
(2021.9.14 カトリック・あい)


【Synod 2023 Preparatory Document ”For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission”】

シノドス2023 準備文書 「共に歩む教会のために:交わり、参加、ミッション」(表題はバチカン放送仮訳)



第1章「The Call to Journey Together(共にする旅への呼びかけ)」

第2章「Constitutively Synodal Church(常に共に歩む教会)」

第3章「 Listening to the Scriptures:Jesus, the Crowd, the Apostles(聖書-イエス、群衆、使徒たち-に耳を傾ける)」

第4章「Synodality in Action:Pathways for Consulting the People of God(シノダリティ=共働性=の実践ー神の民に”相談”するプロセス)」




1.The Church of God is convoked in Synod. The path entitled “For a Synodal Church: Communion, Participation, and Mission” will solemnly open on the 9th – 10th of October2021 in Rome and on the following 17th of October in each particular Church.

One fundamental stage will be the celebration of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, in October 2023,[1] which will be followed by the implementation phase that will again involve the particular Churches (cf. EC, arts. 19-21). With this convocation, Pope Francis invites the entire Church to reflect on a theme that is decisive for its life and mission: “It is precisely this path of synodality which God expects of the Church of the third millennium.”[2]

This journey, which follows in the wake of the Church’s “renewal” proposed by the Second Vatican Council, is both a gift and a task: by journeying together and reflecting together on the journey that has been made, the Church will be able to learn through Her experience which processes can help Her to live communion, to achieve participation, to open Herself to mission. Our “journeying together” is, in fact, what most effectively enacts and manifests the nature of the Church as the pilgrim and missionary People of God.

1. 神の教会はシノドスに呼ばれている。「共に歩む教会のために:交わり、参加、ミッション」と題された歩みの道は、2021年10月9日から10日までローマで、それに続く10月17日にそれぞれの教区の教会で厳粛に開始される。基本は、2023年10月の司教会議の第16回通常総会の挙行にあり[1]、それに先立つ、世界の教区などの準備がされる。この一連の歩みで、全教会が自身の活動と宣教の使命にとって決定的な重要性をもつテーマを深く考えるように勧めておられる。


2.A basic question prompts and guides us: How does this “journeying together,” which takes place today on different levels (from the local level to the universal one), allow the Church to proclaim the Gospel in accordance with the mission entrusted to Her; and what steps does the Spirit invite us to take in order to grow as a synodal Church?

Addressing this question together requires listening to the Holy Spirit, who like the wind “blows where it wills; you can hear the sound it makes, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes” (Jn 3:8), remaining open to the surprises that the Spirit will certainly prepare for us along the way. Thus, a dynamism is activated that allows us to begin to reap some of the fruits of a synodal conversion, which will progressively mature. These are objectives of great importance for the quality of ecclesial life and for accomplishing the mission of evangelization, in which we all participate by virtue of our Baptism and Confirmation.

Here, we will indicate the main objectives, which decline synodality as the form, the style, and the structure of the Church:

  • recalling how the Spirit has guided the Church’s journey through history and, today, calls us to be, together, witnesses of God’s love;
  • living a participative and inclusive ecclesial process that offers everyone—especially those who for various reasons find themselves on the margins—the opportunity to express themselves and to be heard in order to contribute to the edification of the People of God;
  • recognizing and appreciating the wealth and the variety of the gifts and charisms that the Spirit liberally bestows for the good of the community and the benefit of the entire human family;exploring participatory ways of exercising responsibility in the proclamation of the Gospel and in the effort to build a more beautiful and habitable world;
  • examining how responsibility and power are lived in the Church as well as the structures by which they are managed, bringing to light and trying to convert prejudices and distorted practices that are not rooted in the Gospel;
  • accrediting the Christian community as a credible subject and reliable partner in paths of social dialogue, healing, reconciliation, inclusion and participation, the reconstruction of democracy, the promotion of fraternity and social friendship;
  • regenerating relationships among members of Christian communities as well as between communities and other social groups, e.g., communities of believers of other denominations and religions, civil society organizations, popular movements, etc.;
  • fostering the appreciation and appropriation of the fruits of recent synodal experiences on the universal, regional, national, and local levels.












3.This Preparatory Document is at the service of the synodal journey, especially as a tool to facilitate the first phase of listening to and consulting the People of God in the particular Churches (October 2021 – April 2022), in the hope of helping to set in motion the ideas, energy, and creativity of all those who will take part in the journey, and to make it easier to share the fruits of their efforts.

With this aim:

1) it begins by outlining some prominent characteristics of the contemporary context;

2) it synthetically illustrates the fundamental theological references for a correct understanding and practice of synodality;

3) it offers some biblical thoughts that can nourish meditation and prayerful reflection along the way;

4) it illustrates some perspectives from which to reread the experiences of lived synodality;

5) it shows some ways of articulating this work of rereading in prayer and sharing. To concretely accompany the organization of the work, a methodological Handbook, annexed to this Preparatory Document and available on the dedicated hosting website, is proposed[3].

The site offers some resources for deepening the theme of synodality, as a support to this Preparatory Document; among these, we would like to highlight two that are mentioned several times below: the Address at the Ceremony Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of the Institution of the Synod of Bishops, given by Pope Francis on the 17th of October 2015, and the document Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church, prepared by the International Theological Commission and published in 2018.

3.この準備文書は、”synodal journey(シノドスの旅)”に役立てるー特に特定教会(注:世界の小教区から司教区、地域教区群を指す)において神の民に耳を傾け、話を聞く「第一段階(2021年10月から2022年4月)」を促進する手立てとして、”旅”に参加するすべての人々が着想、活力、創造性を働かせ、努力の成果を共有するのを容易にするのを助けることを目的とする。







 このサイトは、この準備文書を補完するために、シノダリティ(共働性)というテーマを深く理解するいくつかの材料を提供する。その中には、2015年10月17日に教皇フランシスコによるシノドス設立50周年記念式典での演説と、国際神学委員会によって作成され、2018年に発行された 文書「Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church」が含まれる。


第1章 The Call to Journey Together(共にする旅への呼びかけ)

4.The synodal journey unfolds within a historical context marked by epochal changes in society and by a crucial transition in the life of the Church, which cannot be ignored: it is within the folds of the complexity of this context, in its tensions and contradictions, that we are called to “scrutinize the signs of the times and interpret them in the light of the Gospel” (GS, no. 4). Some elements of the global scenario most closely connected to the theme of the Synod are outlined here; but the picture will need to be enriched and completed at the local level.



5.A global tragedy such as the COVID-19 pandemic “momentarily revived the sense that we are a global community, all in the same boat, where one person’s problems are the problems of all. Once more we realized that no one is saved alone; we can only be saved together” (FT, no. 32). At the same time, the pandemic has also made the already existing inequalities and inequities explode: humanity seems increasingly shaken by processes of massification and fragmentation; the tragic condition faced by migrants in all regions of the world shows how high and strong the barriers dividing the single human family still are.

The Encyclicals Laudato si’and Fratelli Tutti document the depth of the fault lines that run through humanity, and we can refer to these analyses to start listening to the cry of the poor and of the earth and to recognize the seeds of hope and of the future that the Spirit continues to sow even in our time: “The Creator does not abandon us; he never forsakes his loving plan or repents of having created us. Humanity still has the ability to work together in building our common home” (LS, no. 13).

