
(2018.11.16 Crux Faith and Culture Correspondent Claire Giangravè











The guidelines, which Bassetti described as “exhaustive and complete,” usher in a new chapter in Italy’s handling of sexual abuse, not just with the creation of the center, but also in terms of formation of laity and clergy as well as bishop accountability. The latter has been a significant stumbling block for the Italian Church.

“In Italy this issue is not found on the front pages, judging by the attention that it garners in public opinion and perception,” said German Father Hans Zollner, President of the Center for Child Protection (CCP) during a conference at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome Oct. 15.

 “We hope that the Italian Church on this issue may propose something that goes beyond legal issues,” he added.

Zollner and the CCP counseled the Italian bishops on how to address the question of clerical sexual abuse.

Referring to the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, led by U.S. Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston, Bassetti said that the work done so far by the Italian bishops has been “praised.”

“The Vatican verified that we are moving along the right line,” he said, insisting that actions must be taken with “competence, science and conscience.”

Among the drafters of the new guidelines is Italian Father Fortunato Di Noto, a globally renowned figure in the fight against pedophilia, who told Crux “to have much faith” in the national centers that will be set up in every diocese and region.

“It’s a difficult job, for the victims, [because] prevention and formation can’t simply be delegated to the center at the Gregorian,” Di Noto said Nov. 15. “It’s necessary to have formation not only for leaders but also for the people.”

Di Noto is the founder of a non-profit organization, Meter, which has been instrumental in raising awareness and combating sexual abuse globally. Just last week, Meter provided 170 priests and 500 catechism instructors with formation on how to recognize and handle sexual abuse cases.

The new guidelines represent “a journey that must be made with determination, clarity and strong operational transparency,” Di Noto said.

 Meter claimed to be “excited and particularly satisfied” about the creation of the new center. It was 2002 when Di Noto created the first diocesan service for the protection of minors in Italy, and the fact that CEI is furthering that project “is a sign that we are moving, working,” he said.


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