministry of the Bishop (criteria for selecting candidates to the episcopate, judicial function of the Bishop, nature and conduct of ad limina Apostolorum visits) from a missionary synodal perspective (SR 12 and 13).

8. The Role of the Pontifical Representatives in a missionary synodal perspective (SR 13).

9. Theological criteria and synodal methodologies for a shared discernment of controversial doctrinal, pastoral and ethical issues (SR 15).

10. The reception of the fruits of the ecumenical journey in ecclesial practices (SR 7).

[7]The term ‘synod’ in the traditions of the Eastern and Western Churches refers to institutions and events that have taken different forms over time, involving a plurality of subjects. In their variety, what all these forms have in common is the fact of gathering together to dialogue, discern and decide.



世界代表司教会議・第16回通常総会・第一会期 2023年10月 バチカン・パウロ6世ホール世界代表司教会議・第16回通常総会・第一会期 2023年10月 バチカン・パウロ6世ホール  (VATICAN MEDIA Divisione Foto)















『討議要綱』は、「神は何人かの女性たちを、イエスの復活の最初の証し人、最初に告げる者として選ばれた」ことを思い出させている。そして、女性たちは 「洗礼の力によって完全な平等の状態にあり、聖霊から同じ賜物を注がれ、キリストの宣教の奉仕に召されている」と述べている。






この提案は同様に奉献された女性たちにも向けられ、女性奉献生活者たちの生活とカリスマに対する 「より大きな認識とより決定的な支援」が、「責任ある地位での仕事」と共に望まれている。








第一部 – 神、兄弟間、教会間との関係




第二部 – 育成プロセスと共同体的識別


このような関係は、「育成プロセス」と「共同体的識別」(n. 51-79)に沿ってキリスト教的に発展させられるべきである。こうして教会は、すべての人の責任と参加を接合させながら、適切な決定をすることができるようになる。「様々な世代の交錯は、シノドス性の学び舎である」と『討議要綱』は言う。「弱い人、強い人、子ども、若者、高齢者も、皆が、多くを受け、多くを与えることができる」(n.55)。




討議のテーマの中には、教会の善と宣教のために責任を負う人々が、自らの行動を透明性をもって説明できるように求めるものもある。「シノドス的な教会には、透明性と説明責任という文化と実践が求められる」。透明性と説明は「共に歩み、共通の使命を共同責任をもって遂行するのに必要な、相互信頼を育てるために不可欠である」(n. 73)と『討議要綱』は記す。同文書は、「教会における、また教会側からの、透明性と説明責任の要請は、財政的スキャンダルや、特に未成年者と社会的弱者に対する性的虐待やその他の虐待による信頼性の喪失の結果」であると強調する。透明性と説明責任の欠如は、事実、「聖職者主義」の温床となっている(n. 75)。




説明責任と透明性は、「司牧計画、福音宣教の方法、教会が人間の尊厳を尊重する仕方、例えば、教会組織内の労働条件」(n.76)などにも広く関わる問題であると『討議要綱』 は主張。そのために「聖職者のあらゆる種類の責任の行使方法について、「評価のシステムと形式の必要」を呼びかけている(n.77)。そして、教会が「未成年者や弱い立場の人の保護の問題」を含め、資産や財源の管理と、宣教の展開に関する年次報告の公表を保証することを『討議要綱』は求めている(n.79)。

第三部 – エキュメニカル対話と諸宗教間対話の場所






