
 Claire Giangravè  September 1, 2017  Crux EDITORIAL ASSISTANT


 この本は「Politics and Society」というタイトルで9月6日に、フランスで発売開始の予定。教皇と、フランス国立科学研究センターのコミュニケーション研究所創設者でフランスの社会学者、ドミニク・ウォルトン氏との12の対話で構成されていが、それに先立って同国の Le Figaro Magazineが主な内容を報じた。その中でも関心の高いと思われる箇所は次の通り。











  「世俗国家は健全なものです。健全な世俗主義があります。イエスは言いました。『皇帝のものは皇帝に、神のものは神に返しなさい』と。私たちは神の前で、同じ人間です。しかし、私は確信しています。フランスのような国では、この世俗主義(フランス語のlaïcité は、教会と国家の関係についての明確な観念を含んでいる)があまりにも多くの啓蒙の遺産を抱えすぎている、それが『宗教は文化の底にある文化subculture』と考える共通認識を創り出している、と。これは教会の公式見解ではなく、私の個人的見解ですが、フランスは世俗主義からもう少し上の『宗教もまた文化の一部』とするレベルになるべきだと考えます。世俗的な言葉でこれをどう表現したらいいのでしょうか?誰もが自分の形を自由に選べるのです」


 「私はもはや、シューマン(ローベルト・アレクサンダー・シューマン、ドイツ・ロマン派を代表する作曲家。 ベートーヴェンや シューベルトの音楽のロマン的後継者として位置づけられている)のような人物にも、アデナウアー(コンラッド・アデナウアー、旧西ドイツ首相、第二次大戦後のドイツ復興を主導し、敵国だったフランス、アメリカとの友好関係を築いた)のような人物にも会うことはありません・・今のヨーロッパは恐れています。門を閉ざして、閉ざして、閉ざして・・ヨーロッパには文化的な統合、多文化主義の歴史があります。それは、とても強力です。ランゴバルド(イタリア北部地方を支配していたゲルマンの一部族のこと。この地域は、現在のイタリアのロンバルディア地方で、移民・難民の受け入れに最も強く反対する地域の一つになっている)はずっと昔にやってきた蛮族でした・・それから長い間に何もかも融合して、現在の文化を持つようになったのです」








 「私たちカトリック教徒は道徳をどのように教えているでしょうか?「これはできない。あれをすべきだ、・・すべきだ、・・できない、すべきだ、・・できない」というような道徳的な規範で教えてはなりません。道徳はイエス・キリストとの出会いにともなって生まれるものです。私たちカトリック教徒にとって、道徳は信仰にともなうものですし、他の人々にとっては、理想的なもの、神、あるいは自分自身の良い部分との出会いにともなうものです。道徳はいつも、こうしたことにともなうもの・・説教者にとっての大きな危険は、惰性に落ち込むことです。道徳の―このような言葉を使うのは良くないかも知れませんが―「ルール違反under the belt 」を責めるだけになることです。嫌悪、妬み、誇り、虚栄、殺人、命を奪うような罪について、誰も話しません。マフィアの一員になる、不正な契約を結ぶ・・『あなたは良いカトリック教徒ですか?そうなら、私を調べてください』」












・・Cruxは、カトリック専門のニュース、分析、評論を網羅する米国のインターネット・メディアです。 2014年9月に米国の主要日刊紙の一つである「ボストン・グローブ」 (欧米を中心にした聖職者による幼児性的虐待事件摘発のきっかけとなった世界的なスクープで有名。映画化され、日本でも昨年、全国上映された)の報道活動の一環として創刊されました。現在は、米国に本拠を置くカトリック団体とパートナーシップを組み、多くのカトリック関係団体、機関、個人の支援を受けて、バチカンを含め,どこからも干渉を受けない、独立系カトリック・メディアとして世界的に高い評価を受けています。「カトリック・あい」は、カトリック専門の非営利メディアとして、Cruxが発信するニュース、分析、評論の日本語への翻訳、転載について了解を得て、掲載します。

Excerpts from ‘Politics and Society,’ a new book-length interview with the Holy Father.

Aleteia | Sep 04, 2017

Pope Francis sat down for 20 conversations with French journalist Dominique Wolton for a book-length interview that will be released in French on Wednesday. The 432-page volume is titled  Politique et société : un dialogue inédit, or Politics and Society: Conversations with Dominique Wolton.

Wolton conducted the interview sessions over the span of two years, the first time that the pope has given such a lengthy amount of time to a project like this.

Wolton is a sociologist and the director of France’s National Institute of Communication Science (l’Institut des sciences de la communication), known for a book-length interview with the former archbishop of Paris, Jean-Marie Lustiger.