5.新型コロナウイルスの大感染の世界的な悲劇は、「私たちが地球的な共同体の一員であり、全員が同じボートに乗っている、そこでは一人の問題が全員の問題となる、という感覚を一瞬、復活させた。一人だけが救われるのでなく、皆が一緒に救われるのだ、ということに改めて気づかせた」(回勅「Fratelli tutti」32項)。


 「 Laudato si’(ラウダート・シ)」と「Fratelli Tutti (兄弟の皆さん)」の二つの回勅は、人類の間を走る断層線の深さを証拠をもって示している。 貧しい人々と地球の叫びに耳を傾け始め、希望の種、聖霊が私たちの時代においてさえも蒔き続けておられる未来の種を知るために、この二つの回勅の分析を参考にすることができるー『創造主は、決して私たちをお見捨てになりません。神は、決してご自身の愛される計画を放棄したり、私たちをお作りになったことを後悔したりなさいません。人類はまだ、皆が共に暮らす家を建設するために一緒に働く能力をもっています」(回勅「ラウダート・シ」13項)。


6.This situation, which, despite great differences, unites the entire human family, challenges the Church’s ability to accompany individuals and communities to reread experiences of mourning and suffering that have unmasked many false certainties, and to cultivate hope and faith in the goodness of the Creator and his creation.

However, we cannot hide from the fact that the Church herself must face the lack of faith and the corruption even within herself. In particular, we cannot forget the suffering experienced by minors and vulnerable people “due to sexual abuse, the abuse of power and the abuse of conscience perpetrated by a significant number of clerics and consecrated persons.”[4]

We are continually challenged “as the People of God to take on the pain of our brothers and sisters wounded in their flesh and in their spirit.”[5] For too long the cry of the victims has been a cry that the Church has not been able to hear sufficiently. These are deep wounds that are difficult to heal, for which forgiveness can never be asked for enough and which constitute obstacles, sometimes imposing ones, to advancing in the direction of “journeying together.[5oseforms of exercising authority on which the different types of abuse (power, economic, conscience, sexual) are grafted.

It is impossible to think of “a conversion of our activity as a Church that does not include the active participation of all the members of God’s People:”[6] together let us ask the Lord for “the grace of conversion and the interior anointing needed to express before these crimes of abuse our compunction and our resolve courageously to combat them.”[7]






7.In spite of our infidelities, the Spirit continues to act in history and to show his life-giving power. It is precisely in the furrows dug by the sufferings of every kind endured by the human family and by the People of God that new languages of faith and new paths are flourishing, : capable not only of interpreting events from a theological point of view but also of finding in trials the reasons for refounding the path of Christian and ecclesial life. It is a reason for great hope that more than a few Churches have already begun more or less structured meetings and consultation processes with the People of God.

Where they have been marked by a synodal style, the sense of Church has flourished and the participation of all has given new impetus to ecclesial life. The desire of young people to be protagonists within the Church and the request for a greater appreciation of women and spaces for participation in the mission of the Church, already signaled by the Synodal Assemblies of 2018 and 2019, are also confirmed. The recent institution of the lay ministry of Catechist and the opening of access to those of Lector and Acolyte to women also move in this direction.



 シノドス的な様式によって特徴づけられているところでは、教会の意識が活性化し、すべての人々が参加することで教会生活に新たな刺激が与られている。教会で主役を演じたいという若者たちの願望と、教会の活動に女性の参加を広げることへの要求は、2018年と2019年のシノドスで既に指摘され、確認されている。(教皇の自発教令による)一般信徒を対象とする「信徒カテキスタ」制度の導入と女性に対してLector (読師)and Acolyte (侍祭)の道を開いたことも、その方向に沿った動きである。


8.We cannot ignore the variety of conditions in which Christian communities live in the different regions of the world. Alongside countries where the Church welcomes the majority of the population and represents a cultural reference point for the whole of society, there are others where Catholics are a minority; in some of these countries, Catholics, together with other Christians, experience forms of persecution, including some very violent ones, and not infrequently martyrdom.

If, on the one hand, a secularized mentality tends to expel religion from the public space, on the other hand, religious fundamentalism, without respect for the liberties of others, feeds forms of intolerance and violence that are also reflected in the Christian community and in its relations with society. Christians not infrequently adopt the same attitudes, even fomenting divisions and opposition, including within the Church.

It is equally necessary to consider the reverberation, within the Church and in its relations with society, of the fractures caused by reasons of ethnicity, race, caste, or other forms of social stratification or cultural and structural violence, which run through the latter. These situations have a profound impact on the meaning of the expression “journeying together” and on the concrete possibilities of doing so.





9.Within this context, synodality represents the main road for the Church, called to renew herself under the action of the Spirit and by listening to the Word. The ability to imagine a different future for the Church and her institutions, in keeping with the mission she has received, depends largely on the decision to initiate processes of listening, dialogue, and community discernment, in which each and every person can participate and contribute. At the same time, the decision to “journey together” is a prophetic sign for the human family, which needs a shared project capable of pursuing the good of all.

A Church capable of communion and fraternity, of participation and subsidiarity, in fidelity to what she proclaims, will be able to stand beside the poor and the least and lend them her own voice. In order to “journey together,” we need to let ourselves be educated by the Spirit to a truly synodal mentality, entering with courage and freedom of heart into a conversion process that is indispensable for the “continual reformation of which [the Church] always has need, in so far as she is a human institution” (UR, no. 6; cf. EG, no. 26).


 自身の宣言への忠誠の下で、交わりと友愛、参加と補完が可能な教会は、貧しく、蔑まれた人たちの側に立ち、自身の声を、その人たちに貸すことができるだろう。 「共に旅する」ために、私たちは、真のシノダリティのメンタリティーに向けて、聖霊によって教育され、教会が人間的な制度である限り、勇気と心の自由をもって、「常に(教会が)必要としている継続的な改革」に不可欠な回心のプロセスに入る必要がある」。




第2章「Constitutively Synodal Church(常に共に歩む教会)」

10.“It is precisely this path of synodality which God expects of the Church of the third millennium. What the Lord is asking of us is already in some sense present in the very word ‘synod’,”[8] which is “is an ancient and venerable word in the Tradition of the Church, whose meaning draws on the deepest themes of Revelation.”[9] It is “the Lord Jesus who presents Himself as ‘the way, the truth, and the life’ (Jn14:6),” and “Christians, His followers, were originally called ‘followers of the Way’ (cf. Acts 9:2; 19,9.23; 22,4; 24,14.22).”[10]

Synodality, in this perspective, is much more than the celebration of ecclesial meetings and Bishops’ assemblies, or a matter of simple internal administration within the Church; it is “the specific modus vivendi et operandi of the Church, the People of God, which reveals and gives substance to her being as communion when all her members journey together, gather in assembly and take an active part in her evangelizing mission.”[11]

Thus are intertwined the main axes of a synodal Church that the title of the Synod proposes: communion, participation, and mission. In this chapter, we will briefly illustrate some fundamental theological references on which this perspective is based.




11.In the first millennium, “journeying together”—that is, practicing synodality—was the ordinary way in which the Church, understood as “People united in the unity of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,”[12] acted. To those who were creating divisions in the ecclesial body, the Church Fathers opposed the communion of the Churches scattered throughout the world, described by St. Augustine as “concordissima fidei conspiratio,”[13] that is, the agreement in faith of all the Baptized. Here are the roots of the broad development of a synodal praxis at all levels of the Church’s life—local, provincial, and universal—that reached its highest manifestation in the Ecumenical Council.

