
(2020.7.14 カトリック・あい)


 “In the last few days, I have followed with a special attention, and not without concern, how a complicated situation was developing in Hong Kong. First of all, I would like to express my sympathy and closeness to all those living there.

   What is being discussed in these days concerns delicate matters, affecting everybody’s life. Accordingly, it is easy to understand how feelings can be strong. I wish therefore that all those involved would be able to confront the issues in a spirit of wisdom and genuine dialogue.  This requires courage, humility, non-violence, and respect for the dignity and rights of all.

 It is my desire that social and, particularly, religious life may manifest themselves in full and genuine freedom, as indeed several international documents mandate.

 My prayer remains constantly with the Catholic community and all people of good will in Hong Kong, so that they may build together a prosperous and harmonious society.”


 最近議論されていることは、全ての方の人生に影響を与える慎重を要する問題です。 気持ちが高ぶるのは容易に理解できます。 であるからこそ、全ての関係者に、知恵と真の対話の精神で問題に対処することを希望します。問題に対処するには、勇気、謙虚さ、非暴力、そして全ての人の尊厳と諸権利を尊重することが求められます。