The French periodical Le Figaro has published some excerpts of the book; Aleteia offers you a provisional translation of some of these.

Pope Francis: Historical-critical study of Quran would be helpful ”With Islam, dialogue is progressing well.”


Wolton: Isn’t there a need to request a bit of reciprocity in the dialogue with Islam? True religious liberty doesn’t exist for Christians in Saudi Arabia, nor in certain Muslim countries. It’s difficult for the Christians. And the Islamic fundamentalists kill in the name of God.

Pope Francis: They don’t accept the principle of reciprocity. Some of the Gulf countries are open and they help us to build churches. Why are they open? Because they have Filipino, Catholic, Indian workers … The problem with Saudi Arabia is truly a question of mentality. Now then, with Islam, dialogue is progressing well; I don’t know if you know that the imam from Al-Azhar has come to visit us. There will be [also be] a meeting there; I will go (in reference to the recent papal visit to Egypt, -Ed.).

I think that it would help them to do a critical study of the Quran, as we have done with our Scriptures. The historical-critical method of interpretation would bring them to evolve

 some of the hot-button issues of our day.

Choosing chastity

—Pope Francis: To renounce sexuality and choose a path of chastity or virginity implies a whole life of consecration. What is the condition without which this path disintegrates? It is that this path must bring one to spiritual paternity or maternity.

One of the ills of the Church is the [problem of] “bachelor” priests and “single” religious, because they are full of bitterness. On the contrary, those who have reached this spiritual paternity, either through a parish, or a school or hospital, are fine. … The same thing happens with women religious, since they are “mothers.” … It is a voluntary renunciation.

Virginity, either masculine or feminine, is a monastic tradition that existed before Catholicism. It is a human search: renunciation in order to seek God in his origin, through contemplation. But this renunciation should be a fecund renunciation, that maintains a type of fecundity different than carnal fecundity or sexual fecundity.

Also in the Church, there are married priests. There are Eastern married priests. But the renunciation of matrimony for the Kingdom of God is a value in itself. It means renouncing something in order to place oneself in service, to contemplate better.

If a priest is an abuser, he is sick

—Pope Francis: […] Before, the priest was moved, but the problem just relocated with him. The current policy is what Benedict XVI and I have applied through the Commission for the Protection of Minors, created two years ago here in the Vatican: defending all youth. It’s about confronting the problem. Mother Church teaches how to prevent abuse, and how to enable a child to speak about it, to tell the truth to his parents, and to be forthcoming about what has happened.

It is an edifying journey. The Church should not take up a defensive position. If a priest is an abuser, he is someone who is sick. Of every four abusers, two of them have been abused as children. These are the statistics from the psychiatrists.

Marriage is between a man and a woman

—Pope Francis: What can we think of marriage between people of the same sex? “Matrimony” is a historical word. Always, in humanity, and not just in the Church, it was a man and a woman. It’s not possible to change it just like that […] It’s not possible to change it. It is part of nature. That’s how it is. Let us call it, then, “civil unions.” Let us not play with truths.

It’s true that behind all this we find gender ideology. In books, kids learn that it’s possible to change one’s sex. Could gender, to be a woman or to be a man, be an option and not a fact of nature? This leads to this error.

Let us call things by their names. Matrimony is between a man and a woman. This is the precise term. Let us call the same-sex union a “civil union.”

Traditionalist ideology

— Pope Francis: How does tradition grow? It grows like a person grows: with dialogue, just like what happens to a child when he is nursed. Dialogue with the world that surrounds us. Dialogue brings growth. If we don’t dialogue, it’s not possible to grow; a person stays closed in, small, dwarfed. I cannot progress with earmuffs; I have to see and dialogue. Dialogue permits growth and makes tradition grow. To dialogue and to listen to another opinion can, as in the case of the death penalty, of torture, of slavery, change my point of view. Without changing doctrine. Doctrine has grown with comprehension. This is the base of tradition […]

On the contrary, traditionalist ideology has a faith like this [the pope makes a gesture of putting on earmuffs]. “The benediction should be done like this. In Mass, fingers should be like this, with gloves, like before …” What Vatican II has done with the liturgy has been something truly grand, because it has opened worship of God to the people. Now the people participate.

Religions aren’t subcultures

—Pope Francis: The secular state is something healthy. There is a healthy secularism. Jesus said, Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and to God what is God’s. All of us are equal before God. But I think that in some countries, like in France, this secularism has a tone inherited from the Enlightenment, which is very strong; it creates a collective imagination where religions are seen as a subculture. I think that France — in my personal opinion; this is not the opinion of the Church — should “elevate” the level of secularism a bit, in the sense that it should say that religions also form part of the culture.