Within this ecclesial horizon, inspired by the principle of the participation of all in the life of the Church, St. John Chrysostom was able to say that “Church and Synod are synonymous.”[14] Even in the second millennium, when the Church emphasized more strongly the hierarchical function, this way of proceeding did not ceaseif, alongside the celebration of ecumenical councils, and that of diocesan and provincial synods is well attested, when it came to defining dogmatic truths, the Popes wished to consult the Bishops in order to know the faith of the whole Church, by appealing to the authority of the sensus fidei of the entire People of God, which is “infallible ‘in credendo’” (EG, no. 119).

11.第一の千年紀では、「共に旅をすること」、すなわちsynodality 共働性の実践―は普通のことだった。教会は「父と子と聖霊の三位一体の下に結ばれていた人々」[12]という理解のもとに行動したのである。教会に分裂をもたらしている人々に、教父たちは、教会の集合体を世界中でばらばらにするものとして反対したー聖アウグスチヌスが「concordissimafidei conspiratio」 [13]ー「すべての洗礼を受けた人々は信仰において一つだ」と言明したように。教会生活のあらゆるレベル、小教区・教区レベル、地域レベル、世界レベルで、そしてバチカン公会議において頂点に達したシノドスの実践を、幅広く進展させるルーツがここにある。

 このような教会の地平の中で、聖ヨハネ・クリソストムは「すべての人の教会生活への参加」という原則に突き動かされ、「『教会』と『シノドス』は同義語だ」と言うことができた[14]。第二の千年紀に、教会が聖職者位階制を一段と強化した時も、その流れが止まることはなかったー仮に、公会議と並行して、教区レベルや地域レベルの教会会議が開かれたと確言されても、教義上の真理-信条の不可謬ーを規定する必要が出て来た時に、歴代の教皇たちは、全教会の信仰を知るために、神の全ての民の sensus fidei(sense of the faithful=神に忠実な人々の感覚、神聖なる常識)の権威に訴えて、司教たちの意見を聴くことを望んだ。( EG,no.119)

12.The Second Vatican Council is anchored in this dynamic of Tradition. It emphasizes that “God, however, does not make men holy and save them merely as individuals, without bond or link between one another. Rather has it pleased Him to bring men together as one people, a people which acknowledges Him in truth and serves Him in holiness.” (LG, no. 9).

The members of the People of God are united by Baptism, and “if by the will of Christ some are made teachers, pastors and dispensers of mysteries on behalf of others, yet all share a true equality with regard to the dignity and to the activity common to all the Faithful for the building up of the Body of Christ” (LG, no. 32). Therefore, all the Baptized, participants in Christ’s priestly, prophetic, and kingly functions by “exercising the variety and ordered richness of their charisms, their vocations and their ministries,”[15] are active subjects of evangelization, both individually and as the entire People of God.

12.第二バチカン公会議は、この伝統の力を基礎にしている。「しかし、神は、人々に互いの絆や繋がりがなければ、個人として人々を聖とし、救うことをされない。それよりも、人々を一つの民ー真に神を認識し、神に仕える民ーにまとめることを、神はお喜びになる」[LG no.9]と強調している。

 神の民の成員は洗礼によって結ばれ、「キリストのみ心により、他者のために、ある者は教師に、司牧者に、そして教えの玄義を広く伝える者とされ、しかも、キリストの体を作りあげるという信仰を持つ全ての人に共通の尊厳と活動において、皆が平等なのです」(LG no.32 )。それゆえ、洗礼を受け、キリストの聖職の、預言的な、王たる働きに加わる者たちは、「神から授けられた力や才能、召命、司祭職など多様で秩序立てられた豊かさを実践することによって」[15]、個人としても、神の民総体としても、宣教の能動的な神に仕える者となる。

13.The Council emphasized how, by virtue of the anointing of the Holy Spirit received in Baptism, the totality of the Faithful “cannot err in matters of belief. They manifest this special property by means of the whole Peoples’ supernatural discernment in matters of faith when ‘from the Bishops down to the last of the lay Faithful’ they show universal agreement in matters of faith and morals” (LG, no. 12). It is the Spirit who guides the faithful “to all truth” (Jn16:13).

Through action of the Spirit, “this tradition which comes from the Apostles develops in the Church” so that the People of God may grow “in the understanding of the realities and the words which have been handed down. This happens through the contemplation and study made by believers, who treasure these things in their hearts (cf. Lk 2:19, 51) through a penetrating understanding of the spiritual realities which they experience, and through the preaching of those who have received through Episcopal succession the sure gift of truth” (DV, no. 8).

In fact, this People, gathered together by its Pastors, adheres to the sacred deposit of the Word of God entrusted to the Church, perseveres constantly in the teaching of the Apostles, in fraternal communion, in the breaking of bread, and in prayer, “so that holding to, practicing, and professing the heritage of the faith, it becomes on the part of the Bishops and Faithful a single common effort” (DV, no. 10).


 信徒たちを「あらゆる真理」(ヨハネ福音書16章13節)に導くのは聖霊である。聖霊の働きを通して、「使徒たちから始まるこの伝統は、語り継がれてきた真実と御言葉についての理解を、神の民が増していけるように、使徒たちに始まる伝統が教会の中で発展させる。このことは、そうしたものを心の中に大切に留めておく(ルカ福音書2章19、51節)信徒たちの観想と学びを通してー自ら経験する霊的な真理についての洞察力ある理解を通して、使徒継承の真理の賜物を受けた人たちの説教を通してーなされる(DV, no. 8).。

 事実、司牧者によって集められた民は、教会に委ねられた神の聖なる御言葉の数々に忠実であり、使徒たちの教え、兄弟的な交わり、パンを裂くこと、そして祈りを、絶えず、屈することなく保ち続けるー「信仰の伝統を固く守り、実践し、明確に宣べることで、それが、司教たちと信徒たちの側の一つの共通の努力となるように(DV no.10)」。


14.The Pastors, established by God as “authentic guardians, interpreters and witnesses of the faith of the whole Church,”[16] should not be afraid to listen to the Flock entrusted to them. The consultation of the People of God does not imply the assumption within the Church of the dynamics of democracy based on the principle of majority, because there is, at the basis of participation in every synodal process, a shared passion for the common mission of evangelization and not the representation of conflicting interests. In other words, this is an ecclesial process that can only take place “at the heart of a hierarchically structured community.” [17]

It is in the fruitful bond between the sensus fideiof the People of God and the magisterial function of the Pastors that the unanimous consensus of the whole Church in the same faith is realized. Every synodal process, in which the Bishops are called to discern what the Spirit is saying to the Church, not by themselves but by listening to the People of God, who “shares also in Christ’s prophetic office” , is an evident form of that “journeying together” which makes the Church grow.

St. Benedict emphasizes how “the Lord often reveals the most prudent course to be followed”[18] to those who do not occupy important positions in the community (in that case, the youngest); thus, the Bishops should take care to reach out to everyone, so that, in the orderly unfolding of the synodal journey, what the apostle Paul recommends to the communities may be realized: “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophetic utterances. Test everything; retain what is good” (1 Thess 5:19-21).

