
New institute hopes to build women leaders for the Church

  (Cred it: Photo courtesy to Crux.)

(2018.9.12 Crux 

 発足したのは「The GIVEN Institute」で、2016年に開かれた会議をもとに準備が進められてきたもので、彼女たちが受けている賜物を見出し、神が導こうとしている生き方を手に入れることができるように、女性のリーダーの育成、信仰の形成、そして助言・指導していくのが狙い。





In a press release, Donovan said “GIVEN was conceived in the hearts of women religious and remains a significant response on the part of the Church to encourage, inspire, and mentor young women at a crucial moment in their lives. We want each of them to know they are loved, noticed, and necessary.”

Italiano, who is the former executive director of communications at the Catholic University of America, told Crux that she’s well aware that she faces an uphill battle by debuting a Catholic initiative at a time in which the Church is under fire from within and outside of the institution as it seeks to regain credibility over its handling of sex abuse.

Across the globe, the “#MeToo” movement has served as a force for women’s empowerment, and its effects have been felt inside the Church forcing an ongoing reckoning within Church leadership and calls for greater involvement of the laity.

For Italiano, that’s all the more reason why women are needed to help the Church right its way.

“In times like these it’s important to highlight where the Church is thriving and its credibility is strongest. One quick glance at the roster of women who spoke at the inaugural GIVEN Forum would be a place to start,” said Italiano.

 “The Sisters of Life are expanding their presence across the country to serve pregnant women in need of help. Sister Norma Pimentel is on the front lines ministering to migrants at the border. And many of the lay women leaders work directly alongside of bishops and clergy and will contribute to the Church’s reform,” she continued.

While multiple studies have revealed that millennial women are disaffiliating from the Church in record numbers, GIVEN believes it can be part of the solution through building stronger ties that highlight women’s particular gifts in ministry, family life, and the professional realm.

Italiano added that she believes the institute is a direct response to Francis’s call for “an incisive feminine presence” at all levels of the Church’s ministry, though she said she’s eager to move beyond doctrinal debates about women’s leadership and focus on immediate solutions.

“I think that the Church gets stuck in the mud when it comes to discussing how to better integrate women’s gifts. The conversation is almost exclusively framed in terms of ordination, and then the response is almost always framed in terms that demarcate what can or cannot be done. But there is so much more to discuss and do,” she insisted.

“There are so many faithful, skilled women contributing to the life and mission of the Church already,” she continued. “GIVEN will pull back the curtain and showcase those contributions more widely.”


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