
(2024.1.24  Vatican News  By Christopher Wells)
 そして、 これに対抗するために、「修道士たちは思い切った行動に出ます。それは、極めて効果的な方法、死についての瞑想でした」と教皇は述べられ、「この世でどんなにお金を稼いでも、死後には何も残らないこと」「私たちは世界の主人ではないこと」、そして「私たちは、異国人や巡礼者のように、世界中を動き回っていること」を信者たちに思い起させられた。
 続けて教皇は、 「死の恐怖を追い払おうとする」ことが貪欲の動機となっているが、キリストは、豊かな収穫に執着する愚かな男のたとえ話で「死がいつでも来る可能性があること」を私たちに示している、とされた。
 さらに、私たちが「所有する物の主人」になることは可能だが、「多くの場合、逆にそれらの所有物が私たちを支配してしまう」と警告。 「私たちは常にもっと蓄えを持とうとし、今持っている蓄えを維持することに不安を覚えることがあります。でも、私たちのすべての所有物は、一瞬で無くなる可能性があります」とも注意された。

Even the Desert Fathers, monks who renounced enormous wealth, could find themselves clinging to objects of little value.

“Those objects became for them a sort of fetish from which they could not detach themselves,” said the Pope. This reveals “a disordered relationship with reality, which can result in forms of compulsive hoarding and pathological accumulation.”

To fight this, Pope Francis said, “the monks proposed a drastic but highly effective method: meditation on death.”

He reminded the faithful that, however much money we might make in this life, we retain nothing after death. Death reminds us that “we are not masters of the world” and “we move about it like strangers and pilgrims.”

This reflection, he continued, also shows us the reason for avarice, which is an attempt “to exorcise the fear of death.”

But Christ shows us, in the parable of the foolish man who laid up an abundant harvest, that death can come at any moment.

Do not let possessions control us

Pope Francis warned that, although it’s possible to be “masters of the goods we possess,” often those possessions can end up controlling us. We can become anxious about always accumulating more and keeping what we have, but all our possessions “can disappear in a moment.”

Too often, the Pope said, we “forget the Gospel preaching, which does not claim that riches are a sin in themselves, but they are certainly a liability.”

This, he added, “is what the miser does not understand: he could have been a source of blessing to many, but instead has slipped into a blind alley of wretchedness.”

So, Pope Francis concluded, “Let us be attentive, and let us be generous: generous with everyone and generous with those who need us most.”

