
(2018.11.19 Crux Rome Bureau Chief  Inés San Martín




 スペインの日刊紙El Diario Norteによると、被害者家族は、これまで何年間も被害の訴えが教会などから無視されていたが、裁判所で有罪判決が出たことに「とても満足している」と語った。



After a personal crisis in May, the victim said he was being threatened by his former schoolmates, and he began to verbalize the sexual abuses.

The parents had a meeting at the school where they brought up the allegations against the former students, two of whom have been found guilty by a family court of threatening their former classmate.

Gayarrola was then tasked with investigating the abuse allegations, including accusations that the former tutor had shown the victim pictures of half-naked women with sexual intent. Yet according to the now-headmaster, evidence of those images could not be found on Martínez’s computer. Furthermore, the school had a filter to avoid access to pornographic material.

Yet according to the defendant’s lawyer, Martínez had searched for images of Emma Watson, one of the actresses of Harry Potter, “naked” and even “raped.” There’s also a picture in the computer that is titled “emmawatsonnaked.” She was one of the women the victim claimed the professor had shown him.

In a statement made after the ruling, the Opus Dei school said that they are “committed” to responding to “any circumstance of abuse or harassment that a minor might suffer,” and “determined” to fight this “very grave crime.”

However, they added they’re “very affected” by the sentence, because, the statement says, on several opportunities the case had been internally investigated and found inconsistent.

With no words of support to the former student, the school does say that the sentence can still be appealed and that it’s not “definitive.”

When the case became public in 2012, the school responded with a statement saying that they were “especially hurt by the treatment of the former professor, since the published account of the facts is constructed through a unilateral version of the facts.”

The professor, who at the time was in Australia, had made no statement to the media. The school also said at that time that they had testimony of professors and students which contradicted the alleged facts.

The prosecutor demanded three years in prison, and during the trial even questioned the most serious accusations made by the victim, which included penetration. The prosecutor even suggested an “alternative” sentence of 20 months in prison.

Yet all the medical experts who treated the victim supported his testimony, and underlined that if at the beginning he hadn’t shared all the abuse it was due to fear and because it’s normal that in these cases “reality becomes more evident with time.”


・・Cruxは、カトリック専門のニュース、分析、評論を網羅する米国のインターネット・メディアです。 2014年9月に米国の主要日刊紙の一つである「ボストン・グローブ」 (欧米を中心にした聖職者による幼児性的虐待事件摘発のきっかけとなった世界的なスクープで有名。映画化され、日本でも昨年、全国上映された)の報道活動の一環として創刊されました。現在は、米国に本拠を置くカトリック団体とパートナーシップを組み、多くのカトリック関係団体、機関、個人の支援を受けて、バチカンを含め,どこからも干渉を受けない、独立系カトリック・メディアとして世界的に高い評価を受けています。「カトリック・あい」は、カトリック専門の非営利メディアとして、Cruxが発信するニュース、分析、評論の日本語への翻訳、転載について了解を得て、掲載します。
