
(2020.4.5 バチカン放送)
































(編集「カトリック・あい」・前半は南條俊二訳、文中の聖書の引用は「聖書協会 共同訳」を使用)



Jesus “emptied himself, assuming a condition of servant ” ( Phil 2: 7). Let us allow ourselves to be introduced by these words of the apostle Paul in the holy days, where the Word of God, like a refrain, shows Jesus as a servant : Holy Thursday is the servant who washes the feet of the disciples; Good Friday is presented as the suffering and victorious servant (cf. Is 52:13); and already tomorrow Isaiah prophesies of him: “Here is my servant whom I support” ( Is 42: 1). God saved us by serving us. Generally we think it is we who serve God. No, it is He who served us freely, because he loved us first. It is difficult to love without being loved. And it is even more difficult to serve if we do not allow ourselves to be served by God.

But – one question – how has the Lord served us? Giving his life for us. We are dear to him and cost him dear. Saint Angela of Foligno testified that she heard these words from Jesus: “I didn’t love you as a joke”. His love led him to sacrifice himself for us, to take all our evil upon himself. It is something that leaves you speechless: God saved us by letting our evil rage on Him. Without reacting, only with the humility, patience and obedience of the servant, exclusively with the strength of love. And the Father sustained the service of Jesus: he did not defeat the evil that fell upon him, but he supported his suffering, so that our evil could be overcome only with good, so that it would be completely crossed by love. Until the end.

The Lord has served us up to try the most painful situations for those who love: betrayal and abandonment .

 Betrayal . Jesus suffered the betrayal of the disciple who sold him and the disciple who denied him. He was betrayed by the people who praised him and then shouted: “Be crucified!” ( Mt 27,22). He was betrayed by the religious institution that wrongfully condemned him and by the political institution that washed his hands. Think of the small or large betrayals that we have suffered in life. It is terrible when it turns out that well-placed trust is deceived. Such disappointment arises at the bottom of the heart, so that life seems to make no sense. This happens because we were born to be loved and to love, and the most painful thing is to be betrayed by those who have promised to be loyal and close to us. We can’t even imagine how painful it was for God, who he is love.

Let’s look inside. If we are sincere with ourselves, we will see our infidelities. How many falsehoods, hypocrisy and duplicity! How many good intentions betrayed! How many broken promises! How many resolutions left to vanish! The Lord knows our heart better than we do, he knows how weak and inconstant we are, how many times we fall, how hard we get up and how difficult it is to heal certain wounds. And what did he do to meet us, to serve us? What he said through the prophet: ” I will heal them from their infidelity, I will love them deeply” ( Os14.5). He healed us by taking upon ourselves our infidelities, removing our betrayals. So that we, instead of being discouraged by the fear of not making it, we can look up to the Crucifix, receive his embrace and say: “Here, my infidelity is there, you took it, Jesus. You open my arms, serve me with your love, continue to support me … Then I go on! “.

 The abandonment . On the cross, in today’s Gospel, Jesus says one sentence, one only: “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” ( Mt 27.46). It’s a strong phrase. Jesus had suffered the abandonment of his own, who had fled. But the Father remained. Now, in the abyss of solitude, for the first time he calls him by the generic name of “God”. And the ” why? ” Shouts out loud “, the reason why?” more lacerating: “Why did You also abandon me?”. They are actually the words of a Psalm (cf. 22: 2): they tell us that Jesus also brought extreme desolation to prayer. But the fact remains that he proved it: he experienced the greatest abandonment, which the Gospels testify by bringing back his original words.

Why all this? Once again for us, to serve us. Because when we feel our backs to the wall, when we find ourselves in a dead end, with no light and no way out, when it seems that even God is not responding, we remember that we are not alone. Jesus experienced total abandonment, the situation most extraneous to Him, to be in solidarity with us in everything. He did it for me, for you, for all of us, he did it to tell us: “Don’t be afraid, you are not alone. I have tried all your desolation to always be by your side ”. This is how far Jesus has served us, descending into the abyss of our most atrocious sufferings, up to betrayal and abandonment. Today, in the drama of the pandemic, in the face of so many certainties that crumble, in the face of so many betrayed expectations, in the sense of abandonment that holds our hearts, Jesus says to each one: “Courage: open your heart to my love. You will feel the consolation of God,

Dear brothers and sisters, what can we do before God who has served us until we experience betrayal and abandonment? We can not betray what we were created for, not abandon what matters. We are in the world to love Him and others. The rest passes, this remains. The drama we are going through at this time pushes us to take seriously what is serious, not to get lost in trivial things; to rediscover that life is of no use if it is not served . Because life is measured on love. So, in these holy days, at home, we stand before the Crucifix – look, look at the Crucifix! -, measure of God’s love for us. Before God who serves us to the point of giving life, we ask, looking at the Crucifix, the grace of living to serve. We try to contact those who suffer, those who are alone and in need. We don’t just think about what we are missing, we think about the good we can do.

 Here is my servant whom I support . The Father, who supported Jesus in the Passion, also encourages us in the service. Of course, loving, praying, forgiving, taking care of others, in the family as in society, can cost. It may seem like a via crucis . But the way of service is the winning way, which saved us and which saves us, saves us life. I would like to say this especially to young people, on this Day which has been dedicated to them for 35 years. Dear friends, look at real heroes, which in these days come to light: they are not those who have fame, money and success, but those who give themselves to serve others. Feel called to put your life on the line. Do not be afraid to spend it for God and for others, you will earn it! Because life is a gift that is received by giving oneself. And because the greatest joy is to say yes to love, without if and without but. Say yes to love, without if and without but. As Jesus did for us.
