・ 教皇、カナダ訪問を開始ー先住民たち「教会の”謝罪の旅”の始まり」となることを期待

Senior Correspondent  Elise Ann Allen

 ‎ローマ発 – カナダのカトリック教会が運営を受託した寄宿学校で多くの人種差別や虐待を受けた被害者たちには、今回の教皇フランシスコのカナダ訪問で、自分たち、あるいはすでに亡くなり、匿名のまま密かに葬られた仲間たちに対して、カトリック教会の最高責任者として直接謝罪することを期待している。‎

‎ 被害者たちで組織する Métis National Councilのスポークスマン、スティーブ・サザーランド氏は、‎‎Crux‎‎の取材に対し、「カナダの土地における教皇フランシスコの謝罪は、”重要な瞬間”にになるでしょう」とし、‎「それは、 Métis(カナダにおいて先住民とヨーロッパ系の人々の子孫)の人々、カナダ全土のすべての先住民たちと真実、和解、正義、癒しの道を歩むという、カトリック教会の新たな誓約の始まりを告げることになるはずです」と希望を表明した。‎






 Métis National Councilのサザーランド氏は、教皇にはカナダ訪問中に、さらに徹底した謝罪を期待するが、「それは、真実、正義、癒し、和解の長い旅路の第一歩に過ぎない」と指摘。カナダの先住民被害者の代表団は今年初めにバチカンを訪問し、その際、癒しと和解のための特別基金をもとにした被害者、家族への金銭補償、寄宿学校に関する文書・書類の保存館の開設などを求めていたが、氏は「その実現に向けた作業は進んでいるが、バチカンとの対話が教皇訪問後も継続することを希望する」と述べた。





An apology from Pope Francis for the church’s role in the abuse Indigenous children endured in residential schools, they said, “potentially represents a monumental moment for us and may serve to help put our shared collective pain behind us.”

“What we need to do, then, is to acknowledge it together and work together in a spirit of true collaboration on the healing path forward,” they said, and asked Trudeau to be an ally in engaging with the church “to ensure that our future relationship is based in mutual respect, trust, and cooperation.”

Sutherland also lamented to Crux that “much of the visit and programming around the visit has been developed by the CCCB and Vatican.”

“We wish Pope Francis the best of health and understand the limitations that have been put in place for his travel plan,” he said, noting that the Métis National Council has been allocated a certain number of tickets for each papal event, and they have worked with trip organizers to ensure that survivors are able to attend if they choose.

During Thursday’s Treaty Six press conference, Chief Randy Ermineskin of Ermineskin Cree Nation said that the pope’s visit and his apology have been a long time coming, “and we are grateful for this day that has finally come – that it is taking place in our homelands.”


A residential school survivor, Ermineskin did not speak of his own experience, but said one of his brothers came home during a school break and killed himself at the age of 17. “He came home but he didn’t come home…those are some of the truths that need to be revealed.”

Ermineskin said the moment is bittersweet and will “trigger emotions” for himself and many other survivors, but said the process, while difficult, is “a necessary one” in order to move forward.

“This apology will be a fundamental step toward healing, justice, and reconciliation,” he said.

Similarly, Elder and residential school survivor Gordon Burnstick from the Alexander First Nation told journalists Thursday that he is one of 16 children, all of whom attended residential schools.

Many of his brothers and sisters, he said, are slowly beginning to talk about their experiences, but hardly know one another, since boys and girls were kept separated and had few opportunities to interact apart from their brief trips home.

At a family gathering in 2007, one of his brothers told a sister that “I love you but I don’t know you,” and the two wept together. After witnessing that moment, Burnstick began to work with other survivors, and has offered support ever since.


Similarly, Elder and residential school survivor Rod Alexis from the Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation said the pope’s visit is a time to “voice our concerns” and share what they encountered and experienced at residential schools.

Alexis, whose parents are also residential school survivors, said his father at one point confessed that he did not know how to be a dad, and that saying “I love you” and showing physical affection toward his children was difficult given the trauma he experienced in residential schools.

“I think the journey we are going to go on is a long journey and it’s not easy, because some of those wounds are too far gone and we see our young generations today dying of drugs, alcohol, or they are in jail, because of the trauma they went through,” he said.

“To have reconciliation, you have to have peace around you,” Alexis said, voicing hope that the papal visit would help Canada as a whole understand what Indigenous communities endured and the value of their traditions.

In his remarks, Arcand said the pope’s visit is “an important historical moment for survivors of the residential school system” in light of “the harm caused by the Catholic Church.”

This visit “is for survivors and their families, for truth and validation,” he said, saying the wounds of the past “cannot be undone, but it is important for us to come together.”

The process of healing and reconciliation, he said, “doesn’t end here. There is a lot to be done; this is only the beginning.”

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