14. 司牧者たちー「全教会の信仰の真の守護者、解説者、そして証人」(16)として神によって立てられた者たちーは、自身に託された”羊の群れ”に耳を傾けることを恐れてはならない。神の民との話し合いは、教会において、多数決の原則を基礎に置く民主主義の力学を前提とすることを意味しない。なぜなら、synodal(共働性)プロセスへの参加の根底に、福音宣教という共通の使命へ共に抱く熱意はあるが、相反する関心の表明はないからだ。これは、換言すれば、「位階的な構造をもつ共同体の核心」17)においてのみなされる教会のプロセスなのである。

   同じ信仰において教会全体の全員一致の合意が実現するのは、神の民の sensus fidei(信仰の理解、能力)と司牧者たちの権威をもった働きの間の実り多い絆においてである。いずれのsynodal(共働性)プロセスーそのプロセスで、司教たちは、自分自身ではなく、「キリストの預言的職務を共有する」(LG, no. 12)神の民に耳を傾けることによって、聖霊が何を教会に語られているかを識別するように求められているーは、教会を成長させる「共に旅をする」ことの明白な形である。

 聖ベネディクトは、共同体で重要な地位を占めていない人々(この場合、最も若い者たち)に対して「主がどれほど頻繁に、取るべき最も賢明な道を明示しておられるか」を強調している。シノドスの旅が整然と進む中で、使徒パウロが共同体に求めたことー「霊の火を消してはいけません。預言を軽んじてはいけません。すべてを吟味し、良いものを大切にしなさい」(テサロニケの信徒への手紙1・5 章19-21節)ーが実現されるように、司教たちは、誰とでも心を通わすように気を付けねばならない。


15.The meaning of the journey to which we are all called is above all that of discovering the face and form of a synodal Church, in which “everyone has something to learn. The faithful people, the college of bishops, the Bishop of Rome: all listening to each other, and all listening to the Holy Spirit, the ‘Spirit of truth’ (Jn14:17), in order to know what He ‘says to the Churches’ ”[19] The Bishop of Rome, as the principle and foundation of the Church’s unity, asks all the Bishops and all the particular Churches, in which and from which the one and only Catholic Church exists (cf. LG, no. 23), to enter with confidence and courage into the path of synodality.

In this “journeying together,” we ask the Spirit to help us discover how communion, which brings together in unity the variety of gifts, charisms, and ministries, is for the mission: a synodal Church is a Church “going forth,” a missionary Church “whose doors are open” (EG, no. 46). This includes the call to deepen relationships with other Churches and Christian communities, with which we are united by the one Baptism. The perspective of “journeying together,” then, is even broader, and embraces all humankind, whose “joys and hopes, griefs and anxieties” we share (GS, no. 1). A synodal Church is a prophetic sign, above all for a community of nations incapable of proposing a shared project, through which to pursue the good of all: practicing synodality is today for the Church the most evident way to be “the universal sacrament of salvation” (LG, no. 48), “a sign and instrument of intimate union with God and of the unity of the whole human race” (LG, no. 1).

15.私たちが招かれている旅の意味は、なによりもシノドス的教会の顔と形を発見する旅であること、そこでは「誰にも学ぶべきことがある。信徒たち、司教団、ローマの司教(教皇)、誰もが互いに耳を傾け、『真理の霊』(ヨハネ福音書14章17節)である聖霊に耳を傾ける、聖霊が『諸教会に語る』(Rev 2:7)ことを知るために」(19)。ローマ司教は、教会一致の原理、基礎として、すべての司教、世界のすべての教区教会ーそこに、そこから一つの、唯一のカトリック教会が存在する(LG,no.23参照)ーに対して、勇気と自信をもってsynodality(共働性)の道を歩むように求められている。

 この「共に歩む旅」において、私たちは、交わりー様々な恵み、賜物、宗教的活動を一致のうちにもたらすものーが、宣教の使命のために、どうあるべきか、を知ることができるよう、聖霊に助けを求める必要がある。シノドス的教会は、「前進する」教会であり、「扉が開かれている」宣教する教会(EGno.46 )だ。旅には、一つの洗礼によって結ばれている他宗派の教会、キリスト教共同体と関係を深めることも含まれている。そうすることで、「共に旅する」ことの前途は、さらに広がり、全人類を、その「喜び、希望、悲しみ、不安」を共有し、包み込むのだ(GS no.1 )。シノドス的教会は、預言的なしるしである、何よりも、すべての善を追求する共通の取り組みを提案することのできない国々の共同体のためにーsynodality(共働性)の実践は今日、教会にとって、「普遍的な救いの秘跡」(LG no.48) 、「しるし、神との緊密な結びつきと全人類の一致の手段」となる最も明確な道だ。



第3章「 Listening to the Scriptures:Jesus, the Crowd, the Apostles(聖書-イエス、群衆、使徒たち-に耳を傾ける)」

16.The Spirit of God, who illuminates and vivifies this “journeying together” of the Churches, is the same Spirit who works in the mission of Jesus, promised to the Apostles and to the generations of disciples who hear God’s Word and put it into practice. The Spirit, according to the Lord’s promise, does not limit himself to confirming the continuity of the Gospel of Jesus, but will illuminate the ever-new depths of his Revelation and inspire the decisions necessary to sustain the Church’s journey (cf. Jn14:25–26; 15:26–27; 16:12–15).It is, therefore, appropriate that our journey of building a synodal Church be inspired by two “images” from Scripture.

One emerges in the representation of the “community scene” that constantly accompanies the journey of evangelization; the other refers to the experience of the Spirit in which Peter and the early community recognize the risk of placing unjustified limits on faith sharing. The synodal experience of journeying together, following the Lord and in obedience to the Spirit, will be able to receive decisive inspiration from meditation on these two traits of revelation.

16. この、教会の「共に歩む旅」を照らし、活気づける神の聖霊は、イエスのミッションの中で働き、神のみ言葉を聴きそれを実践する使徒たちと、何世代にもわたるその弟子たちに約束をした聖霊と同じ聖霊です。主の約束によると、この聖霊は、イエスの福音の継続を確証するだけでなく、聖書の常に時代に沿った新たな深みを照らし、教会の旅を支えてゆくために必要な決断へと導いてくれるのです(ヨハネ福音書14章25-26節、15章26-27節、16章12-15節)。それゆえ、共に歩む教会を構築する私たちの旅は、聖書からの2つのイメージによって触発される、と言っていい。


Jesusu,the Crowd, the Apostles

17.An original scene appears, in its fundamental structure, as the constant of the way in which Jesus reveals himself throughout the Gospel, as he announces the coming of the Kingdom of God. Essentially, three actors (plus one) are involved. The first, of course, is Jesus, the absolute protagonist who takes the initiative, sowing the words and signs of the coming of the Kingdom without “showing partiality” (cf. Acts10:34).

In various ways, Jesus pays special attention to those who are “separated” from God and those “abandoned” by the community (the sinners and the poor, in gospel language). Through his words and actions, he offers liberation from evil and conversion to hope, in the name of God the Father and in the power of the Holy Spirit. Even in the diversity of the Lord’s calls, their receptive responses, the common trait is that faith always emerges as a valuing of people: their plea is heard, their difficulty is helped, their availability is appreciated, their dignity is confirmed by God’s gaze and restored to the community’s recognition.


