
(2020.6.18 Crux Senior Correspondent  Elise Ann Allen)At five-year mark for ‘Laudato Si,’ Vatican offers a ‘users guide’

 ローマ発 –教皇フランシスコの環境回勅「ラウダート・シ」公布5周年を記念して、バチカンが18日、全世界の教会、小教区共同体、信徒、そして各国の環境担当者向けに、環境保護のための具体策を盛り込んだ”手引書”「On the Path to Caring for the Common Home: Five Years after Laudato Si(共通の家を大切にする道:『ラウダート・シ』から5年)」を発行した。






 具体的な提案として、バランスの取れた食事から、マイカーの相乗りによるエネルギー消費の節減、資源のリサイクル、点滴灌漑 (注:配水管、配水弁など使って、畑などに直接、少しづつ灌漑水を与えることで、水や肥料の消費量を最小限にする灌漑方式)など、幅広く、個人の日々の暮らしから、行政に至る幅広い具体的な措置の積極的な導入を提案。














 The text also appears to take a swipe at journalists and critical reporting of Laudato Si and climate change, suggesting that formation courses be offered to journalists to give them “clear, complete and correct” information on the encyclical, and that “a culture of truth” be developed among the press “so as to counter the spread of misleading news created to deny the existence of the environmental crisis.”

 Investments in small-scale food production and support for rural communities are encouraged. The document also urges better care for animals in slaughterhouses and encourages readers to have a balanced diet.

 Offering numerous suggestions to curb water shortages while also assuring that there is enough for both food and hygienic needs, the text encourages people at all levels of society to promote the idea that water is a “fundamental universal right” and that it must be accessible at reasonable prices.

 Much like Laudato Si, the document urges people to use environment friendly energy sources and energy-efficient materials, as well as less pollutive methods of transportation, such as bicycles or carpooling. Renewable energy sources, it says, must be sold at “accessible” prices.

 The text encourages support for transnational projects such as initiatives aimed at protecting the Congo River Basin and the Great Green Wall in the Sahara desert, and emphasizes the need for better preparation for natural disasters.

 In terms of the economy, the document says it must be based on the person rather than profit, and argues for recycling natural resources such as bioenergy, biofuel and compost. Projects aimed at cleaning oceans and beaches, as well as investments in sustainable infrastructure, are to be encouraged, it says.

 Efforts must also be made to expose the “informal economy,” which often leads to exploitation, and to ensure dignified work with “just salaries” for both men and women, the document says, criticizing jobs that keep parents away from their families for long periods of time.

 Motherhood should also be valued in the workplace, it says, insisting that the social and economic value of motherhood should be protected, “placing the importance of family relationships at the center of the economic system, rather than just individuals.”

 Banks and investment companies are encouraged to adopt and adhere to a clear system of ethics, avoiding environmentally harmful investments and sanctioning illegal activities.

 Cities ought to be clean, energy-efficient and helpful toward the poor, the document says, suggesting that church structures and local institutions that work with the poor, including migrants and refugees, be supported.

 A fundamental rethinking of the prison system is also suggested, particularly in terms of punishments for parents and first-time offenders. In terms of healthcare, the text urges an investment in diagnosis and care for unborn children with malformities or illnesses, “rather than promoting the diagnosis in view of selection and elimination.”

 Promotion of “an appropriate education in affection and sexuality to form respect for one’s own body and that of others,” is also encouraged, as are formation programs that help young people in particular to better understand “the value of sexual complementarity, fertility and conceived human life.”

 Healthcare workers, the text says, should be educated in matters of conscience, and palliative care ought to be promoted.

 The document also encourages raising awareness about policies and technologies that combat air pollution and climate change, with special attention to the Amazon region, as well as the development of a clear definition of a “climate refugee,” and the adoption of measures to ensure they have the necessary legal and humanitarian protections.

 Highlighting the Vatican’s own efforts to promote more environment friendly practices, the document mentions several steps that have been taken within the Vatican City State to save energy and water.

 Among these steps is the development of a differentiated waste collection system for the various offices and departments in the Vatican, with recycling for materials such as paper and plastic, and the proper disposal of materials such as oil, tires, batteries and hospital waste.

A new closed-circuit water system was installed which recycles water from the fountains inside Vatican City, a new irrigation system was designed, and, according to the document, in 2016 a new dispensing system was installed in the cafeteria for Vatican employees allowing them fill glasses rather than take bottles.

In terms of green areas in the Vatican Gardens and likely the Vatican farms in Castel Gandolfo, harmful products were eliminated, the document said, and a purification system installed that avoids toxic pesticides. Crop rotation is also being practiced.

According to the text, energy consumption in the Vatican has also become more sustainable through steps such as LED lighting systems, light sensors which regulate the intensity of light based on the natural lighting of a room and the installation by Benedict XVI of solar panels on the large Paul VI audience hall.

Automated lighting systems that shut off when there is no movement have also been installed, the document says, noting that as of 2018 a new lighting system in the Sistine Chapel has saved roughly 60 percent in energy costs while also slowing down the aging of Michelangelo’s frescoes.

New lighting in St. Peter’s Square has also cut energy costs by 70-80 percent, it said, and highlighted ecumenical and global initiatives such as the Sept. 1 World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.

 Follow Elise Ann Allen on Twitter: @eliseannallen


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