(注:LA CROIX internationalは、1883年に創刊された世界的に権威のある独立系のカトリック日刊紙LA CROIXのオンライン版。急激に変化する世界と教会の動きを適切な報道と解説で追い続けていることに定評があります。 LA CROIX international is the premier online Catholic daily providing unique quality content about topics that matter in the world such as politics, society, religion, culture, education and ethics. for post-Vatican II Catholics and those who are passionate about how the living Christian tradition engages, shapes and makes sense of the burning issues of the day in our rapidly changing world. Inspired by the reforming vision of the Second Vatican Council, LCI offers news, commentary and analysis on the Church in the World and the world of the Church. LA CROIX is Europe’s pre-eminent Catholic daily providing quality journalism on world events, politics, science, culture, technology, economy and much more. La CROIX which first appeared as a daily newspaper in 1883 is a highly respected and world leading, independent Catholic daily.