17. 聖書の基本的構造の中で、本来の場面は、イエスが福音書全体を通じてご自分を明らかにされるとき、また、イエスが神の王国の到来を告げられる時、一定の形で現れます。本質的に、3人の登場人物(プラス一人)が関わる。


 様々な方法で、イエスは「神から引き離され、社会から『見捨てられた』人々(福音書の言葉で、罪人たちや、貧しい人々)に特別に目を配られる。彼の言葉や行動の全体を通じて、父なる神の名と聖霊の力によって、悪からの解放と希望への回心を勧める。主の呼びかけ、それを受け入れる答えは、様々な形をとるが 、共通の特徴は 、人々に価値を置くものとして信仰が常に現れるということだ。すなわち、彼らの嘆願は聴き入れられ、苦難は救われ、有用性は正当に評価され、尊厳は神の目によって確認され、共同体に再び認められるのだ。


18.In fact, the work of evangelization and the message of salvation would not be comprehensible without Jesus’ constant openness to the widest possible audience, which the Gospels refer to as the crowd, that is, all the people who follow him along the path, and at times even pursue him in the hope of a sign and a word of salvation: this is the second actor on the scene of Revelation. The proclamation of the Gospel is not addressed only to an enlightened or chosen few. Jesus’ interlocutor is the “people” of ordinary life, the “everyone” of the human condition, whom he puts directly in contact with God’s gift and the call to salvation.

In a way that surprises and sometimes scandalizes the witnesses, Jesus accepts as interlocutors all those who emerge from the crowd: he listens to the impassioned remonstrances of the Canaanite woman (cf. Mt15:21–28), who cannot accept being excluded from the blessing he brings; he allows himself to dialogue with the Samaritan woman (cf. Jn 4:1–42), despite her condition as a socially and religiously compromised woman; he solicits the free and grateful act of faith of the man born blind (cf. Jn 9), whom official religion had dismissed as outside the perimeter of grace.

18. 実際、福音伝道の働きと救いのメッセージは、福音書に「群衆」と記されている出来る限り多くの聴衆、すなわち、イエスの歩みに付き従い、時には救いのしるしや言葉を求めてイエスを追い求めるすべての人々に、イエスが不断に心を開くことがなかったら、理解されることはなかっただろう。この「群衆」が、聖書の場面の2番目の登場人物である。



19.Some follow Jesus more explicitly, experiencing the fidelity of discipleship, while others are invited to return to their ordinary lives: yet all testify to the power of the faith that has saved them (cf. Mt15:28).

Among those who follow Jesus, the figure of the apostles, whom he himself calls from the beginning, having given them the task of mediating authoritatively the crowd’s relationship with Revelation and with the coming of God’s Kingdom, clearly becomes prominent.

The third actor’s entrance on the scene occurs not thanks to a cure or a conversion, but because it coincides with Jesus’ call. The election of the apostles is not the privilege of an exclusive position of power and separation but the grace of an inclusive ministry of blessing and fellowship. Thanks to the gift of the Spirit of the Risen Lord, they are to guard the place of Jesus, without replacing him: not to put filters on his presence, but to make it easy to encounter him.





20.Jesus, the crowd in its diversity, the apostles: this is the imagery and the mystery that must be constantly contemplated and explored in depth so that the Church may increasingly become what she is. None of the three actors can leave the scene. If Jesus is absent, and someone else takes his place, the Church then becomes a contract between the apostles and the crowd and whose dialogue will end up following the plot of the political game.

Without the apostles, authorized by Jesus and instructed by the Spirit, the relationship with the evangelical truth is broken, and the crowd, whether it accepts or rejects Jesus, remains exposed to a myth or an ideology about him. Without the crowd, the apostles’ relationship with Jesus becomes corrupted into a sectarian and self-referential form of religion, and evangelization, which emanates from the direct self-revelation that God addresses personally to all, offering His salvation, loses its light.

20. 「イエス」「様々な群衆」「使徒たち」ーこれが、教会が次第に今ある姿になるために常に熟考され深く探求されねばならない「心象と玄義」だ。これらの登場人物のうち、誰一人として退場することはできない。




21.Then, there is the “extra” actor, the antagonist, who brings to the scene the diabolical separation of the other three. Faced with the perturbing prospect of the cross, there are disciples who leave and mood-changing crowds. The insidiousness that divides—and, thus, thwarts a common path—manifests itself indifferently in the forms of religious rigor, of moral injunction that presents itself as more demanding than that of Jesus, and of the seduction of a worldly political wisdom that claims to be more effective than a discernment of spirits.

In order to escape the deceptions of the “fourth actor,” continuous conversion is necessary. Emblematic in this regard is the episode of the centurion Cornelius (cf. Acts10), the antecedent of that “Council” of Jerusalem (cf. Acts 15) which constitutes a crucial reference point for a synodal Church.

21. そして、”特別な役者”が登場するー「イエス」「様々な群衆」「使徒たち」を悪魔的に分離させる、ひどい状況をもたらす敵対者だ。イエスが十字架に掛けられることに動揺し、離れてしまう「使徒たち」や、移り気な「群衆」がいる。人を分裂させ、共通の道を歩むのを妨げる狡猾さが、イエスがなさるよりも苛酷な要求と、霊の識別よりもはるかに効果的だとする世俗的な政治的知恵への誘惑となる、宗教的厳格さと道徳的差し止め命令の形をとり、無関心を装って立ち現れる。

 この”第4の登場人物”の欺瞞から逃れるためには、不断の回心が必要である。この点で象徴的なのは、百人隊長のコルネリウスの話 (使徒言行録10章)であり、 シノドス的教会にとって参照すべき重要なポイントとなるのは、前触れとしての「エルサレム使徒会議」(使徒言行録15章)である。

A Double Dynamic of Conversion:Peter and Cornelius(Act 10)

22.The episode narrates, first of all, the conversion of Cornelius, who even receives a sort of annunciation. Cornelius is a pagan, presumably Roman, a centurion (a low-ranking officer) in the army of occupation, who practices a profession based on violence and abuse. Yet, he is dedicated to prayer and almsgiving, that is, he cultivates a relationship with God and cares for his neighbor.

It is precisely in his home that the angel surprisingly enters, calls him by name, and exhorts him to send—the verb of mission! —his servants to Jaffa to call—the verb of vocation! —Peter. The narrative then becomes that of the conversion of the latter, who, on that same day, received a vision in which a voice ordered him to kill and eat animals, some of which were unclean.

His response is decisive: “By no means, Lord” (Acts10:14). He recognizes that it is the Lord who is speaking to him, but he emphatically refuses, because that order demolishes precepts of the Torah that are inalienable for his religious identity, and which express a way of understanding election as a difference that entails separation and exclusion from other peoples.


22. この挿話は、まず第一にコルネリウスの改宗を物語る。彼は一種のお告げを受ける。彼は、異教徒、おそらくローマ人で、占領軍の百人隊長(下級将校)で、やっていることは暴力や虐待を基本にしたものだったが、熱心に祈りと施しをし、神との関係を築き、隣人を大切にしていた。





23.The apostle remains deeply disturbed and, while he is wondering about the meaning of what has happened, men sent by Cornelius arrive and the Spirit indicates to him that they are his envoys. Peter responds to them with words that recall those of Jesus in the Garden: “I am the one you are looking for” (Acts10:21).

This is a true and proper conversion, the painful and immensely fruitful passage of leaving one’s own cultural and religious categories: Peter accepts to eat with pagans the food he had always considered forbidden, recognizing it as an instrument of life and communion with God and with others. It is in the encounter with people, welcoming them, journeying with them, and entering their homes, that he realizes the meaning of his vision: no human being is unworthy in the eyes of God, and the difference established by election does not imply exclusive preference but service and witnessing of a universal breadth.