How can this be expressed in a secular manner? Through openness to the transcendent. Each individual can find his form of openness. In French heritage, the Enlightenment has too much weight. I understand this heritage from history, but the work of broadening must be done. There are governments, Christian and non-Christian, that do not accept secularism.

What does it mean for a lay state to be “open to the transcendent”? That religions form part of the culture; that they are not subcultures. It’s ridiculous to say that one can’t wear a crucifix that’s visible hanging around your neck, or that women shouldn’t wear this or that. Because both one and the other represent a culture. One wears a crucifix, another wears something else, the rabbi wears the kippah, the pope a zucchetto (laughs) … this is healthy secularism!

Vatican II explains this well, with a lot of clarity. I think that exaggerations arise on these issues, in particular when secularism is placed above religions. So then religions aren’t part of culture? They’re subcultures?

Pope Francis says his native country has strong resemblance to United States

 On migrants, refugees, and European-Argentinean identity


Jesus himself was a refugee, a migrant

—You said, in Lesbos in January or 2016, something beautiful and unique: “We are all migrants; we are all refugees.” In these times when European and Western powers are closing off, what else can be said about this magnificent phrase? What can be done?

There is a phrase that I’ve said, and some migrant youth had it written on a t-shirt: “I am not a danger. I am in danger.” Our theology is a theology of migrants. All of us are migrants since the call that Abraham received, and then on through all the migrations of the People of Israel, up to Jesus himself, who himself was a refugee, a migrant.

Besides that, at an existential level, in faith, we are migrants. Human dignity necessarily implies “to be on the way.” When a man or a woman is not progressing, he or she becomes a mummy. A museum piece. The person ceases to be a living thing.

— […] And after you said that in Lesbos, the situation has gotten worse. Many expressed admiration for your words, but nothing changed. What would you say today?

The problem begins in the country where the migrants are coming from. Why do they leave their lands? Because of a lack of work, or because of war. Those are the two main reasons. The lack of work — they are exploited.

I think of the Africans. Europe has exploited Africa … I don’t know if that can be said, but some of the colonizations … yes, they have exploited it.

I read that a leader of an African state who was recently elected, with his first act of government, proposed to Parliament legislation to reforest the country. In fact, the legislation has already gone into effect. The economic powers of the world had cut down all the trees. To reforest. The ground has dried up because of having been exploited excessively. And now there is no work.

The first thing that we should do, and I said it before the United Nations and before the Council of Europe, in every locality, is find resources there to create employment, and invest. It’s true that Europe has to invest in itself too. Because here too there is a problem of unemployment.

The other cause of migrations is war. We could invest, the people could have sources of work, and not need to leave, but if a war starts, then they have to flee anyway. Who makes war? Who gives them weapons? We do.

Europe right now is afraid. It is closed, closed, closed …

I think that Europe has become a “grandma,” but I would like to see a Europe that is a mother. Referring to birth rates, France is at the head of developed nations, with a rate of more than 2%, I believe. But Italy is around 0.5%, it is much weaker. The same in Spain. Europe can lose the notion of its culture, of its tradition. Let us think that it has been the only continent that has given us such a great cultural richness, and I want to emphasize that. Europe must find itself again, returning to its roots. And not be afraid. It should not be afraid to become a Europe that is a mother …

— What is your main worry or concern about Europe?

I don’t see anyone like Schumann, like Adenauer …

— [Wolton chuckles] … But you are here. There are others … 

At this moment, Europe is afraid. It is closed, closed, closed […]

Europe is a case of cultural integration, multicultural, very strong. Always has been. The Lombards, our Lombards of today are barbarians who arrived a long time ago … and then everyone mixed together and we have our culture.

What does European culture consist of? How could the European culture of today be defined? Yes, it is true, it has important Christian roots. But that isn’t sufficient to define it. All of our capacities are found there. This capacity to integrate, to receive others. The language is also in the culture. In our Spanish language, 40% of the words are Arabic. Why? Because they were there seven centuries. They have left their footprint […]

The Argentinean identity is mestizo. I’ve always felt I’m something of this

— In what way do you feel Argentinean? From your perspective, what is the Argentinean identity?

In Argentina, there are native peoples. We have indigenous peoples. The Argentinean identity is mestizo. The waves of immigrants have mixed, mixed, mixed … I think that it is the same thing that happened in the United States, where the waves of immigrants have mixed the peoples. The two countries resemble each other quite a lot. And I have always felt I’m something of this. For us, it was something very normal to have various religions together at school. […] Some countries have been able to integrate immigrants in their life. But others have “objectified” them over two or three generations of ghettos. Without integration.
