
(2022.3.1 Crux Rome Bureau Chief Inés San Martín)

ローマ発–ウクライナ正教会のスペイン・バルセロナ教区に二週間前に赴任したばかりの青年司祭、 Iurii Stasiuk神父が、母国の危機を知って急ぎ帰国した。24日、飛行機でポーランドに飛び、徒歩で国境を越え、ウクライナに戻った。







Stasiuk said that these times are a “test,” and thus far, people have answered with solidarity. “And I’m not only speaking about the Ukrainians who live abroad.”

When they leave the base to buy groceries or something else, the priest said, people – including children – greet them, thank them for what the army is doing and offer to help.

“People feel like this is their own struggle,” he said. “This is not a struggle of an army, that involves only those who have a family member or a friend fighting. This is the struggle of an entire nation. These are difficult times, yes, but I believe we are responding to the challenge with dignity.”

Asked about what the world can do to help, Stasiuk was assertive in his response: “Pray for us. And speak out: Let the world know what is going on and may the world listen. Today the war is in Ukraine, but it can go to any other country.”

Like many others, he is appalled at the fact that, in the 21st century, there is an ongoing war in what is geographically speaking, the largest country in Europe.

“In Europe we always say that we want freedom, equality, that people’s rights be respected,” Stasiuk said. “Here we have totally the opposite. And it is important that the media, the parliaments, the governments, act. I don’t know what they should do, because I am not an expert in politics, but we cannot keep quiet at this moment. We, Ukrainians, literally cannot remain silent. But neither can you.”

The priest sees Russia’s invasion not only as a war against his country, but also one against human dignity, that literally challenges “what we were told as children: You are not to bully others, you cannot crush those next to you. We have to be charitable with one another.”

The priest also had a message for those who believe Russian President Vladimir Putin was forced by the West to invade Ukraine: “No one can force a country to invade another. Those who say that the West forced Russia to invade are pro-Russian and they can go live in Russia where, much like animals, people cannot live in freedom.”

Stasiuk acknowledged that Russia first invaded Ukraine in 2014 because of the country’s decision to try to join the European Union. “The decision to be part of the EU, NATO or something else, is ours,” he said. “We are an independent country, and we have the right to choose. And democracy is politicians listening and executing what the people want for their country.”

The priest also said that despite “the size of the problem,” the people “have not lost our courage. We are all willing to do everything to stop this. We are ready to give our lives for our country.”

“And that for me is also a very big testimony of the Gospel,” Stasiuk said. “As Jesus said, there is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for others. And that is what we are doing here, and in various parts of Ukraine.”


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