23. 使徒が相当に戸惑ったまま、起こったことの意味を考え込んでいるうちに、百人隊長のコルネリウスから派遣された人々が到着し、聖霊は彼らが彼の使者であることを示された。ペトロは、庭でのイエスの御言葉を思い出すような言葉で彼らに応える―「あなたがたが探しているのは、この私です」(使徒言行録10章21節)。


24.Both Cornelius and Peter involve other people in their journey of conversion, making them companions in their journey. The apostolic action accomplishes God’s will by creating community, breaking down barriers, and promoting encounters. The word plays a central role in the encounter between the two protagonists. Cornelius begins by sharing his experience. Peter listens to him and then speaks, reporting in turn what has happened to him and testifying to the closeness of the Lord, who goes out to meet people individually to free them from what makes them prisoners of evil and mortifies humanity (cf. Acts10:38).

This form of communicating is similar to the one Peter will adopt in Jerusalem when the circumcised believers criticize him, accusing him of having broken the traditional norms, on which all their attention seems to be focused, while disregarding the outpouring of the Spirit: “You entered the house of uncircumcised men and ate with them!” (Acts 11:3). At that moment of conflict, Peter reports what happened to him and his reactions of bewilderment, incomprehension, and resistance. Precisely this will help his interlocutors, initially aggressive and refractory, to listen and accept what has happened. Scripture will help to interpret the meaning, just as it also will at the “Council” of Jerusalem, in a process of discernment that consists of listening together to the Spirit.






第4章「Synodality in Action:Pathways for Consulting the People of God(シノダリティ=共働性=の実践ー神の民に”相談”するプロセス)」

25.Enlightened by the Word and grounded in Tradition, the synodal path is rooted in the concrete life of the People of God. In fact, it presents a peculiarity that is also an extraordinary resource: its object—synodality—is also its method. In other words, it constitutes a sort of construction site or pilot experience that makes it possible to immediately begin reaping the fruits of the dynamic that progressive synodal conversion introduces into the Christian community.

On the other hand, it can only refer to the experiences of synodality lived, at different levels and with different degrees of intensity: valuable elements for discernment on the direction in which to continue to move are offered by their strengths and achievements, and also by their limitations and difficulties. Of course, here, reference is made to the experiences activated by the present synodal journey, but also to all those in which forms of “journeying together” are already being experienced in ordinary life, even if the term synodality is not known or used.

25. 御言葉に啓発され、伝統に根ざしたシノドスの道は、神の民の具体的な生活に根ざしています。実際、これは、その目的であるシノダリティがまたその方法でもあるという、類い稀な資質でもある特異性を示しています。言い換えれば、それは、ある種の建設現場または試験的な体験のような構成であり、進行性あるシノドスの変化がキリスト教共同体にもたらす、行動的な成果をすぐに収穫し始めることを可能にする。


The Fundamental Question

26. The fundamental question that guides this consultation of the People of God, as mentioned at the beginning, is the following:A synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, “journeys together”: How is this “journeying together” happening today in your particular Church? What steps does the Spirit invite us to take in order to grow in our “journeying together”?

In order to respond, you are invited to:

a) ask yourselves what experiences in your particular Church the fundamental question calls to mind;

b) reread these experiences in greater depth: What joys did they provoke? What difficulties and obstacles have they encountered? What wounds have they brought to light? What insights have they elicited?

c) gather the fruits to share: Where, in these experiences, does the voice of the Spirit resound? What is he asking of us? What are the points to be confirmed, the prospects for change, the steps to be taken? Where do we register a consensus? What paths are opening up for our particular Church?


26.  冒頭で述べたように、この「神の民に助言を求める」ことを導く基本的な問いかけは、次のようなものだー  福音を告げるシノドスの教会は、「共に旅をします」。この「共に旅をする」ことは、今日、あなた方の教会では、どのように行われているだろうか。私たちが「共に旅をする」ことで成長するために、聖霊はどのような歩みをするように私たちを招いてくださるのだろうか。




c)成果を分かち合おう。これらの経験の中で、聖霊の御声はどこで響かれているか?聖霊は私たちに何を求められているのか? 確認すべき点、変化の見通し、歩むべき道は何か? 私たちがどこで意見の一致を認めるべきか。私たちの特定の教会にはどのような道が開かれているのか?


Different Articulations of Synodality

27. In the prayer, reflection, and sharing prompted by the fundamental question, it is opportune tokeep in mind three levels on which synodality is articulated as a “constitutive dimension of the

• the level of the style with which the Church ordinarily lives and works, which expresses its nature as the People of God that journeys together and gathers in assembly summoned by the Lord
Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit to proclaim the Gospel. This style is realized through “the community listening to the Word and celebrating the Eucharist, the brotherhood of communion and the co-responsibility and participation of the whole People of God in its life and mission, on all levels and distinguishing between various ministries and roles;”[21]

• the level of ecclesial structures and processes, determined also from the theological and canonical point of view, in which the synodal nature of the Church is expressed in an institutional
way at the local, regional, and universal levels;

• the level of synodal processes and events in which the Church is convoked by the competent authority, according to specific procedures determined by the ecclesiastical discipline.

Although distinct from a logical point of view, these three levels refer one to the other and must be held together in a coherent way, otherwise a counter-testimony is transmitted, and the Church’s credibility is undermined. In fact, if it is not embodied in structures and processes, the style of synodality easily degrades from the level of intentions and desires to that of rhetoric, while processes and events, if they are not animated by an adequate style, turn out to be empty formalities.



27.  その根本的な問いかけによって促される祈り、熟考、分かち合いにおいて、シノダリティが 「教会の構成的次元」として明確に表現されている3つのレベルを念頭に置くことが適切だろう[20]。

・主イエスに召され、聖霊の力をもって共に旅をし、集会に集まり、福音を宣べ伝える神の民としての教会の本性を表現する、教会が普段からの生き方と活動する様式のレベル。この様式は、「あらゆる階層において、御言葉に耳を傾け、御聖体、交わりの同胞愛、そのいのちと使命における神の民全体の共同責任と参加を祝い、様々な務めと役割を区別する共同体」[21] によって実現される。



28. Furthermore, in re-reading experiences, it is necessary to keep in mind that “journeying together” can be understood from two different perspectives, which are strongly interconnected. The
first perspective looks at the internal life of the particular Churches, at the relationships between their constituent parts (first and foremost between the Faithful and their Pastors, also through the participatory bodies envisaged by the canonical discipline, including the diocesan synod) and the communities into which they are divided (especially parishes).

It then considers the relationships between the Bishops and with the Bishop of Rome, also through the intermediate bodies of synodality (Synods of Bishops of the Patriarchal and Major Archdiocesan Churches, Councils of Hierarchs and Assemblies of Hierarchs of the Churches sui iuris, and Episcopal Conferences, with their national, international, and continental expressions).

It then extends to the ways in which each particular Church integrates within itself the contribution of the various forms of monastic, religious, and consecrated life, of lay associations and
movements, of ecclesial and ecclesiastical institutions of various kinds (schools, hospitals, universities, foundations, charitable and assistance organizations, etc.). Finally, this perspective
also embraces relationships and common initiatives with the brothers and sisters of other Christian denominations, with whom we share the gift of the same Baptism.

