
(2023.8.13 カトリック・あい)

   米国の有力カトリック・メディアCRUXが12日伝えたところによると、 日本の長崎への原爆投下から78周年を迎えた8月9日、原爆投下に関わりを持つ日米4教区のカトリック司教たちが、過去の行為に焦点を当て、「核兵器のない世界」実現に向けて協力する共同声明を出した。 「原爆投下80周年にあたる2025年8月までに具体的な進展がなされることを」と当面の目標とする、という。

 共同宣言に参加したのは、米国のサンタフェ教区長のジョン・ウェスター大司教と シアトル教区長のポール・エティエンヌ大司教、日本の広島教区長の白浜 満・司教、長崎教区長の中村倫明・大司教と高見三明・元大司教の5人。



 米国科学者連盟が3月に発表したデータによると、世界で最も多くの核弾頭を保有しているのはロシアで5899発、米国が5244発でこれに次ぎ、3位は410発の中国だが、現在急ピッチで核弾頭を増産している。4位はフランスの290発、5位が英国の225発。以下、パキスタン 170 発、インド 164 発となっている。

 今回の共同声明について、日本の司教協議会会長の菊地功・東京大司教はCRUXに対して、 「私たち日本は、この破壊的な兵器を最も大量に保有する国の一つである米国の司教や友人の日本の司教たちが核兵器に反対し、核兵器の廃絶を訴えてくれたことを歓迎します」とし、「平和を求める被害者の側からの声はもちろん重要ですが、核兵器を使用する可能性のある国の人々の側からも声を上げる必要があり、米国の人々、特に一部の司教たちが勇気を持って核兵器廃絶を訴えてくれたことをうれしく思う」と強調。 「世界中の教会で自らの行動を通じて、対話が連帯と信頼を得る唯一の方法であることを証明することに努めねばなりません。それは、教会のSinodalirity(共働性)を促進し、sinodal(共働的)な教会は神の平和の世界のモデルとなるでしょう」と期待を述べた。




 また、同教区は聖職者による性的虐待に対する被害者の損害賠償訴訟多発に教区財政が耐え切れず、今年初めに 破産手続きで原告と合意に達したばかり、しかも3月半ばには ウェスター大司教名で、性的虐待を受けた信徒たちに謝罪する公開書簡を出す、という具合に、教区に対する教会内外の人々の信頼が大きく揺らいでいる最中だ。”規模”は違うが、日本側も長崎教区が、長崎地方裁判所から、性的虐待にからんで損害賠償命令を受け、さらに性的虐待問題を扱い教区事務局の担当者を精神的傷つけたとして訴えられるなど、問題を抱えている。



Partnership for a World Without Nuclear Weapons  From the Archbishops of Santa Fe, Seattle, Nagasaki, and Bishop of Hiroshima

Nagasaki, Japan, August 9, 2023 – On the 78th anniversary of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki, we, the bishops of four Catholic arch/dioceses in areas impacted by nuclear weapons, declare
that we will begin working together to achieve a “world without nuclear weapons.” We urge that there be
concrete progress made by August 2025, the 80th anniversary of the atomic bombings.
In the spirit and teaching of Pope Francis, we recognize that even the possession of nuclear weapons is
immoral. Therefore, we call upon the leaders of the world, as we urged the leaders of the G7 meeting in
Hiroshima in May 2023, to also undertake the following concrete steps toward the abolition of nuclear
• Acknowledge the tremendous, long-lasting human suffering that the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic
bombings inflicted upon hibakusha;
• Acknowledge the tremendous, long-lasting human suffering and environmental impacts caused by
uranium mining and nuclear weapons research, production and testing around the world;
• Reiterate that a nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought, as well as emphasize that, as the
G20 agreed to in November 2022, the use and the threat of use of nuclear weapons are “inadmissible;”
• Announce and commit to concrete steps to prevent a new arms race, guard against nuclear weapons
use, and advance nuclear disarmament;
• Honor the international mandate to enter into serious multilateral negotiations leading to nuclear
disarmament, pledged to more than a half-century ago in the 1970 Non-Proliferation Treaty;
• Support the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, which was first signed and ratified by the
At the same time, in recognition of our own responsibility as religious leaders to exercise leadership, we
have agreed to create a new initiative to promote the realization of a world without nuclear weapons. In the
spirit of “remembering, walking together, and protecting,” as Pope Francis said in his message in
Hiroshima on November 24, 2019, we will work hand-in-hand with our four arch/dioceses as well as with
other dioceses and other faith traditions to build an interfaith partnership.
To remember is to learn from our painful history, to examine the current situation, and to build a culture of
peace. To walk together is to pray together, to support each other, and to act. To protect is, among other
things, to help all victims of nuclear weapons, to restore the environment destroyed by nuclear weapons,
and to protect our common home, the earth.
We invite all religious traditions to develop specific activities in accordance with the spirit of this
partnership introduced above.
In our four arch/dioceses, more specifically,
(1) In order to remember, we will listen to and dialogue with hibakusha, uranium miners, peace
activists, nuclear engineers, military personnel, diplomats, and others on a regular basis;
we will create opportunities to learn about the threat of nuclear weapons and the devastation caused
by nuclear weapons.
(2) In order to walk together, we will ask for God’s help as individuals and as community with specific
prayers (as introduced at the end of this declaration); we will offer Mass at least once a year with a
special intention for a world without nuclear weapons and, wherever possible, call for a special
collection to support nuclear victims and to restore the environment destroyed by nuclear weapons.
(3) In order to protect, we will promote the signing and ratification of the Treaty on the Prohibition of
Nuclear Weapons; we will urge the leaders of the world to redirect the funds spent on the
development and maintenance of nuclear weapons toward helping vulnerable populations and
addressing environmental issues.
We, the bishops of four arch/dioceses in areas that have experienced the devastation caused by nuclear
weapons, call on our priests, religious, and lay people to participate actively in this partnership to
“remember, walk together and protect” so that we may create a legacy of peace for current and future
The road to peace is difficult—we cannot travel it alone.
We conclude by calling upon Christ, the Prince of Peace, our Partner and Companion on the journey, to
bless our partnership, and we ask for the intercession of Mary, Queen of Peace.

