
(2018.5.2 Crux Vatican Correspondent Ines Inés San Martín)




 3人はローマで1時間半にわたる記者会見に応じ、教皇との会見について、今後期待することについて、率直に語り、また、チリの高位聖職者の数人を性的虐待事件を隠ぺいする「犯罪者」だと批判した。「Francisco Javier Errázuriz 枢機卿と Ricardo Ezzati枢機卿が法廷に立つことを希望します」「彼らは隠ぺいの罪を犯していると思いますが、チリの法律では罪とならない」と同国の法律の問題を指摘。

 また、Errázuriz 枢機卿は、高名でカリスマ司祭とされていたフェルナンド・カラディマ神父に対する申し立てが信用できると枢機卿に伝えたことも含めて、2005年までの性的虐待事件について、すべて知っていた、との指摘もあった。カラディマ神父は2011年初めにバチカンによって有罪とされ、贖罪と祈りで生涯を送るように言い渡された。チリの刑事提訴期限法によって、同神父は裁かれ、有罪とされたが、(提訴期限切れで)罰則は適用されなかった。これは、「枢機卿が同神父の犯罪を5年以上も隠蔽していた」ことによる。3人は「教会法によれば、そして犠牲者にとっては、枢機卿はカラディマ神父とその取りまきを隠ぺいした犯罪者です」と訴えた。

 Errázuriz 枢機卿は現在も、チリの首都サンチャゴの名誉大司教であり、バチカン改革について教皇に助言する枢機卿顧問団9人の一人だ。チリの司教団は、聖職者による性的虐待問題について教皇から呼び出しを受け、5月14日から17日にかけてローマを訪問し、教皇と会議を行う予定だ。




On their personal encounters with the pope

Hamilton, Cruz and Murillo each met with Francis individually, and then on Monday, as a group. Throughout the press conference, each spoke about their individual experiences.

Murillo, who works with survivors on a daily basis, said that even though he was thankful for the hospitality, for him the trip to Rome wasn’t “a victory” nor a “recognition.”

“I’m tired. This has been exhausting,” he said. “I don’t see this as a victory. This wasn’t a moment of triumph, joy or reparation. I’m tired. I constantly work with victims of pedophilia, and it’s in their names that I’ve come. This does not end with me, but with the thousands of victims who’ve been abused, not only by priests but by their parents, professors, trainers.”

“As a Catholic, my personal encounter was a tremendously important experience for me, and I’m still processing it,” Cruz said. “And I said this to the pope, our experience cannot be an isolated case. [Sexual abuse of minors] is a plague, an epidemic. Victims must be treated respectfully, not only by the pope, but the bishops, and the Church as a whole … [that] must be the norm.”

Cruz said that he’d confided in the pope that Barros and the other three bishops from Karadima’s inner circle, Andrés Arteaga, Tomislav Koljatic Maroevic and Horacio Valenzuela, “saw how Karadima touched and abused young people, and they were there. [The pope] received that information.”

Asked about the letter he had sent to Francis in 2015 detailing his experience, and which was hand-delivered to the pontiff by Cardinal Sean O’Malley, the survivor said that he hadn’t brought the letter up.

“My conclusion is that the pope was misinformed,” he said, adding that when Francis in Chile had said he wanted evidence of Barros’ wrongdoing, “he didn’t lie. He was truly misinformed.”

“I have never seen someone be so contrite about what he was telling me,” Cruz said. “I felt also that he was hurting, which for me, was very solemn. It’s not often that the pope really says sorry to you and apologizes.”

Cruz then said that Francis had told him: “I was part of the problem, I caused this, and I apologize to you.”

Moving forward, the survivor said, the pope would have no excuses: “Now he knows everything.”

The question of “who misinformed him,” Cruz said, still remains. The Chilean also said that he’d told the pope he’d been “tremendously” hurt by the pope’s words in Chile, when he defended Barros and called the allegations made against the bishops “calumnies.”

Hamilton defined the meeting as very “honest,” with a man who’s not “prideful.” “I told him that he’s facing the biggest crisis the Church has ever faced. This is not a case of priests being killed, but the faith is being killed from the inside, from its credibility.”Hamilton also said that the pope today is “really well informed,” and that this is the case because Francis himself wanted to get to the bottom of things. “Everybody deserves, especially in this case, a second chance. We have hope, but we want to have a hope that is connected with reality.”“If we don’t see any changes, we will continue our fight for all the abused in the world, not only the abused by priests,” he continued. “If we see changes, we will be the first ones to be here again, to help, as we told the pope.”

On how Francis should address the crisis now

Speaking on a “personal note,” Hamilton said that moving forward, he’d want the Church to identify the root of the problem behind sexual abuse of minors. Secondly, the Church should recognize that in front of the law, “everyone is equal.” “Jesus was born in a barn, obeying civil law,” he said. “And Jesus died in the hands of the Romans, also obeying civil law.” The pope, Hamilton said, found this to be “reasonable,” and even gave the example of a bishop reporting a priest to the authorities.

Francis asked the three to continue in conversation with the Vatican, and requested that they send him suggestions as to how the Church should move forth. On this, the survivors said that they will focus on prevention, investigation, justice and reparation for abuse, so that the Church can be “a home for those who need defense, welcoming, justice.”

“We believe that the Church shouldn’t go on putting down fires as a fireman, but be the one preventing them all,” Hamilton said.

Cruz said that the three of them have spoken about what they think should happen with the Chilean bishops – at the very least, several, including the four close to Karadima, should leave their posts. They said so again during the press conference, when they called for Errázuriz to leave his position on the pope’s C9.

“Concretely, we spoke about many issues with the pope, made several suggestions,” he said. “The pope told us he was going to pray on them, think, and then make decisions in the short, mid and long term, as he said in his letter. We await confidently.”


・・Cruxは、カトリック専門のニュース、分析、評論を網羅する米国のインターネット・メディアです。 2014年9月に米国の主要日刊紙の一つである「ボストン・グローブ」 (欧米を中心にした聖職者による幼児性的虐待事件摘発のきっかけとなった世界的なスクープで有名。映画化され、日本でも昨年、全国上映された)の報道活動の一環として創刊されました。現在は、米国に本拠を置くカトリック団体とパートナーシップを組み、多くのカトリック関係団体、機関、個人の支援を受けて、バチカンを含め,どこからも干渉を受けない、独立系カトリック・メディアとして世界的に高い評価を受けています。「カトリック・あい」は、カトリック専門の非営利メディアとして、Cruxが発信するニュース、分析、評論の日本語への翻訳、転載について了解を得て、掲載します。