28. さらに、経験を振り返ってみる際には、「共に旅をする」ことは、相互に強く結びついている2つの異なる視点から理解できることを念頭に置く必要がある。第一の視点は、教区の教会の内部生活を、教会を構成する各部分(何よりもまず信徒と彼らの司牧者たちの間、また教区のシノドスを含む教会法の規律によって構想されている参加体を通じて)と、教会が分割されている共同体(特に小教区)との関係を見ることだ。



29. The second perspective considers how the People of God journeys together with the entire human family. Thus, our gaze will focus on the state of relations, dialogue, and possible common
initiatives with believers of other religions, with people who are distant from the faith, as well as with specific social environments and groups, with their institutions (the world of politics, culture,
economics, finance, labor, trade unions, and business associations, non-governmental and civil society organizations, popular movements, minorities of various kinds, the poor and the excluded,

29. 第二の視点は、神の民がどのようにして全人類という家族と共に旅をするかを考えることだ。このように、私たちの視線は、他の宗教の信者、信仰から離れた人々、特定の社会環境や集団、それらの機関(政治、文化、経済、金融、労働、労働組合、企業団体、民間組織、市民社会組織、大衆活動、様々な少数派、貧困層や疎外された人々など)との関係、対話、共通の取り組みの可能性の状況に焦点を当てる。


Ten Thematic Nuclei to be Explored

30.In order to help highlight the experiences and contribute in a richer way to the consultation, we indicate below ten thematic nuclei that articulate different facets of “lived synodality.” They should be adapted to the different local contexts and, from time to time, integrated, explained, simplified, and deepened, with particular attention paid to those who have more difficulty in participating and responding: the Handbookthat accompanies this Preparatory Document offers tools, itineraries, and suggestions so that the different groups of questions can concretely inspire moments of prayer, formation, reflection, and exchange.


 In the Church and in society, we are side by side on the same road. In your local Church, who are the ones “journeying together”? When we say: “our Church,” who is part of it? Who is asking us to journey together? Who are the road companions, including those outside the ecclesial perimeter? What persons or groups are left on the margins, expressly or in fact?


 Listening is the first step, but it requires having an open mind and heart, without prejudices. To whom does our particular Church “need to listen to”? How are the Laity, especially young people and women, listened to? How do we integrate the contribution of Consecrated Men and Women? What space is there for the voice of minorities, the discarded, and the excluded? Do we identify prejudices and stereotypes that hinder our listening? How do we listen to the social and cultural context in which we live?


 All are invited to speak with courage and parrhesia, that is, integrating freedom, truth, and charity. How do we promote a free and authentic style of communication within the community and its organizations, without duplicity and opportunism? And in relation to the society of which we are a part? When and how do we manage to say what is important to us? How does the relationship with the media system (not only Catholic media) work? Who speaks on behalf of the Christian community, and how are they chosen?


 “Journeying together” is only possible if it is based on communal listening to the Word and the celebration of the Eucharist. How do prayer and liturgical celebration inspire and direct our “journeying together”? How do they inspire the most important decisions? How do we promote the active participation of all the Faithful in the liturgy and the exercise of the sanctifying function? What space is given to the exercise of the ministries of the reader and acolyte?


 Synodality is at the service of the Church’s mission, in which all her members are called to participate. Since we are all missionary disciples, how is each Baptized person called to be a protagonist in the mission? How does the community support its members committed to service in society (social and political commitment, in scientific research and teaching, in the promotion of social justice, in the protection of human rights, and in caring for the Common home, etc.)? How do you help them to live out these commitments in a logic of mission? How is discernment about mission-related choices made, and who participates in it? How are the different traditions that constitute the patrimony of many Churches, especially the Oriental ones, integrated and adapted, with respect to the synodal style, in view of an effective Christian witness? How does collaboration work in territories where different sui iuris Churches are present?


 Dialogue is a path of perseverance that also includes silences and sufferings, but which is capable of gathering the experience of persons and peoples. What are the places and modes of dialogue within our particular Church? How are divergences of vision, the conflicts, the difficulties addressed? How do we promote collaboration with neighboring Dioceses, with and among religious communities in the area, with and among lay associations and movements, etc.? What experiences of dialogue and shared commitment do we have with believers of other religions and with non-believers? How does the Church dialogue with and learn from other sectors of society: the world of politics, economics, culture, civil society, the poor…?


 The dialogue between Christians of different confessions, united by one Baptism, has a special place in the synodal journey. What relations do we have with the brothers and sisters of other Christian denominations? What areas do they concern? What fruits have we drawn from this “journeying together”? What are the difficulties?


 A synodal Church is a participatory and co-responsible Church. How do we identify the goals to be pursued, the way to achieve them, and the steps to be taken? How is authority exercised within our particular Church? What are the practices of teamwork and co-responsibility? How are lay ministries and the assumption of responsibility by the Faithful promoted? How do synodal bodies function at the level of the particular Church? Are they a fruitful experience?


 In a synodal style, decisions are made through discernment, based on a consensus that flows from the common obedience to the Spirit. By what procedures and methods do we discern together and make decisions? How can they be improved? How do we promote participation in decision-making within hierarchically structured communities? How do we articulate the consultative phase with the deliberative one, the process of decision-making with the moment of decision-taking? How and with what tools do we promote transparency and accountability?


 The spirituality of journeying together is called to become an educational principle for the formation of the human person and of the Christian, of the families, and of the communities. How do we form people, especially those who hold roles of responsibility within the Christian community, to make them more capable of “journeying together,” listening to one another and engaging in dialogue? What formation do we offer for discernment and the exercise of authority? What tools help us to read the dynamics of the culture in which we are immersed and their impact on our style of Church




30.経験を活かし、”相談”に、より豊かな方法で貢献するのを助けるために、「生きたシノダリティ」のさまざまな側面を明確に表現する、”旅”の核を以下に示す。 これらをもとに、さまざまな地域の状況に合わせて調整し、必要に応じて取りまとめ、説明し、簡素化、あるいは深化すること、また、参加と対応が困難な人に注意を払う必要がある。この準備文書に付属するハンドブックには、ツールや”旅程”、いくつかの提案が記載されており、さまざまな質問群が、祈り、意見形成、熟考、交換の動きを具体的に刺激する助けとなる。

The Journeying Companions(旅の仲間たち):教会と社会において、私たちは同じ道に並んでいる。 あなたの教会で「共に旅をしている」のは誰か? 「私たちの教会」を構成しているのは誰か? 誰が、共に旅することを私たちに求めているのか? 教会の外にいる人を含め、道を歩む仲間は誰か? 明示的に、あるいは実際に、どのような人あるいはグループが、歩みから取り残されているのか?

Listening(耳を傾ける):耳を傾けることは最初のステップ。偏見を捨て、心を開く必要がある。 私たちの教会は、誰に「耳を傾ける必要がある」のか? 一般の信徒、特に若者や女性はどのように耳を傾けられているのか? 教会に身を捧げる男女の貢献をどのように取り入れるのか? 少数派と見なされ、捨てられ、排除された人々の声を聴く、どのような場があるか? 聴くことを妨げる偏見や固定観念にはどのようなものがあるか? 私たちが生活している社会的、文化的な状況にどのように耳を傾けているか?

Speaking Out(勇気を持って語る):すべての人が勇気とparrhesiaを持って語るーつまり自由に、真実を、慈しみをもって語る慈善を統合して語るように勧められている。二枚舌や日和見主義的でなく、共同体社会とその組織内で自由で本物の意思疎通を図る形を促進するにはどうすればよいのか? そして、私たちが参加している社会との関係で、 いつ、どのように私たちにとって重要なことを言うことができるのか? メディア(カトリックメディアだけでなく)との関係はどのように働いているか? キリスト教共同体を代表して誰が話しているのか?そして彼らはどのようにして選ばれているのか?

