
(2023.5.20 カトリック・あい)









2023年5月18日 広島教区 司教 アレキシオ 白浜 満

2023年5月 15日

米国大統領  ジョー・バイデン  日本国内閣総理大臣  岸田文雄  フランス大統領  エマニュエル・マクロン  イタリア首相 ジョルジャ・メローニ  ドイツ首相 オラフ・ショルツ  英国首相  リシ・スナク  カナダ首相 ジャスティン・トルドー








  • 広島と長崎の原爆投下が被爆者に与えた途方もなく大きく、また、長期的な苦痛を認識すること。

  • 世界中で行われた核実験がその風下の住民たちに与えた途方もなく大きく、また、長期的な苦痛を認識すること。

  • 核戦争に勝者はおらず、決して戦ってはならない戦争であることを繰り返し強調し、また、2022年11月にG20が合意したように、核兵器の使用や使用の威嚇は 「許されない 」ことを強調すること。

  • 核兵器のない未来の世界を作るという目標を再確認すること。

  • 新たな軍拡競争を防止し、核兵器の使用を警戒し、核軍縮を進めるための具体的な措置を発表し、約束すること。

  • 新戦略兵器削減条約の完全実施と後続条約の交渉のために、米国とロシアの間で真剣な協議を再開すべきであることを改めて表明すること。

  • 最後に、今から半世紀以上前、1970年の核不拡散条約で約束された、核軍縮につながる真剣な多国間交渉に入るという国際的な使命を尊重すること。





サンタフェ大司教 ジョン・C・ウェスター  シアトル大司教 ポール・エチエンヌ  長崎大司教 ペトロ中村倫明  広島司教 アレキシオ白浜満

May 15, 2023

President of the United States Joe Biden
Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida
Prime Minister of France Emmanuel Macron
Prime Minister of Italy Giorgia Meloni
Chancellor of Germany Olaf Scholz
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Rishi Sunak
Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau

 Dear G7 Leaders,

 We, the undersigned spiritual leaders of the Roman Catholic Church, urge you to use the upcoming summit of the International Group of Seven to undertake concrete steps toward global, verifiable nuclear disarmament.

We commend Prime Minister Fumio Kishida for choosing the City of Hiroshima, the first victim of nuclear war, as the summit venue. That alone is a powerful message. We enthusiastically welcome the meeting between G7 leaders and the hibakusha – the survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki – as a step toward recognizing the long-lasting horrors of nuclear warfare.

As the Roman Catholic spiritual leaders of the diocese with the most spending on nuclear weapons in the United States (Santa Fe), the diocese with the most deployed strategic nuclear weapons in the United States (Seattle), and the only two dioceses in the world to have suffered atomic attacks (Hiroshima and Nagasaki), we are compelled by providence to speak out.

As Prime Minister Kishida observed, the summit presents a unique opportunity “to deepen discussions so that we can release a strong message toward realizing a world free of nuclear weapons” and to “demonstrate a firm commitment to absolutely reject the threat or use of nuclear weapons.”

We strongly agree. We therefore urge you to use the summit to center international attention on the importance of nuclear arms control and disarmament and to demonstrate a global commitment to nonproliferation efforts. Rather than viewing the war in Ukraine as an overwhelming impediment toward making substantial progress, we view it instead as clear demonstration of the absolute need to do so.

Specifically, we encourage G7 leaders to:

  • Acknowledge the tremendous, long-lasting human suffering that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings inflicted upon the hibakusha;
  • Acknowledge the tremendous, long-lasting human suffering that nuclear weapons testing caused to downwinders around the world;
  • Reiterate that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought, as well as emphasize that, as the G-20 agreed to in November 2022, the use and the threat of use of nuclear weapons are “inadmissible;”
  • Reaffirm the goal of a future world free of nuclear weapons;
  • Announce and commit to concrete steps to prevent a new arms race, guard against nuclear weapons use, and advance nuclear disarmament;
  • Reiterate that serious talks should be restored between the United States and Russia to renew full implementation of the New Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty and to negotiate a follow-on treaty; and finally
  • Honor the international mandate to enter into serious multilateral negotiations leading to nuclear disarmament, pledged to more than a half-century ago in the 1970 NonProliferation Treaty.

Throughout the years, world leaders have spoken about the need to eliminate the threat of nuclear weapons, prevent a new nuclear arms race, and avoid the ultimate catastrophe, that is potentially civilization-ending nuclear war. These calls have long been echoed by many notable world leaders, such as Mikhail Gorbachev, Ronald Reagan and our own Pope Francis. But it is now time to actually translate rhetoric into action.

We believe that today’s new nuclear arms race is more dangerous than the first arms race, given multiple nuclear actors and the advent of new cyber and hypersonic weapons and artificial intelligence. U.S. Defense Secretary Robert McNamara asserted that humanity survived the Cuban Missile Crisis only by luck. Luck is not sufficient to ensure the continuing survival of the human race.

We strongly urge world leaders at the G7 summit to show by example how international leadership is ready, willing and able to work with both nuclear weapons and non-nuclear weapons states to ensure that no country or city suffers the horrors of nuclear war ever again.

Yours in the hopes of humanity for lasting peace on earth,

The Most Reverend John C. Wester Archbishop of Santa Fe

The Most Reverend Paul Etienne Archbishop of Seattle

The Most Reverend Peter Michiaki Nakamura Archbishop of Nagasaki

The Most Reverend Alexis Mitsuru Shirahama Bishop of Hiroshima