Celebrating(祝福する):「共に旅する」ことは、皆で共に御言葉を聴き、聖体を祝うことに基づく場合にのみ可能だ。 祈りと典礼は、どのように私たちの「共なる旅」を力づけ、導くのか? どのようにして最も重要な決定を力づけるのか? 典礼と聖別にすべての信徒が与るようにするには、どのようにしたらいいのか? (注:ミサ典礼における)朗読者と侍者の役割にはどのような場が与えられているのか?

Co-responsible in the Mission(使命を果たすことへの共同の責任):シノダリティは、教会の使命への奉仕において、教会のすべてのメンバーが参加するよう求めている。 私たちが皆、宣教する(注:イエスの)弟子であるゆえに、洗礼を受けたそれぞれが、どうして宣教の主役と呼ばれるのか?教会共同体は、社会における奉仕(社会的および政治的活動、科学的研究と教育、社会正義の促進、人権の保護、”共通の家”へのいたわり、など)に取り組む仲間をどのように支援しているのか? 彼らが使命を果たすために、これらに取り組むのをどのように助けるのか? 宣教の使命に関連する選択の際、識別はどのように働き、誰がそれに加わるのか? 多くの教会、特に東洋の教会の”遺産”を構成するさまざまな伝統は、キリストの教えを効果的に証しする観点から、シノドスの様式にどのように取り込まれ、適合されているのか?さまざまなsui iuris(行為能力者)である教会が存在する領域で、協力はいかになされるのか?

Dialogue in Church and Society(教会の中、そして社会の中での対話):対話は、沈黙と苦痛を伴う忍耐の道だが、個々の人と人々の経験を集めることができる。 私たちの小教区、司教区での対話の場と仕方は何か? 見解の相違、対立、困難にどのように対処しているか? 近隣の教区との協力、地域の信仰共同体との協力、信徒の団体や運動との協力をどのように促進するのか。 他宗教の信徒や宗派に属していない人たちとの対話と共同の取り組みについてどのような経験があるか? 教会は、政治、経済、文化、市民社会、貧しい人たちなど、教会外の分野、人たちとどのように対話し、そこから学ぶのか?

With the Other Christian Denominations(キリスト教の他宗派との関係):一つの洗礼によって結ばれ、異なる信仰告白のキリスト教徒の間の対話は、シノドスの旅の中で特別な場所を持っている。 キリスト教の他宗派の兄弟姉妹と、どのような関係をもっているのか? 彼らはどの分野に関心があるのか? 「共に旅する」ことで、私たちはどのような実を結んだろうか? 何が困難なのか?

Authority and Participation(権威と参加): シノドス的教会は、参加型の、共同責任をもつ教会だ。 追求すべき目標、達成する方法、そして取るべき手順をどのように定めているのか? 小教区、司教区で、権威はどのように行使されているのか? チームワークと共同責任の実践はどのようなものか? 一般信徒の役割と責任はどのように強められているのか?  シノドスの主体は教区レベルでどのように機能しているのか?多くの実りを経験しているか?

Discerning and Deciding(識別し、決定する):シノドスの様式では、決定は、聖霊に対する一致した従順から生まれる総意に基き、識別を通して行われる。私たちは(注:小教区、司教区で)どのような手順と方法で共に識別し、決定を下すのか?どのようにすれば改善されるのか?階層的に構造化された共同体における意思決定への参加をどのように促進するのか?consultative(相談)の段階とdeliberative(決定のための協議)の段階ーつまり、process of decision-making (決定に至る一連の行為)と、 moment of decision-taking(決定を下す時期)を、どのようにつなげるのか?どのようにして、どのような手段をもって、透明性と説明責任を促進するのか?

Forming Ourselves in Synodality(シノダリティの中で私たち自身を形成する): 共に旅する霊性は、人間、キリスト教徒、家族、そして諸共同体の形成のための教育原理となるよう求められている。私たちはどのように人々、特にキリスト教共同体で責任ある役割を担う人々を形成し、彼らが「共に旅をし」、お互いに耳を傾け、対話できるようにするのか?識別と権威の行使のためにどのような形成を提案できるのか?私たちが没頭させられている文化の大きな動きと、それが私たちの教会のあり方に与える影響を読み取るのに役立つ手立ては何か?


To Contribute to the Consultation

31.The purpose of the first phase of the synodal journey is to foster a broad consultation process in order to gather the wealth of the experiences of lived synodality, in its different articulations and facets, involving the Pastors and the Faithful of the particular Churches at all the different levels, through the most appropriate means according to the specific local realities:the consultation, coordinated by the Bishop, is addressed “to the Priests, Deacons and lay Faithful of their Churches, both individually and in associations, without overlooking the valuable contribution that consecrated men and women can offer” (EC, no. 7).

The contribution of the participatory bodies of the particular Churches is specifically requested, especially that of the Presbyteral Council and the Pastoral Council, from which “a synodal Church [can truly] begin to take shape”.[22] Equally valuable will be the contribution of other ecclesial entities to which the Preparatory Document will be sent, as well as that of those who wish to send their own contribution directly.

Finally, it will be of fundamental importance that the voice of the poor and excluded also find a place, not only that of those who have some role or responsibility within the particular Churches.

32.The synthesis that each particular Church will elaborate at the end of this work of listening and discernment will constitute its contribution to the journey of the universal Church. To make the subsequent phases of the journey easier and more sustainable, it is important to condense the fruits of prayer and reflection into a maximum of ten pages. If necessary to contextualize and explain them better, other texts can be attached to support or integrate them.

We recall that the purpose of the Synod, and therefore of this consultation, is not to produce documents, but “to plant dreams, draw forth prophecies and visions, allow hope to flourish, inspire trust, bind up wounds, weave together relationships, awaken a dawn of hope, learn from one another and create a bright resourcefulness that will enlighten minds, warm hearts, give strength to our hands.”[23]


31.シノドスの旅の第一段階の目的は、個々の地域の現状に対応する最も適切な仕方を通して、異なる全てのレベルで(小教区から司教区に至る)それぞれの教会の司牧者と信徒を巻き込む、様々な意見と様相の中で、生きたシノダリティ(共働性)の経験の豊かさを集合するために、幅広い”相談”のプロセスを進めることにあるー”相談”は司教によってコーディネートされ、「それぞれの教会の司祭たち、助祭たち、そして一般信徒たちに対して、個別に、集まりで、神に身を捧げた男女が提供できる価値ある貢献を見落とすことなく、なされる(EC, no. 7)」。

 それぞれの教会の参加団体の貢献が特に求められる。中でも Presbyteral Council と Pastoral Councilの貢献は必要であり、それによって、「真のシノドスが形成を始める」こととなる。同様に価値のあるのは、他の教会の活動体の貢献であり、準備文書は、貢献を希望する活動体も含めて送付されている。


32.この”聞き取り”と”識別”の作業をもとにした、それぞれの教会によるとりまとめは、”journey of the universal Church(世界の教会全体の旅)”に向けた貢献となる。旅の第二段階をより容易で、持続可能なものとするために、祈りと熟考の成果を最大10ページにまとめることが重要だ。より適切に文脈化して説明する必要がある場合は、本文を補完する資料を添付することができる。



